Contact Toyota Customer Service and be sure to let them know that the dealer is trying to charge you. Toyota Help
While I have the GenII this is one of those "safety" features that makes no sense and actually seems detrimental to safety. I find it annoying and actually distracting since the sound is inside. I wouldn't mind the beeping being external (where you don't hear it ironically) to warn others that I'm backing, but I don't see it serving any useful purpose inside the car. What do we do when we want to concentrate on a task and execute it carefully? We shut off extraneous stimuli like radios, ringers, and beeping devices. If we want to make someone muff something they are concentrating on we start making noises like this. So I find the description of this as a safety feature highly suspect. I would wager that the beep causes more backing accidents than it prevents, which is why I disabled ours. By comparison I'm not bothered by the seat belt beep as that provides some useful information--plus it goes away after awhile as when you have something rather than somebody sitting in the passenger seat.
Rick! That was a stellar find. I have been sorta playing with the screens trying to find the sneak around menus. How'd ya find that one?
People had documented the finger dance back in Gen I. It was slightly modified (and described here) for Gen II to get to a second sub menu (different corners after initial entry) where I found volume settings. I figured being the same manufacturer (Denso), the trick still applied. Note - the settings found within the NAV hidden screen apply to the head unit and display and it's related functions (bluetooth phone, display languages, etc.) only and do not have any affect on any other part of the car.
I tried and it works. Had to press different areas of the screen to get it to come up. The volumes are all you can adjust. It does have multiple menus for displaying sensor data and testing switches that could be interesting to play with, especially if you do not have a scanner. There is no prompt to exit the thing. I had to go back to the video. Holding down the display key gets you back out of it.
So wait, are you saying that I can turn the reverse beep off (or atleast lower the volume) through this secret submenu?
Absolutely not. This menu is only specific to functions that the NAV unit provides - radio, bluetooth, navigation. Nothing else.
The 2007 TCH had a "finger dance" to help you override the NAV lockout. I had the dealer change my reverse beep to "single" as a predelivery item
I got the same runaround when I called yesterday about the reverse beep as well as the seat belt reminder. Liability issue, blah blah blah... When I picked up my car today (SBM IV), my salesman had the reverse beep set to one ping only, and disabled the seat belt reminders (but asked me not to let his boss know, wink wink nudge nudge).
Hello Gang, This is my first official post here! I had a similar experience with the dealer I purchased from...however another one ten miles away made these changes (single reverse beep and silenced seat belts…btw at no charge) for me in less than five minutes using a ruggedized laptop which the tech let me play around with. The GenIII modification screens I remember seeing were: Customization --> Warnings --> Reverse and Driver/Passenger Seat Belts. Things are much more peaceful now...I started to develop a bit of anxiety with the constant reverse beeps!!! Ed
If you google for Power on the car to IG-ON or READY you'll find instructions for disabling the reverse beep. I'd give a link but need to post 5 times first. Sigh. Does this work on 2010 models?
For about the bazillionth time across multiple threads - No. The dealer must change the reverse beeps as described starting on page 587 of the manual.
I had my reverse beep reduced to one today. Oh, how nice that is!! Had the seatbelt warning turned off and my key fob now opens all doors with one push. :yo:
When I called my service department they wanted $130. I ended up talking with the head sales guy, who sold me the car, and now I have an appointment to have beep reduced to one, get rid of automatic door locking, key fob opens all doors one beep. When I told him the manual was incorrect on how to change the automatic door locking feature I was told, on his call back, that three different techs spent 45 minutes trying to do it by the manual and couldn't! Hah! I didn't tell him about the fix I read about here as I couldn't get that to work for me. The sales guy told me the reason for the continuous beeps in reverse is because the battery is not charging when in reverse and Toyota told them this. How many people are going to drive their car in reverse until the battery is fully discharged.
Soon you won't be able to even change your own oil. Only the dealer/stealer will have access to the drain plug etc.
Have you read about the chore it will be to change the oil on the 2010. I'm glad my dealer includes free oil changes. I'm not sure if they realized the type of oil needed when they told me this. It was the same with my 2006 - free oil changes.
Hay Toyota, one beep in reverse is sufficient! You don't need to hit us over the head with backup beeps. With one beep, we know we are in reverse.
BS on the battery charging in reverse - the ICE can turn on to assist. Also if you're at 2 bars and the ECU determines the battery needs charging, it will do so even in reverse. Beeping, combined w/ the flashing ring around the "R" in the "gear" mode selection, are both present to remind the driver that, even w/ the engine off, the car could still move backward (unexpectedly). This is appropriate for those not used to the car, but for those accustomed to the Prius, probably overkill.