i pre-ordered in april with one dealer - and never got a definitive date - that dealers first several allotments of 37 cars didn't include even one solar, much less enough to trickle down to my 22nd spot in the pre-order order. i got lucky - 3 weeks ago on a saturday night about 5:30 i was killing time waiting for the babysitter to arive and i saw a dealer in easton md (PC's own stefcat) post on PC that she had a solar IV. i saw the post right after she made it. i posted was it blzrd pearl and she said yes so i called her. she "had" it in the sense it was allotted to her and she had a ship name. so i snapped it up. That was 6 june and it arrived in newark 12 jun and then took two weeks to get to easton maryland. it arrived about noon and i took a bus the 110 miles and she picked me up. That was last night. so i got very lucky - i think in high demand areas it might take a while for toyota to "catch up" to the solar demand. I suggest expanding the search to dealers within a range you could travel to. when i called to cancel the pre-order at the big city, big demand dealer he doubted i actually had the car lined up and would only tell me "late July" which i took to mean late August. Good luck.
Picked up my 2010 Prius IV with solar roof (black w/ misty grey interior) yesterday. It is a really good looking car and it has been a blast to drive so far. Decided to go out-of-region since the Chicago region made so few Prius IV with solar roof for this production cycle. Went to the Kansas City region since I needed to get a car quick, was dead set on a IV with sunroof and they actually had 1 available. If you are in the Chicago area, want a IV with sun roof and are willing to travel, I would reach out to some of the dealerships in the KC region because a couple dealerships I talked to have unsold IV with sunroof coming in the next couple weeks. Thanks to this forum as everyone has been a huge help for me during the process. As a 1st time prius owner it has been extremely helpful using this forum during the process!
Overseas Joyce, hoping to get a call tomorrow, but won't be too disappointed if not. Just hope to have it before the Holiday Weekend.
We have had our Barcelona Red III with Nav for one week. I have not found one thing not to love about the car. Toytoa has given us a lot of car for the money! We have figured out how to divide the Nav screen in half and get the moving arrow to turn on the right side. We are most pleased with the Nav. It just takes a bit of time to dial it in they way you want it. 3D is the only thing lacking. I have almost decided, since the car is designed to run best on 15 inch wheels, to just get the rims I want now rather than wait. I was going to address the wheels when the tires wore out. We love the car!
Ordered mine last week (Prius IV with sunroof). They say 2 - 3 weeks. Think that was a story? Can't wait. I keep stealing my husband's 2008 - love that car.
Absolutely! I am completely satisfied and enjoying every mile I drive, sipping an average of 51 mpg in the first 200 miles. Headed back to the dealer Wednesday for body side molding and will post pictures soon thereafter. Classic silver looks better than I imagined from pictures and the misty gray interior is very pleasing to the eye. I am very pleased to be part of the Prius community.
dealership? i understand if you don't care to share yet, but i am curious, as the several VA dealerships i was working with had no idea when they might ever see a solar pri. have they given you an inventory report yet? and what color? congrats early.
Got mine yesterday. Here's the thread where I showed pictures of the Prius V in Blizzard Pearl http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii.../64956-prius-v-_-blizzard-pearl-pictures.html
ME!!! I heard yesterday that the vehicles hadn't been offloaded from the ship due to customs. I kinda figured that I would be waiting till next week. I get to work around 1pm and find out that my car is finished! Drove it around tonight for about 40 miles with the family and have a tinting appointment tomorrow. Even though I work at a dealership, the wait was tough. I can now empathize with my customers and will be much more understanding when it comes to a back order. Very stoked and can't wait to see how many mpg's I can get. The gas here is over $3.20 for 87 octane. Up 10 cents in 10 days...
Enjoy it while you can! Here (Portugal) 98 RON gasoline is at Eur 1.324 per litre. That's 1.88 USD per 0.26 US gallon, or $7.13 per gallon. Just a gentle reminder of how lucky you are there.
Today I picked up my Blue Ribbon Metallic Prius V with ATP. The sales woman said this was the first Prius V with ATP that they had seen, and didn't know anything about the new features. She asked me to come back sometime soon, after I learned about the car, and demonstrate the features to her. On the drive home (around 10 miles) I realized that reading about the new features, like the DRCC and LKA, and actually seeing them in operation were two completely different things. This car will take some getting used to. For example, my wife asked me why the car was beeping. I think it was some kind of warning from the LKA feature - perhaps warning me that it lost track of the lane markings. I really need to read the owner's manual to understand all of the new features. I never had a navigation system built into a car berfore, so even the signals from the navigation system are new to me. It is certainly different from my Garmin GPS. Now that the wait is over, it looks like the fun is just beginning!
Congrats! yeah, probably the LKA losing track of the lane markers. One of the reasons I'm less than enthusiastic about LKA.