Which do you think is better considering weight vs warranty vs portability. We wonder which is best to get....a portable lighter weight carrier like made by Yakima or Thule or Swagman.....or to installl a Curt trailer hitch and then get a serious steel heavy duty bike carrier which has the 1 1/4" insert into hitch hole. We found out the Curt hitch weighs about 35lbs and a steel carrier with two arms weighs about 22 lbs. Our bikes weigh about 30 lbs each and not sure how much a Yakima strap-on carrier weighs. So what experience do any of you have with either. I guess the warranty is OK with installing a hitch into the holes that are already in the frame, otherwise, why would they be there....I read the Curt installation instructions in pdf file. Appreciate it gang, Jim
I use a Yakima Roof Rack that I just bought for the Prius and it works great. I put it on only when I need it on the weekend and then I take it off the rest of the week. It's pretty easy to do and it cost me around $400 with tax for the two bike carrier with 2 front wheel holders.
I was also wondering if anyone has a trunk lid car rack, what do you attach the bottom staps to? I looked and felt under the rear bumper and top edge of the aluminum looking frame channel does not much for a strap buckle to grip to. Jim
I have the Coastal Tech 1 1/4" hitch and a Hollywood 2 bike rack. I have traveled thousands of miles around the country with 2 bikes on this setup with no problems.
I have a Thule trunk mount portable bike carrier, the kind with nylon straps. I got the one that holds 2 bikes instead of 3. Felt that three bikes might be a little too much rear end weight for a portable bike carrier. I really like it, simple, sturdy and easy to attach/detach. If you want something non-permanent, this is a nice way to go. It fits really well onto the hatch and bumper, very sturdy for a portable system. Pros: lightweight maybe 5 lbs, easy to attach and detach, straps latch to top of hatch, side of hatch and eyelets under bumper (nice hidden feature of the Prius - keeps the straps from rubbing on the bumper), cheaper than other types of bike carriers, can be removed in about 30 seconds, installed in about 60. Cons: unable to open hatch when carrier is in place, reduced clearance due to bikes hanging off rear of vehicle. If I need more clearance (as in going up steep driveways, bumpy roads) I remove the front wheels.
Holy thread resurrection, Batman! I just noticed you got a 2010 Prius on order in your sig. Be advised the hitches like the Coastal and the Curt are designed for the Gen-II Prii and won't work on the 2010. I hear that somebody is making a hitch for the 2010 though, haven't seen the details yet.
Saris Bones. I posted a thread like this a while back just before I got my new Cannondale. I got the Saris Bones that holds 3 bikes. Its a GREAT rack, and they are for sale on Ebay at a steep discount! (no prob with fit on the Gen II Prius)
Hey, I remember I suggested for you to look at Cannies a while back. Which Cannondale did you end up getting?
hay, sorry, I just saw your post. You did suggest Cannondale. After test riding a Giant, Specialized and Cannondale, I got the Cannondale CAAD9-6. What a great bike!! I've only taken two days off since I got it. Love it!! sorry to the OP, didnt mean to hijack.... RD:focus:
Which is better depends on what your goal is. I have four ways of carrying bikes in the Prius, and I use them all depending on the situation: 1. On roof racks. Max wind resistance, have to lift over head, harder for thieves to reach, unharmed by bumper taps, totally out of the way of getting into the hatch. Total destruction when forgetting and driving into garage. 2. On a hitch rack. Better wind resistance. No over head lifting. Right there handy for people who want to mess with it. Don't get rear-ended. In the way of the hatch. No worries about garages. 3. Trailer. Sort of a combination of the above two. 4. In the car. Least air resistance, highest security. Uses up all your cargo space.
NICE! I thought I had it good with my old Canny R400 with the CAAD3 frame. I can only imagine how much better CAAD9-6 can be! Cannondales have some of the lightest aluminum frames in the business, and are a worthy rival to some of the lower-end carbon-fiber bikes. Don't even know if the OP is still around to receive your apology.. It was a 1-year-old thread that somebody revived. I'm sure you will enjoy many great riding trips with your Canny strapped to the back of your Prius!
I just built a hitch rack for my new Sur Ron e motorcycle, and was going to post about it on a new thread, but I am unable to find the link here to post a new thread. It may be that though I signed in as usual, it has been quite a while since I posted here, does that make sense?!