I just picked up my new black Prius III, yay me! The one thing I saw that worried me was that the AC screen was a little cloudy/blurry. The dealership didnt have any other Prius on the lot, so the salesman wasnt able to check to see if this was "normal" but it didnt look too normal to me so I figured I'd post here and ask if anyone else has a blurry/cloudy screen. He said he'd check on another car when they got more in stock, but if I hear from you all that this isnt "normal" I'll just take it back and have them fix it soon. -Morgan
This might sound silly but are you sure there is not a peel off plastic sheet covering it to prevent damage during shipping.
The salesman actually looked for that, and didnt find it, but I'll check it out tomorrow. The radio screen that looks a lot like the AC screen didnt look blurry at all, which is why I think I noticed the blur on the AC screen so much. -Morgan
The A/C screen on my dads Prius III is the same way, good to know there is someone else out there with this problem. There is definintely no plastic on the screen, I checked. Looks like it is blurry from the inside somehow. Maybe Toyota needs to know about this...
Yesterday, I wanted to know the outside temperature and could not see it clearly so I actually moved my head over to the right to read it. The Amber colored display might have something to do with its clarity.
Yours isn't green like the rest of us? Mine is cloudy too, and in very bright direct sun you can see small scratches in the plastic.
So there are a few others out there with blurry ac screens. Anyone want to chime in about their crystal clear screen? Or are they all a little blurry? -Morgan
Mine, also. FYI, it looks pretty much like the display screen for the clock panel in our '08 Lexus IS. It must be something Toyota/Lexus thinks will prevent reflection. I had an '01 MB that had a clear, vertically placed amber screen for A/C on the lower part of the dash, and in sunshine all the driver could see was the reflection of the passenger in the right front seat, so it can be a problem.
Mine is blurry too (green, not amber.) My guess is the plastic is frosted to reduce reflectivity and to make any scratches less noticeable (since it's in an unprotected location). But it isn't very pretty, and doesn't seem to match the technology level of the other screens.
I'm pretty sure you can change the color from green to amber or vice-versa. I can in both of my Lexus' and I could in my Camry. There is an option in the settings to change the color.
I just noticed this as well...on both the Radio and Climate displays...seems more like the corners though. I'll check again once I hit the road.
ours is blurry. definitely no plastic stretch film on the screen, that was the first thing i checked when i noticed it was blurry.
No way to change the color. If it appears frosty on the outside, there may still be plastic adhered to the screen (on the inside perhaps?!) Mine's glossy and clear.
Mine's glossy and clear. Wonder if a TSB is in the offing for the non G&C panels? Might be worthy of a poll here to check severity...
I should clarify from my original reply, my dads is w/o a doubt cloudy. Mine is clear, I just find the lcd screen VERY difficult to read when it is very sunny out and especially when wearing sunglasses. My 2003 Acura had an lcd screen like this for the climate control and it was no where this hard to see during the day.