Hi All, I do love my now 6 week or so old prius - but there are some things that just make no sense to me at all - the prompt for this post was the COMPLETE lack of documentation (that i could find) about voice tags for dial by name - so anyway, i thought i'd just vent a little with some of the things that i think are outright ridiculous - i know (or hope) some of them have been addressed in the 2010, but here goes anyway! 1) Voice tags - for that matter, much of the MFD operation 2) inability to see temperature at all times 3) miles/km button - um, it's nice that it is a separate button, but really, how many times are we going to push that thing? contrast to outside temperature 4) auto window up/down for driver - but not for front passenger? 5) no moonroof 6) no electronic seat 7) inability to shut engine without killing all power (have to cycle through power button to get to "accessory" or keep radio playing 8) climate control on/off button on steering wheel - but not a/c (i think it does say a/c - i'd like to toggle the compressor on or off without the menus on the mfd) 9) no ev button 10) partial leds on the back (makes no sense to me why there is also incandescent) - i know, addressed in 2010 11) inability to select and "lock" gps routing style (i'd always opt for short - and when you compare, you get quick 1, 2, and short - and short for me is also usually the quickest - it's basically what my acura would default to) 12) did i mention voice tags? 13) mfd screen seems to determine which voice commands will be accepted - so saying "go home" while on hybrid screen gets me an error 14) did i mention voice tags? 15) airbag indicator light - why does this thing have to light up even if the passenger seat is empty? 16) cheap "feeling" instrument lights - when you change angle they get darker - seems like bulbs are recessed into a groove - versus EL lighting 17) no coolant temperature - i'd like to know what's going on with that thermos! 18) no factory XM (and more importantly, no factory antenna) (though radio is compatible - unless you have the ipod adapter)- i think 2010 addresses the antenna? 19) no remote windows up or down from remote - nice feature i miss 20) dead 12v means dead car computers - despite having a couple of hundred volts just waiting in the back 21) no side view mirror signal lights 22) no automatic dome light off if a door is ajar 23) no subwoofer - kinda puny bass okay, now that i bashed, here are some things i really like: 1) mfd - nice and clear, and turns the car into a video game while driving - pulse and glide, anyone? 2) $60 and an hour and scraped hands later, i have EV mode 3) decent sounding audio - not the best, but certainly not the worst 4) mp3 playback! 150 songs on a cd - almost like having an ipod! 5) factory ipod adapter - sweet! (though i would trade it for factory xm) 6) aux jack - my xm adapter plugged into it sounds pretty good 7) lots of little storage pockets - the center console, 2 glove boxes, and even that little cd/kleenex area under the radio 8) car is much larger inside than outside (probably via some star trek like warp field/holodeck) 9) though not a corvette, decent juice when you punch the accelerator 10) pretty quiet ride, good highway ride, easy to speed if not careful (lack of analog speedometer doesn't help) 11) how can you beat 46+ mpg? 12) seats are fairly ergonomic (though could have more support) 13) fold down rear = decent storage 14) prius community loves their cars! (i never ONCE went to the acura websites (if there are any) when i had my TL - mods and accessories 15) i just plain feel good about driving "green" while i also got a "steal" on a 2009 16) you really can't beat the gadget factor okay, enough fooling around - thanks for letting me vent - feel free to let me know if i was way off base on anything -- or if i forgot to mention something!
thanks for the vent...after glancing thru the list twice, i would have to say you simply purchased the wrong model year. nearly all the issues you state were resolved in the 2010.
Dave, we'll see how the 2013's are when my lease is up in some 35 months...meanwhile, even with the gripes, i got (what i consider) "such a great deal" that i didn't want to wait for the 2010s
nothing wrong with getting a good price. the 2010 is a great car , but the 2009 is a pretty good vehicle in its own right. as far as the feedback, keep it coming. the 2010 improvements were generated by a lot of the ideas and comments on this forum...
Thanks Dave - while at it, and since you have the solar roof (which i believe means the remote air conditioning as well) - do you have any idea why it is not available on the parking package? just curious...
If you look through other posts, you will see your rants are pretty typical. And as noted above, Toyota seems to be listening. A couple of thoughts: I might be wrong, but maybe this is more for the folks living closer to our borders. Like maybe Vancouver, BC or Detroit? Or San Diego, Laredo? It might be nice to have that switch at hand. As for the raves: Unless you have driven a whole lot in the past 6 weeks, you may beat that mpg. Both the car just getting "broken in" and the unconscious changes in your driving habits.
you mean the AT (advanced tech) package. mostly i think to reduce cost although the official response is to reduce weight to keep mileage within striking distance of the official EPA figures. the package already takes a mileage hit from having the larger, heavier wheels. the solar panel/sun roof reported adds like 80 something lbs. no reports i have seen on how much weight the AT package adds so the real answer is basically is pretty much where you want to take it.
The voice commands are great fun, I'm not good at remembering the precise words for many of the voice commands, and when it doesn't recognise the voice command it can pick some bizarre alternative commands instead - mostly POI icon related if I am on the nav screen. I'm trying to stop the route navigation one time, and it tells me there are no ice rinks.
I don't think every Prius should come with an EV button. 99.9% of owners wouldn't know what to do with it. Many would probably try to spend as much time as possible driving around in EV mode, and they would ultimately hurt both the battery and their fuel economy as a result. Just let the software determine when to use the electric motor vs. when to use the ICE. Really, it's for the best. In my opinion, only a handful of the most knowledgeable members on this forum understand the Prius well enough to use an EV button, and even they might disagree and say, "just let the software do its thing." I don't mean to offend you but if you have only had the car for 6 weeks and you are only getting 46 mpg, you are probably not at this level. Tim
no offense taken - i just used my new (for prius) battery pack?air compressor to crank the front tires to 44 and rear to 42 (versus roughly 36 all around from teh dealer). i'm having a hoot with the thing. unfortunately, mostly short trips which i know kill the economy. my average (still on my very first tank) is around 45, and i expect to periodically hit 50 - still getting ghost under control - enjoyed driving onthe new jersey turnpike today, going 65, in only battery mode (only lasted a few seconds, and not from use of EV) i've been using EV when i am less than a mile from home to run the batteries down a bit, and when i'm 1/4 mile or so from my office - i figure the ICE will run anyway on startup, so might as well let it top off the pack. i also use EV as a demo, and also when i'm just moving the car out of the driveway and parking it, etc. the Coastal EV kit cost me roughly $60 - i would need to save about 25 gallons of gas over the course of my lease using EV to break even (never gonna happen) so intead, i enjoy it as a proof of concept, and a way to get yet more control over my little beastie.
Hi and welcome to PriusChat! No need to worry. Constructive criticism is welcomed (as opposed to the Prius sucks because it has no 20-way power heated massassing cooled front seats with 3-way memory). Hope i can help answer a few! 1. (and pretty much the rest of the list that has this criticism) check out john1701a.com. He has a PDF for owners (new and seasoned alike) with plenty of useful tips; one of which is a list of voice commands 2. You must have the navigation model. For me, the OAT is always visible (I don't keep it in the Audio screen) 3. It's cheaper than making two dashboards. It allows quick conversions when you're driving in Canada. Beats having to guess on an analog speedo 4. Fixed for 2010 5. fixed for 2010 6. weight issue 7. Here's a trick (but it involves taking out the key lol). If you're in ACC mode, just slot the key into the ignition and then slide it out again. It'll shut off. It's easy for me since my key is clipped to the belt rather than in my pocket. 22. There is a 20 min timer IIRC. And there is an Acura forum lol. acurazine.com. It's a large forum and is equivalent to ClubLexus for members and presence. Don't really like it. They're a good bunch but as usual, there are a few members that are a little snarky and I got called a liar because the guy didn't know his Acura models. Go figure
I'm a bit cheesed off I didn't get full reclining massage seats in the rear of my Prius. Hey, Maybach has them so why not Prius?
Check out the VW Phateon, that is one crazy car first to have central AC love the way the AC vents open when you turn the ac on and hide when off
Central A/C? do explain. Hey Pat, how 'bout this? How come the Prius doesn't have oscillating louvres? A 1995 Mazda 626 (or was it the 929) had it.
Hi Gary. We got a good deal on an '09 in May and love the car. We are running with 40 psi in the front tires and 38 in the back. We're averaging 56.1 mpg per the MFD with 900 miles on the car at this point. We are very satisfied. Our average trips are probably a little longer than yours. We plan our errands etc. together and the car stays pretty warm between short stops at stores, restaurants, etc. We were also fortunate enough to get 0% financing through TFS.
My 1992 626 had this, I didn't like it much. The 626 was a very nice car but the oscillating louvres, nar. Something I'd like to see and it would cost very little is a hook to hang a bag from the dash on the passenger side. A VW feature I really like also is the retractable cup holder in the dash, a feature so impressive I can't find a picture of it on the net. The space in the dash is quite small but it opens up to hold a cup or can. There was only 1 in the Polo I hired on my last visit to the UK.
I had this in the Chevy Malibu. Unfortunately, it was on the far left - between the steering wheel and the door. When I used it, the turn signal stalk was basically unusable. Retractable cup holders need to be in the center of the dash area, away from necessary driving controls.
This was a vertical arangement and it was on the passenger side of the centre of the dash. You could adjust the size so it firmly held your drink. You can see it here just left of the radio in the retracted position.
My wife's '07 RX350 had the best retractable cup holder - placed so that the AC vent would keep your drink cool. Brilliant!