I was moving some things this weekend and noticed a scratch in the trunk door panel. I was wondering if I can fix it or if the whole panel needs to be replaced. If it does need to be replaced, where can I get the part and what's the part number? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
1. Why not apply a bit of ArmorAll to the spot and rub in, to see if that helps. 2. If that doesn't help, considering that you'll in the future probably have cause to carry other items in the hatch (a large box, luggage etc.) then why worry.
thanks for the response. it's a pretty deep scratch but I'll try the armor all. I'll probably haul more stuff while I own the car so want to know if these things can be fixed for future reference.
Yes, you can pull off the black hatch panel by hand, no tools required. 11 blue clips hold the plastic panel to the metal hatch structure. Start at one corner and exert steady force. The part number is probably marked on the inside of the hatch panel. You can buy a replacement at your Toyota dealer's parts dept.
For reference in the future you may consider wrapping the items in towels or blankets to avoid scratching.
It can be repaired. If done properly, the repair won't be perfect, but usually would not be noticed unless you're looking for it. There is a special technique involving making a cast of the undamaged surface texture, and using that to mold filler material (taken from an unvisable area of the part) into the scratch. There are not very many specialists who master this technique. The question is, if it would be cheaper to buy a new part or used part from salvage. If you just want to make it look not quite so bad, you can buff it with a small buffing wheel, using a Dremel tool for example. This will smooth the microscopic roughness of the scratch, thus making it slightly darker, so that it doesent stand out quite so much. A good detailer might be able to do that for you. PS: Personally, I refuse to let such small cosmetic damage bother me. I just accept it as normal wear and tear. Usually I only repair minor damage if there is a risk of rusting, or if it might impair functionality.
I'd cover the panel with some carpet to match the interior carpet. Covers the scratch and prevents more. Personally I don't mind a few scratches on the inside of the hatch.