Man Based Global Warming....

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by dbermanmd, Dec 22, 2008.

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  1. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    :cheer2: Yes we can!! Of course speaking as a Canadian - knowing full well our government will be forced to follow your President's lead - THANK GOODNESS. Enjoy...

  2. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
  3. ufourya

    ufourya We the People

    Aug 20, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    First, two 'scary' cherry-picked pictures,

    and then the reality based truth of ALL the pictures from the satellites:

    YouTube - Arctic Sea Ice timelapse from 1978 to 2009

    from 1978 to 2009. Ice comes, it goes, it comes, it goes....
  4. ufourya

    ufourya We the People

    Aug 20, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    It has, of course, occurred to me, but then I consider the source of the original materials and the major propagandists. Then I consider that the objections have proved true.

    Mann and Schmidt for realClimate and the U.N. for world domination by petty tyrants looking for bigger things.

    Once again the 'scary' and the truth:

    Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group News Real Climate’s Misinformation

    These people have no shame and their adherents no discrimination.
  5. ufourya

    ufourya We the People

    Aug 20, 2008
    2012 Prius c
  6. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    Now those are fightin' words.... but I'm just going to let you simmer in the idea that America is becoming more and more of what you can't stand.
  7. freo-1

    freo-1 New Member

    May 25, 2009
    2009 Prius
    I would not get too worked up just yet. The Senate will, in all likelihood, kill this nonsense, as they do not wish to get tossed from office (they like their power more than they support the President).

    Besides, Americans are slowly waking up to this nonsense in Washington.

    More Americans See Democratic Party as ?Too Liberal?
  8. robbyr2

    robbyr2 New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
    Commerce City, CO
    2010 Prius
    Always read everything in an article you see posted- the one quoted above shows there is a "rest of the story" here:
    And the recent stories on the "Generation Gap" indicate that the future is not with the right wingers.
  9. ufourya

    ufourya We the People

    Aug 20, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    WELL, THEY BETTER HURRY UP. I certainly appreciate your optimism, but mine is waning by the day. This Obama character thinks he was elected king by 52% of the electorate.

    These clowns have already shoved down our throats the so-called stimulus package (have you noticed that despite the urgency under which it was passed, unemployment is rising?), a TARP or two, and now threaten a huge tax (likely the largest ever) disguised as an energy bill . They're salivating at the opportunity to control our health system next. They've done such a good job with Medi-care and Medicaid teetering on the brink, hell, why not let them ruin the WHOLE thing?

    Already, in our once free, individual-liberty loving country, we are told how much water our toilets can use to flush, now we're going to be told what kind of car, lightbulb, doctor, etc. we must use. LAUGH if you must, but it is in the loss of these little liberties that the loss of larger ones looms.

    Let's see, we've got Obama taking over car companies and awarding majority ownership to his buddies at the UAW (who poured union dues into his campaign), setting environmental standards based on the flimsiest of science (and that's being generous, in my opinion), that will ensure the loss of jobs and the flight of companies to friendlier climes; and standing there, smiling, telling us that, " Make no mistake, this is a jobs bill." BullCrap.

    The Senators had better wake up and the people had better wake them up, if they can be roused from their 'reality shows' and celebrity worship. This is a critical time in the history of our country - make no mistake.

    In addition, all this 'left-wing right-wing' balony dividing our country boils down to this:

    Do you think that a centralized government gathering more and more power (not given it in the Constitution) and handing down decisions that bind us all is better than the People (remember that old thing about government of, by and for the people?) making their own decisions about how to run their own lives.

    That is the state versus the people. I'm for the people. That this government was founded on the priciples stated in the Declaration: "...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."

    When you've got a government that thinks it can run a health system which will inevitably decide some people are too old or too sick to spend money on, a government that will come with guns if you refuse to replace your toilet that uses four gallons instead of one, and a government that tells you the Shelby Cobra you love to drive must remain in the garage or be disposed of,'ve got TYRANNY, not LIBERTY.
  10. icarus

    icarus Senior Member

    Apr 12, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Let's just let the corporations do it for us,,, since they have been so much better at anticipating and protecting our best interests. And so much more efficient, ( and profitable too!)
  11. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Yep, nothing quite like trusting your well being (and that of your parents, children and grandchildren) to an entity that has a hard time lasting two generations on average...when the average human life span in industrialized nations extends to nearly 4 generations. The Living Company

    A few key things below:
    "Yet, if you look at them in the light of their potential, most commercial corporations are dramatic failures-or, at best, underachievers. They exist at a primitive stage of evolution; they develop and exploit only a fraction of their potential. For proof, you need only consider their high mortality rate. The average life expectancy of a multinational corporation-Fortune 500 or its equivalent-is between 40 and 50 years."

    "Even the big, solid companies, the pillars of the society we live in, seem to hold out for not much longer than an aver-age of 40 years. And that 40-year figure, short though it seems, represents the life expectancy of companies of a considerable size. These companies have already survived their first 10 years, a period of high corporate 'infant mortality.'"

    "The ability to return investment to shareholders seemed to have nothing to do with longevity. The profitability of a company was a symptom of corporate health, but not a predictor or determinant of corporate health."
  12. ufourya

    ufourya We the People

    Aug 20, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    Wo is talking about trusting your well-being to corporations? Who is saying a corporation can't fail. In a free market without government intervention (something we haven't seen for some time), a corporation is free to succeed or fail depending upon whether it serves a market with goods or services as well or better than the competition - and competition is a key word.

    When a government assumes the task of running what should be a competetive marketplace and issuing directives from above, it quashes competition. A company that fails isn't properly serving the market. Government programs, even when they demonstrably fail, continue on blindlly because they can always prop themselves up with more money stolen from the taxpayer. Or, in the case of a government monopoly, raise the price to whatever it wishes in the face of no competition.

    This is not difficult to understand. Private enterprise is what makes economies grow and countries prosper, NOT the government.
  13. ufourya

    ufourya We the People

    Aug 20, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    You act as if it is a sin to make a profit, yet champion a government which perpetually runs a deficit.

    Name all the useful things that governmrnt has invented, the businesses begun, the medicines developed, the crops planted and harvested, etc.

    Government TAKES your money and seeks more power over you. Some people are willing to let government run their lives. Others are not so inclined.

    Give me liberty or give me death. ~ Patrick Henry

    In this once great country the Fourth of July was a day to celebrate our declaration of freedom from the tyranny of a king. As the years go by, more and more people stand idly by while their own government becomes more tyrannical.

    It is a monumental shame that the majority of folks in this country have no understanding of what is transpiring today. Their freedom is being stolen - and quickly. We've got to pass all this legislation NOW! There is no time to read it. We've got to do it NOW! Don't think about it, just say. "Yes, we can! Change NOW!"

    Is this country really so terrible that it needs all these overwhelming and overwhelmingly expensive (bankrupting, if things proceed as Obama hopes) changes NOW? Is it?

    I think not.

    WAKE UP!
  14. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    Systemic deficits are bad and I hate them as much as anyone.

    That's why I'm proud to say until this year Canada's government had huge surpluses for the last 10-12 years:

    Which party gave us all these surpluses? A: The Liberal Party.

    In 2009, guess who is now giving us the largest deficit in history. A: The Conservative Party.

    Sure Obama is spending now to protect an economy on life support, but by 2012 Obama will have put America's finances back on track and will have repaired a lot of damage done by the Bush tax cuts and the devastating mismanagement of the last 8 years.
  15. icarus

    icarus Senior Member

    Apr 12, 2007
    2007 Prius
    First, I never said it was "a sin" to make a profit. What I suggested is that to assume that corporations have peoples best interests at heart is fallacious at best,, dangerous at worst. To assume that corporations, and corporate greed don't "take" your money is also fantasy. (Not every $$ of "profit" is earned).

    Governments indeed do take your money,, but in return we get services. Now you and I might (will) argue whether or not we get value for money with government,, but at the very least we have the option of "tossing the bums out" and we indeed do have a say in how that is spent.

    The problem is many "free marketeers" think that "the market" can solve everything,,, but if nothing else has been made clear by the current economic situation,, some regulation on capitalism is required,, or else the "robber barons" take over,,,, and they do.

    The other problem I have with people like Ufourya is that they selfishly believe that "taxes' are a dirty word and think that they are the only ones paying. The fact is the people who are demonstrably NOT paying their fair share is the upper echelons of income/net worth. This is a trend that started in the 1980's under their hero and has continued up until today. What they don't get, is that taxes fund services,, services they may not like,, but services that none the less benefit the whole.

    If drive on a road, fly in an airplane, send your kids to school, go to college or University, eat safe food, breath clean (relatively) clean air, if you use the internet, what satellite or cable TV, or talk on a cell phone, use a GPS, if you enjoy knowing that Yellowstone or Yosemite is there for your grandchildren, if you go to a doctor or a hospital, or a clinic, if your house catches fire,, or if you call the police, if you drink clean water, ( and not just from a municipal source!), and piss that water away in a public sewer, in short, nearly everything we do in no small way funded by and paid for by TAXES. In my mind MOST of these things have proved to be a good buy.

    You may not have approved of the space program for example,, but without it,, you never would have had cell phones,,or GPS or,,, You may not like "socialized" medicine,, but nearly every doctor, dentist etc was trained at some considerable public expense through subsidies at Colleges and Universities.

    I don't have a lot a faith that "the free Market" would do either a good job, nor a cost effective job at doing MOST of the jobs listed above. For example, communities that have for a variety of reasons felt that their police are not good enough,, hire their own private "police" to guard their stuff in their gated communities. They pay for these,, not through taxes, but through homeowners assessments,,, same out of pocket expense,, only we can claim to have "low taxes".

    No,, true freedom is the right to do what we are doing here,, debating the issues,, working to change things that we don't like, working for the change we do like. Freedom is not NOT having to pay taxes. Freedom is living in a society where some measure of that society is the way that society treats it's least fortunate. What has come out of the last 30 years of 'conservatism' is I'll get mine,, and if you don't get any it's because you didn't work hard enough and you didn't deserve it! I reject this notion. I have worked hard all my life, and indeed done fairly well. (I have also been lucky!) I know too many people who have also worked hard their whole lives, done all the right things,,raised their kids, gone to church, voted in every election,, and now are on the poorhouse steps,,, through no fault of their own. One neighbour, (who happens to rent from us) managed a local ag facility until he fell off a box car, injuring his foot and back. Workers comp paid a claim for a while,, he went back to work before he really should have out of a sense of obligation (plus he couldn't afford not to work) couldn't keep up and was fired. The financial spiral began,, and 2 years later, they are broke,,, and broken. To have a 58 year old man come to my door, in tears because he was several months behind in the rent, his wife was cleaning houses to make what she could,,he couldn't walk across the yard to talk to me,,, brings tears to my eyes. These people have done everything right their whole lives,,, but the rug has been pulled. In the 2 years of unemployment, they burned through their meager retirement to pay ongoing medical bills,, and because they are both disabled in this way, neither can get a regular job. Finally, with some guidance from us we were able to get them some help,, and finally on to social security disability.

    These are people who fell through the ever bigger holes in the "safety net" and are so often ridiculed by those with more for bringing it on themselves!

    So you tell me Mr. Conservative, no tax, no social programs, no public good,, you tell me what you would do if it were you? And don't tell me that you would never get in that situation,, these people did nothing wrong,, and indeed they did everything we expect our middle class to do. It is just that nobody told them that with one wrong step the bottom would fall our. The fact is they were sold a bill of goods,, one perpetuated by the right wingers that says, "you may not be rich now,, but if you work hard you will some day,, and you don't want the govment taking your money away,, so vote for us,, because we won't!" The bill of goods is they will,, they take your money and give it to those that have so much more,,, and they seem to sleep at night!

    The tax code, the stock market, their retirement was all stacked against them,, and when the bottom falls out,, there are few people around to help. I intend to try to stay one of them.

    For the first time on this forum,,, I will sign my name,, not just my handle,, since I am proud to have stuck with these people,,, and I am sicken that I have to. The real sadness is that there are oh so many more,

    Tony Ickes
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  16. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    Awesome post Tony. Thanks.
  17. freo-1

    freo-1 New Member

    May 25, 2009
    2009 Prius
  18. robbyr2

    robbyr2 New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
    Commerce City, CO
    2010 Prius
    How soon they forget. Just how many press conferences did Bush hold in 8 years?

    From a "retired business executive" who probably isn't one of the 50% of Americans who will go bankrupt if they get and survive cancer. And from a paper run by Rupert Murdoch to boot.

    When 1 of 6 dollars is spent on health care, and some Americans get wonderful medical care and others get none, and when our wonderful system costs $6700 per person per year vs. $2700 per person per year for Britain's National Health Service- only the wealthy and those who delusionally think they're going get wealthy like the system as it is.
  19. freo-1

    freo-1 New Member

    May 25, 2009
    2009 Prius

    More sobering assessment on the budget:

    Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures The Foundry

    The Wall Street Journal is a long respected reporting source. The fact that you dislike them in no way discounts their accuracy. They are one of the few US outlets that attempts to balance their reporting. The US media in general is so bad that I'm forced to read European media to find out what my government is up to.
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  20. ufourya

    ufourya We the People

    Aug 20, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    Mr Ickes ~

    I hope rational people can discern the difference between exchanging one’s money for a service and having the government take money from your paycheck or at the point of a gun if you refuse to pay your ‘fair share’ of taxes, and then doling out services after wringing a huge percentage of the funds through a bureaucratic massage that pays the salaries of the drones who vote to perpetuate it. Some time in the not too distant future the governments, federal and state, will employ more people than the private sector.

    Why should people who honestly make more money than I do pay a larger percentage of their income than I? I’ve posted this before, but it doesn’t seem to sink in:
    People who make over $100,000 a year in adjusted gross income ALREADY pay over 70% of all income tax, while those who make less than $30,000 pay around 3%. These are the IRS figures. We already have a graduated income tax and your claim that wealthy folks aren’t paying their share is false.

    What would be fairer for you? People who make over $250,000 pay ALL the taxes? WHAT? Tell us!

    If you think the present economic situation is the result of free market capitalism, you haven’t been paying attention. There is governmental interference at almost every level. This is a clever trick of the statist. The government interferes in the market and causes problems, then turns around and blames the market for the problems. The housing mortgage mess is a prime example. Oh, we need to fix that!

    As far as schools go, those students who attend private schools or are home schooled do better than those relegated to government schools - another blatant failure of government to provide adequate, much less superior service. We already spend more money per student than all but a handful of countries – for what?

    I have no quarrel with government providing national security, developing infrastructure or policing crime or environmental concerns (backed by sound science or common sense observation).

    We do have social programs now. If they aren’t working, it’s because they are administered by government. You can tell one sad anecdotal story after another and it won’t change the fact that government can not work as effectively as the private sector. If Social Security (If this were administered by private parties, they would be in prison), Medicare and Medicaid are in trouble now, what provides confidence that a nationally run government health service will be administered any more effectively? There is NONE. Sorry.

    What we have is a growing government, ineffective and inadequate to meet the needs of the people that would be met by the private sector. If its social policy sectors were businesses in the private sector, they would long ago have declared bankruptcy and faded away. Yet they continue to grow, admit no mistakes, try the same thing over and over and when they fail, say they need yet more ‘investment’ – that means taxes.

    We have abundant evidence that the Marxist ideal of spreading the wealth around through confiscation from the ‘rich’ (presently $250.000 a year, but falling) and government disbursement to the ‘deserving’, is a failed ideology that kills the spirit and then KILLS people who might object. Need I list the societies that ‘flourished’ under the gentle ministrations of Marxism? Need I list the MILLIONS KILLED by each statist regime?
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