I live in Arizona, so the $3000 solar option was worth every penny! I think its the best invention in a car I have ever experienced. I can't believe all cars don't have this option. Its such a win/win. The sun powers a fan in the car (no gas or electric) to cool the car down = brilliant! I am such a techie anyway, but after 4 weeks of having this, I would never go back! I love the remote a/c too! I get done hiking and click it on and its cool inside. I do wish that the remote automatically raised the a/c to maximum output however, b/c sometimes i have left it lower and its not as effective. Just need to remember to leave it on maxiumum before you turn off the car! Not sure about all the crazy posts about it being too expensive. My guess it that this option is selling the cars like hotcakes in certain locations!
Isn't the price $3600? If that was just for the solar then I would say it was way overpriced. But since the package includes other great stuff then it is worth it.
I've noticed the opposite. I keep my A/C set to Auto and 78ËšF and remote A/C will blast away here in AZ. Compressor spins faster (by sound) than it does in ECO mode, so I'd say it's MAX'd out. Solar/NAV package is $3600. NAV alone is $1800, so you figure the solar roof, remote A/C, and moonroof takes up the $1800 balance.
Question: If you use the Remote A/C, it will shut off when you open the door, right? Or does it work just like the SPVS and only shuts off when you turn on the car (or switch to IG-ON)? The reason I asked is because Blazehodges reminded me about hiking and well we have to change our shoes and stuff so I was wondering if it's more beneficial to just let the SPVS continue to run while I sit in the hatch and swap shoes or whether to get the Remote A/C running.
I've yet to realize any benefit from the solar package, but am in a moderate climate. We're expecting a heat wave this week so may change my mind, but the added complexity, weight and cost aren't worth the limited usefulness.
As soon as you unlock the car, it shuts down. This is most likely for security reasons as the car is partially on. That being said, you can activate it with someone inside as long as you don't expect them to get out ;-). Also worth noting - even if left in ECO mode, Remote A/C runs at FULL strength if demand requires. I verified by looking in my window today after activating and hearing the compressor at full speed. If you get out after the car is at temp, then activate Remote A/C to keep the car cool, it will only run at slow speed (and who knows, could last longer than 3 minutes unless that's a hard stop).
Love it, maybe my favorite option since I'm a wuss about heat. Probably best for places like the CA coast that are very sunny but not that hot. The interior of my car can get extremely hot in the sun even if the ambient temp is in the 70's. With SR, the interior temp is comfy, the remote A/C gets things to target temp in seconds, and the vents blow cold air right away without having to plow through all the latent heat build-up in them. Backing out $2K for nav and $1k for moonroof at typical pricing, SR is a $600 option (is the way I convince myself, lol). Totally worth it.
I can't wait to get my solar-powered ventilation. It gets HOT down here!! Even when I leave the windows cracked 2-3" on my current car, it is unbearable when I get back in. The ventilation coupled with the remote A/C will be a godsend for me.
I know that I am responding to a post from about 10 days ago, but I have a couple of questions. First, it has been stated that if your solar roof is activated, the fan keeps running when you unlock the car. You state that if the remote AC is activated, it turns off when you unlock the car. My question is, does the AC shut down but the solar powered fan keep going or does activating the AC set up an "all or none" situation where all ventilation is shut off when you unlock the car? Second, in the latter part of your post, I don't understand the two different conditions where Remote AC runs at full strength in one situation but slow speed in another condition. Can you clarify? I assume that in this discussion you are always talking about the remote AC that comes with the solar roof, not the remote start accessory.
Once remote A/C is activated, the solar feature is cancelled. I imagine it resets the timer for solar, so if the car were left alone after Remote A/C "timed out", you'd get the 2-3 minute swap from recirc to fresh, then after 10 minutes, solar fans blowing again. In ECO mode when driving the car, the A/C output is reduced (less than MAX fan speed, less than MAX A/C compressor speed (you can tell by the sound/pitch the unit makes). This is correct. Remote start would run the A/C in the same mode as if you were sitting in the car. If left in ECO mode, A/C output would be reduced. Reduced doesn't mean it can't or won't reach the optimal temperature, rather it may just take longer and not work as hard to do so.
So, five hours after picking up my new car with the solar roof, I have to stop to join a teleconference with Singapore. I park next to a beach in Morro Bay, CA and wander over to the beach. But find quickly that I can't hear well with the sea winds. So, I head back to the car and climb in - shut the door and it was amazing. warm but not too hot at all. Every couple of minutes it seemed, this whirr comes on and I feel a slight warm breeze. It was 5 pm and clearly, the solar roof was working and a REAL benefit in this, admittedly, strange situation. But I think I am sold . . .
I picked up my car 10 days ago and the solar roof works great. I was surprised at the fan strength and the air that it blows out. I am not sure what I expected, but I thought that the fan may be alittle weak, but so far I am impressed. I live in southern Calif., depending on the day the outside temp can be 83 to 90 degrees. The only suggestion is it is alittle hard to tell if the button is pushed in, or if it is in the out position. Future models they need to make it easier to see if the button is in or out (on or off). Am I glad that I got it and paid the extra dough, YES!
Works great and all the time when in sun here in the central California heat. I love to open the door and sit in the car a few moments feeling the air while I buckle up and check mirrors. The breeze is outside air, so it just keeps the cabin from building a huge thermal load. If I was better at remembering the feature, I would start the remote A/C before several minutes before opening the door and cool the interior. BTW: I have not noticed extra dust on the interior surfaces. Even after sitting in the sun for days and the SR running the fans for hours, I am not seeing much dust. I have yet to check how big the the cabin air filter is, but it seems much more efficient than the Gen 2 filter. Another unrelated surprise: check out the key inside the smart key fob. A different design than the Gen 2! Lee