See a 2010 PRIUS- SUNDAY, June 28th, 2009- Noon- Fuddruckers, Lake Forest Dianne Whitmire of Manhattan Beach Toyota will be bringing a 2010 Prius for us to see and feel and check out! SUNDAY, June 28th at NOON at Fuddruckers, 23621 El Toro Road, Lake Forest, CA 92630 (Map) Fuddruckers-Phone: 949-830-7210 We will also go over a new Hybrid tire Michelin just released. Please RSVP to Cathy Margolin at cathy @ (remove the spaces):cheer2::dance:
I unknowingly went to Fuddrucker's that day and saw all of you at the meeting! It's amazing to see how our cars can bring us together. :rockon: