Saw the Starfire on a new Lexus IS the other night and it looked GOOD (almost as good as the black one next to it!) ... I am still leery of switching from black to blizzard pearl, but I am excited for a change. If I had someone to ensure my car was clean every day, black still might be my choice
No. But it's often dirtier looking than other colors. Husker4theSpurs, Don't mean to complicate your decision, but Blizzard Pearl is not as easy to keep clean looking (or nice looking while dirty) as its underlying white color might suggest. I had solid white cars for 22 years in New York City where, because of lack of easy access to a hose or car wash, I washed the car infrequently. The one thing I noticed is that when a solid white car is dirty, it nonetheless looks better than most other colored cars that are similarly dirty. It's almost like a trick of the eye -- although the white color does not "hide" dirt, the underlying white color seems to overpower the surface dirt so that overall the car looks cleaner and better than most other colored cars that are just as dirty. Blizzard Pearl and other pearlized whites do not share this attribute of solid whites. The pearlization seems to have an opposite effect. In fact, IMO, a slightly dirty Blizzard Pearl or other pearlized white car looks dirtier and worse than most other colored cars that are similarly dirty. Nonetheless, I still love Blizzard Pearl. It was the color I chose when I was in the Prius Priority Pre-Order program.
Re: No. But it's often dirtier looking than other colors. Hmm...I had a pearl white Infiniti I-30 and I didn't think that it showed dirt particularly badly. However, I believer the blizzard pearl is quite a bit whiter than the color on my Infiniti, which wasn't an off-white (as in cream) but more of a soft white.
Re: No. But it's often dirtier looking than other colors. Thanks for the input! Can't imagine it's worse than the last 4 black cars I've had Even if it is at least I won't notice every nick, scratch, blemish, swirlie, etc. A clean black car always looks better than any others though!
Re: No. But it's often dirtier looking than other colors. It most definitely is not as bad as black in this department, but IMO it's worse (to at least some degree) than most other colors.
It is totally worth $220 to get the pearl. It will look like a Lexus. You will look wealthy, but wise.
Amen, brother! I'm picking up my Blizzard Pearl Model IV w/ solar in a couple of weeks and right after I get my Starbucks triple Latte Caramel Lite floofie coffee and make sure that my man purse is ready to swing at wise-crackin' bikers, I'm hitting the highway. You can kiss my low-emissions tailpipe if you don't like the color of my car.
+1. I ordered the Blizzard. Only bummer is that about 40-50% of what I see leaving our dealership is Blizzard... :huh:
That is why is did NOT order the blizzard, or the silver for that matter. I have seen too many Prii driving around in silver and blizzard seemed too popular too. My parents having a silver 08 did help me to choose a different color though.
I drove my new blizzard pearl to work yesterday and one of the ladies at work said fancy car. I think she meant expensive looking not girly. I hope
I'm suprised at the amount of attention this thread continues to get. I think it's indicative of some insecurity on the part of a lot (Yes, not all), but a lot of Male Prius drivers. I joke about it, but come on? Why the big debate, or really even the question about "Is Blizzard Pearl a Chick Color?"? Blizzard Pearl is a multi-layered slightly metalic white. Do you walk into a white room and go, "Wow this is a "girly" room? Of course not. White, Blizzard Pearl or otherwise is neither masculine nor's white. The fact that this thread keeps resurfacing make me think a lot of male Prius drivers have some subconcious issues with driving The Prius. (Thanks Toyota, The Dancing Sprites really helped) Give some other poster credit, but I agree. The Prius is never going to be mistaken for a Mustang, Porshe, or Corvette. So if you feel the need to have your automobile validate some level of your masculinity, your probably just out of luck, regardless of what color you pick. I suppose every popular automobile comes with stereotypes that get attached. Big Balled Male Machine IS NOT the stereotype that is ever going to be attached to Prius. Sorry for those looking for that. For the rest of us males that drive or want to drive Prius, we just have to be content with super engineered, intelligent, and perhaps slightly ahead of the mainstream curve stereotype of The Prius. I'm secure enough, that's good enough for me in Winter Gray, Blizzard Pearl or just about any available color outside of the Mary Kay Pink. Now if we could just get Toyota to create an Ad that doesn't involve cartoonish singing nature sprite people, swaying to feminine versions of songs of the 70's I think I can proudly park at the local coffee shop and/or the gym without any insecurities concerning my manhood.
If I could get blizard pearl for only $220 I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat. I doubt it will be a sub $1200 option here. At $1200 I'd most likely still grab it.
LOL, I'm hopeful of a delivery of my Blizzard White V within the week. I hope "Chicks" dig it because at my age I really enjoy it when a "chick" checks me out. I'll be completly able to convince myself it's not the car.
I just had a discussion with a buddy of mine this past week about car color choices and the first thing he said was "don't get white, it's a girl color" and I thought, really? I never thought about that and then I started watching who drove white cars and I'd say that 75+% of the white car drivers near my Office (San Ramon, California) are women. I think that my color choice might be Blizzard Pearl in spite of it all. I like the color. I just don't know if I want white or not... as you can see in my signature.. I kinda have a Silver -Gray car theme going on
Long story: Well, where I grew up cows were brown and I've just always had this thing about leather needing to be brown. I've had dark charcoal and liked the color. Had brick in my Infiniti_took some getting used to. But had light Gray in my Camry Hybrid. Hated it from day one. I bought it because it was the first one delivered in WV and I needed to get it quickly as the WV tax credit expired in a couple of weeks. It saved me $3750 over the three years. As soon as my three years were up I traded it. Short intrepretation: I got Bisque. Blizzard White was my first choice in exterior colors and I told my dealer a couple of colors I liked if it gets hard, but I said I don't want light gray no matter what. I realize a lot of people like that color. It takes all kinds. Blizard White Prius V w/ Bisque and NAV
Brick's interesting. Burnt Orange even more so but kudos to Nissan for being bold and offering unique interior colour choices.