What is Toyota's price to replace the Nav/backup camera unit? Good thing to know if it goes out 4 years later and don't have 'extended warranty'. When having my JBL radio replaced, the service advisor mentioned 'yeah, those MFD units are something like $4,500 in the (Gen2) Prius'. That got my attention.
The MFD retails for $6741 and is available at discount for around $4660 at parts.com: http://www.parts.com/oemcatalog/ind...rius&year=2008&catalogid=1&displayCatalogid=0 I think if my MFD ever broke when it was out of warranty, I'd be looking for a used MFD.
It's one of the reason's that a service contract (extended warranty) is really a necessity on the Prius IMHO. It has more electronic gadgetry than any of the other Toyota's and labor costs will only be going up in the coming years...
I don't know about back up cameras specifically, but the delay in current wireless technology in general is no greater than the delay in most hardwired technology - which is imperceptible. Besides, do we even know if the factory installed camera is hardwired? I don't know why Toyota wouldn't use a wireless device. It is certainly less trouble in manufacturing...
Wireless devices would have to use the 2.4 gigahertz frequency range. The aftermarket wireless models get mixed reviews, depending on the user's location and how much interference he/she has to deal with. There are just too many household devices (PC Wireless router, baby monitor, home cordless phones, door bell systems, Microwave oven, etc) that will cause interference when you are trying to back out of your drive way. With the aftermarket wired models, it takes 1 to 2 hours to do it yourself, or you can get a pro do it for about $100 installation fee plus hardware cost ($60 to $200) My Toyota dealer wants $1000 to install a backup camera on my Prius II that did not come with NAV.
I see a variety of used Prius MFDs available on eBay for around $200. When searching eBay for it, search "Prius screen" (if you only search "Prius MFD", you'll get very few results as "MFD" is not a commonly used term on eBay).
I had an after-market camera fitted to my 2007 model, with the screen in the mirror. Would not go down that route again. I do use it - it is great in tight parking spots, but it is hard to see anything in the screen in bright daylight. The camera is actually fitted where the factory fitted camera is normally fitted, and the shop that put the camera in had no problems running the cable through to the mirror. I am sure that the camera technology has improved over the last two years, so would possibly consider another after-market unit, but it needs it's own screen - would never buy another that had the screen in the mirror.
Just a heads up. I purchased a wireless backup camera and found that there is too much interference in the prius when the ice is running. The camera wouldn't stay connected to the monitor. So back it goes for a hardwired solution. Going to try this one next: Tadi Brothers :: Backup Camera Kits :: Mirrors :: 7" Mirror monitor with License Plate Backup Camera G
having used a cellphone, wireless PC card for internet and BT devices, i can say without much reservation that wireless will most certainly be delayed.... for one thing, wired is delayed as well. all signals need to be processed before they can be seen. wired is processed much quicker because its a cleaner signal.... wireless signals are nothing more than coded electromagnetic radiation. now if it was the only signal out there, then no problem.... but that signal has to fight with my cellphone signal, my BT signal, the waves coming from any electric motor in the vicinity (including the one hauling my fat nice person around) along with the natural radiation of the Earth... well, that is a lot of garbage to sort out to get what is needed to show that picture on your screen. now, will the delay be extreme?? will the software even care?? dont know. but if the software does not care, you will get a lower picture quality which will affect the view and that might not work well either. either way, if it wireless, IT WILL BE DELAYED...now will it still work?? sure. back up a foot, stop re-access the view, back up some more, etc. heck for people whose level of vision is like mine, the enhanced backup view i have in my 2010 now still requires me to do the same anyway as for the Toyota system being wired or not, if its wireless, they need to get into the cellphone business ASAP because they would have the best signal by far...never a glitch... never any signal dropout...ya buddy!!
We used the back-up camera in a parking situation for the first time yesterday. It made backing up to the car behind us easy. I could see our bumper in the backup wide-angle view. We backed up slowly and still left the guy behind us plenty of room to navigate out of his parking spot. I could also see how close I was to the curb. It made parking much easier. Backing up is a dangerous operation to say the least. My back up rule has been, "Never back up any further than what it takes to drive forward." Take a look at the bumpers of cars on your next outing. Almost all have a ding somewhere. Parking lots are the most dangerous so my rule is to park as far away from other cars as you can. Dan
As promised I reviewed my backup camera installation on the mod forums: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ons/64217-rear-view-mirror-backup-camera.html G
question on back-up camera built-in with nav objects in camera appear closer than they actually are. is this how it was designed or any way to change the view?
It's a wide angle lens - and hard to change. But if you practice backing up to a clearly defined spot -- like a white line -- you'll find that you can use for very accurate positioning. You'll also find that the wide angle is a safety factor in giving you full awareness of surroundings. My advice is to stay with and get used to it.
Email Toyota and tell them you would like a backup camera without the nav system. I did, don't know if it will help but its worth a try.
You guys can't get that in the US? I have the auto dimming rear view mirror w/ backup camera on my Gen 3 Touring (Prius V) without nav.
I think the back up camera is wonderful and worth it. If you do much parking it is such a life saver even in diagonal parking, it helps to see the road you are backing into even if there is a monster truck parked next to you.