The 360 Paper Water bottle is an innovative, single-serve water bottle made from 100% renewable material - yes, it's paper - or more specifically bamboo or palm leaves. Made from sustainable sheet stock such as bamboo, the bottle features a lid which peels off into two pieces, one piece keeps the top clean from dust or other contaminants and the other can be reattached to seal the bottle. As the bottles can be produced on a single line and bundled for shipping, extra packaging can be eliminated, making this bottle a very cool environmental solution to reducing the number of plastic bottles Full article 360 Paper water bottle offers renewable alternative to plastic
Actually the milk carton does OK in the microwave. It is a great way to make a great latte by putting a carton of Farmers Union Iced Coffee in the microwave for a minute of so. Farmers Union Iced Coffee outsells Coke in South Australia! It is the best selling milk drink on a per capita basis in Australia and is building to world domination, look out!
I am not even going to read any of these posts,,,, I will just say, TAP WATER, TAP WATER,, TAP WATER!!!!!! Failing that TAP WATER filtered through a Brita, or finally if you really feel the need to throw money away,, buy water in the 5 gallon REFILLABLE jugs ala Culligan! If you want to take water with you when you leave the house,,, take a Nalgene (I know the current thinking) or a stainless steel water bottle (or three!) and re-fill them from the TAP! Anyone who has bought the BS about buying water,, and paying as much or more for it than you pay for gasoline, or milk, or beer on tap for that matter has to have rocks in their head,,, and they can't complain about Taxes or the price of fuel or anything else! Icarus
I hear ya on the stainless & the tap water. We have 3 stainless bottles. But there's the microwave issue, so they won't do for all things. And they get mighty hot if you poor your liquid into stainless pre-heated . Then there's the tap water issue. Some (as in 'she-who-must-be-obeyed) are allergic to chlorine. We do have the charcoal set up for our home drinking water, but she sneezes and coughs a ton after a refreshing chlorine shower. Quite a sight. The whole house filtration systems cost a mint, so we're still putting that off. Lastly, there's there's the, "I'm afraid the plastic will leach out of the bottle, and into the drinking water" paranoia. (sigh) Welcome to my world. Hey, gime a big dose of lead soldered water pipe chlorinated water, & I'm good to go!
It would be interesting to see which is less ecologically friendly en masse.... water in a plastic bottle or milk-based coffee drinks in the greenest carton available. I'm thinking the latter...