So, the good news is, my 2010 is expected into port soon. The bad news is, they want an answer today on whether I want port installed 3M tint for $199. I can't get more details, because my dealer contact is running around the Arizona mountains and keeps losing his cell connection. I was considering going high end ceramic (FormulaOne Pinnacle or Huper Optik) for higher heat rejection while driving and to lessen the possibility of interference (even though I know that has not been a problem in the past). All opinions welcome. Need Help ASAP. Thanks.
We have Huper Optik on both Prii and it's been great for cutting down the heat from the sun. No discoloration after 2+ years, no peeling, and no scratches. It's not "limousine" tint ... it's functional tint.
And just to follow up, I just got quoted $75 by a local shop for normal 3M tint, and $300+ for Huper Optik. More opinions and real world experience welcome!
I've always used 3M and never had it fade or discolor. I paid the local shop that has done all my tinting, striping and accessories since 1990 about the same as that quote for my 2006 a few weeks ago. $75!!!! I'd almost be afraid of that. There are 9 (or 10 if you do the lower hatch) pieces of glass that all have to be individually fitted and cut. I got what I thought was a good deal at about $200 - I can't see how they could possibly do it for $75. Maybe they're shipping their work to China for cheap labor ound:
Yeah, I wonder how they can do it for $75 without cutting corners somehow. However, the guy seemed nice enough ans was familiar with the new model Prius (he even quoted the 50 MPG to me!). As an additional followup, I got quoted $199 from another shop for "normal" tint and $499 for FormulaOne Pinnacle. I should have added, the guy quoting the Huper Optik did not push it at all and was really sort of pooh-poohing it; although he did agree it has higher heat rejection. Pinnacle claims 65%. I think Huper Optik is probably about the same for equivalent tint shade.
I had my 05 tinted when I moved to Phoenix almost 3 years ago. I'm not sure of the tint brand, but it's dark enough and there is no discoloration or other problems. There is no sign of interference for any of the wireless devices associated with the car. I paid $140 + tax for an installer to do it at my office. He tinted all 10 pieces of glass (did the lower hatch glass in a lighter shade so it would match the rest). The $75 price is what I would expect to tint the front side windows only on most SUVs or minivans that come with privacy glass. You can call Mark at 602-230-8468 for an estimate and to ask which product line they install. I know it came with a "lifetime" warranty.
Thanks. My bad: I was actually wondering whether there was a factory option for additional tinting, so I infer that there is not. I see too many bubbly crappy-lookin' aftermarket tint jobs to want to risk getting one.
Thanks to all who expressed opinions. I opted to let the Port install the tint. Didn't really trust the cheap quote, and was too lazy to want to deal with it after delivery. Also decided the higher end tint wasn't important to me. FYI, for the GST region, they do thousands of tint jobs, and they have set templates, so there is no cutting going on around the car. Other tint shops also claim to use computer templates, but I doubt 3rd party installers would already have templates for a brand new model.
OK, one more update. Got the following additional information regarding port installed tint in the GST region: Tint: Ceramic, not metallic. No significant difference from metallic. GST has had no issues, been installing for ~4 years. Moved from metallic to ceramic due to interference with XM signal. I found the last bit interesting.
GST is sort of famous, or is that infamous, for doing port installed stuff. Helps give them an extra cut on each car. However, they don't force it down your throat if you identify a car in the system before it gets processed, or if it's something easily removed, like mats. One good reason not to buy off the dealer's lot though.
Like a lot of factory glass these days, the Prius seems to come with a fair amount of tint and UV protection baked in. You have to take that into account when determining what level of tint to add (and still be legal). The lower portion of the rear hatch is smoked glass and is already near full tint levels (but going by the chart, without the same UV and solar rejection rates as the rest of the windows).
I've been wondering a lot about the tint on my '09. I saw the chart earlier in this thread, but that was for 2010 models. Any one know if the 09's are similar or if there is a chart? If you look at any of my photos you can tell it is REALLY dark after market (we bought it cert. used). I actually have some feelings of taking it out...for legal reasons, but also it just looks TOO FLY LOL I know it's an opinion, but too dark is too dark for me. Others may like it. Which brings up the other though- is it hard to remove tint?
i bought my 02 used in 05 off an ebay dealer in florida (i know, but it worked out great). when it came, the first time i drove it was at nihgt and i could not see anything in the side mirrors the tint was so dark took it for inspection and the garage removed the 5 or so inces at the top of the windshield without even telling me before hand as it was illegal and a safety issue in Virginia drove for two years everything fine then i get pulled over on a friday morning and they test the front and rear side windows and only 65? % light got through and i think 75 or so was the law, so i got a ticket. went to work, made an appt for Monday at 5, and got stopped again monday morning on the way to work. told him i just got a ticket - he didn't care. told nim i had an appt and he wanted proof. i happened to have a google maps printout that i had written "AJ's tint - 5 pm monday" and he let me go. Paid $100 or so to remove the tint from the front and rear sides. i left the rear back window tinted because they said it mihgt rip the antenna, plus the popo can't test that window in virginia because they can't get their calipers on it without removing the glass. so the point is know the laws in your state and if yuo buy used from out of state beware the %
wow! almost exactly my concern. Mine almost screams "Hey, here i am. I'm speed racer!" :first: LOL I am curious before i think of removing it, if there is a tad of built in tint. As per the 2010 chart posted in this thread. I am gonna guess the 2009 have some factory tint. Can anyone verify that? Anyway, sounds like a weekend project to remove the tint. isn't there a spray or solvent that is used to remove it?
the tint place that removed my tinting used a special spray (maybe a glue unstickier) and then grabbed an edge and pulled a good portion of it off. had to use more spray and eventually a sharp scraper to totally remove all residue
I wound up removing the two rear window tint (main not the quarter panel windows). Looks so much nicer IMO. I have pics of the heavy tint at my gallery. I'll get some with the tint removed. I think it just relaxes it a little- to about the right amount. Of course the rear window looks like a disaster waiting to happen
When I got my tint, I asked how dark I can go. The guy at the shop said he does it legal, but if I wanted darker, he can take "cash, no receipt." I asked what would happen if I got stopped, and he suggested "just roll down the windows". The laws here only apply to the front and front-side, not the back. Then he suggested "it's only like $45 anyway if you get stopped." It was funny because he had just completed a police car, which was sitting in his lot (and whose tint looked darker than mine in the front!). I played it safe and kept it legal, but I'm glad I learned the limits. Good advice!