Where you can discover that their headquarters is, appropriately enough, in the metropolitan Boston area.
my dealer (bought car one month ago) sold us lojack telling us he has same ins co as we do Geico and gets 15% off his rates.....GEICO told us so sorry, no discouts for Lojack? Any way to get that money back? Also sold us platinum plan for $2,230 100K 7 yrs bumper/bumper 0 deductable....would like to cancel that and buy less expensive policy....can I do that too?
well today dealer says they won't take the lojack back...but will upgrade it for free so we can get a text to our phone if it moves...we work for the airlines so it sits for four days at a shot at the airport. cancelled our warranty..they'll refund it to the bank. was told by dealer I can't find same thing cheaper since only authorized dealers can sell the toyota warranty platinum.....is this what Troy sells? Is he a dealer?
Sounds like you went shopping unprepared. At least you got the warranty refund. If he didn't put in writing that the lojack would save you $$ on insurance, then you're out of luck. Still, I have lojack on my mustang and it is a GREAT system.
Well, Lojack hadn't crossed my mind. Didn't want it....but got "persuaded" by finance guy..he said I have the same company Geico and they gave me 15% discount, so I thought well it's probably a wash over time then...ok. My bad. I've got it, hope I never have to use it. Seems like it would be hard to steal a Prius because of the ignition system...but then again, I'm not a car theif.
It's not hard to steal anything with a flatbed and some chain. The lowjack is good peace of mind. If you ever have the car stolen (and I hope you don't), you'll be very glad you have it. Congrats on the new car! I hope to get mine soon.
I have lojack on both our QX56 and E55. It is great peace of mind knowing they could probably recover the car if stolen. The downside is that I dont think I would want the car back after its been stolen and probably stripped in Mexico. I would rather just have it stolen and gone, and file a claim through insurance.