I just wish you could send them east - way east - <sniff> I think the west coast has enough cars now - all inventory should be sent in this direction ASAP.
I'm with Maggie I second, third and fourth vote for Dianne to send some back to NY. Especially the Package IV Winter Grey/Misty Sunroof - that's EXACTLY what I'm waiting for...
You can get a one-way ticket from NYC to LAX for ~$150. If you're up for a road trip, you could have a car in no time
I would but don't have the time for the long drive back 'specially within the breakin guidlines. But I can imagine have LKA and CC on those long stretches of empty highway! You could take a nap while driving!
I'd sure send it to you if I could! Oh well... sorry it's taking so long to get the cars to your coast but it IS worth the wait!! :cheer2:
BUMPING this to the top of the thread **Updated 7/1/09 @ 10am** Gang, this is a list of my available cars for early July. Many of these cars are here on ground, and a few are inbound to me VERY shortly. If you see a car you need/want that you're comfortable locking up with a deposit, call me asap. Speak now, or... you might lose the car to someone faster! That means we both lose! Just reach me to see what's still open and available. Prius 2010 II package white/charcoal silver/misty (1) silver/charcoal (3) black/charcoal blue/bisque winter gray/misty winter gray/charcoal III package black/misty sunroof winter gray/misty NAV blizz white/misty NAV IV package red/bisque NAV blue/charcoal NAV (and factory remote start) red/charcoal sunroof V package blizzard pearl/charcoal Call my cel, office line, or email me at [email protected] or [email protected] to snag one of these late June/early July cars!! And, please remember... I support the site with every car sold.
Re: BUMPING this to the top of the thread Yes, am at MSRP or on a few of the more "mainstream" cars in certain colors, I am under MSRP. Dianne