CAR has released it's full review: Toyota Prius (2009) hybrid CAR review | Road Testing Reviews | Car Magazine Online It's a good review. The pics are all taken from the UK Press Pack. I know of one other person who has actually ordered a UK car - ToneUK - anyone else here taken the plunge? Especially those of you lucky enough to have driven the car? I won't get my chance until Saturday 11th July.
Ummm, in a word no. Our public transport is a joke too little and too much ££££ If you want to see A1 public transport go to Hong Kong, mega cheap, efficient and clean
I'm at MIRA too on the 11th for the 13:30 slot. It'll possibly be the same car that Simon and Alex have been driving around the UK. Are you, like me, waiting around for OS 3.0 (if that makes any sense)?
Interesting write up in the Sunday Times - Odd that Toyota UK expect to sell less of them next year.
I'm there in the evening slot as I first thought it was in the Midlands (but now seems to be Surrey again - yet there is no MIRA in Surrey!). Was going to take my Dad but now taking my mate who works in the City and drives Porsche's and Audi's. His opinion will be very interesting...... I have the early iPod Touch so OS 3.0 is no use for me. Blackberry Bold for work (iPhone is crap for e-mails).
ohh... lol. Guess I should complain about ours then?? I have. I've taken transit all my life until I came to North America and the idea of a personal vehicle became necessary.
The times article intentionally left out all the good parts but just hinted at them. Didn't mention the solar roof, cruise control, intelligent parking assist, heads up display but instead made it sound like an expensive cheap car with gizmos. Buggers. Cheap plastic? From what I heard its the same bio-plastic thats used in the new Lexus. Lexus is cheap?! Toyota might be expecting it to sell less than last year, but theres good reasons for that. First off its being launched in the latter part of the year where everyone starts saving and spending for christmas. So the writer automatically assumes that the market is small and shrinking.... really? With petrol prices and a quid a litre and diesel soaring above that in some areas, people who don't want to get shafted too often by Mr. Darling and his frakking fuel duty to help pay for the banks we now own. The main thing that people care about in the UK is cost. "How much is this bugger going to cost me to run." - No stupid Congestion Charge in London - No road tax - Low insurance (at least my quotes have been incredibly low compared to other similar sized cars) - Less fill ups at the pump The market is shrinking in the UK for this? No it isn't, and the 2010 sales figures will show that.
Considering the car market as a whole is at a deep slump at the moment, Toyota UK's assumption that it will sell less cars is pretty realistic, but I'm pretty sure when more people can afford to buy new cars again, Prius should sell well.
Tell that to Ford Europe They can't make their new cars fast enough that they've brought back overtime. There has been so much demand for the new Fiesta that they've had to cut back on the number of other models they're making to make time to build the new Fiesta. One of my friends who got one has to wait almost 3 months to get his built and delivered because there was such a demand for them. (He got Titanium model with all the extras) With the Car market in the UK it looks as if things are starting to pick up. I have a family member who works for a Evans Halshaw dealer in Central Scotland and she has said they haven't had this much business for a few years.
I must admit I'm surprised, I wonder if this is caused by the scrappage scheme? Didn't realise that has such a big impact.
No, Ford pulled out of the scrappage scheme because they knew they'd loose money out of it. So its pure demand.
Review from AutoExpress: Toyota Prius | First Drives | Car Reviews | Auto Express I think SOME cars are selling really well. Its the fuel efficient models. Apparently the Aygo / 107 / C1 has a huge waiting list too which has pushed up the value of 2nd hand low mileage models. This is the reason why I think the Prius could surprise people in the UK. Time will tell.
Nice review there by auto express, seems fair, although they didn't exactly go into all that much detail. They said, "The extra weight from the battery pack doesn’t inspire confidence in corners, but on the whole it’s a sure-footed and comfortable cruiser." I'm sure that's due to the lack of independent rear suspension, instead relying on a torsion bar. Which means it will understeer like a bitch if you throw it too fast around corners on the country roads or track with the weight over the back wheels. (and yes, I said track ) @Wooski: I think you're right mate, I think the Prius will be a hit over here, especially with people wanting a decent family car. Take the new Focus for example, if you take the ECOnetic model, add on all the extra safety options that come standard in the Prius and all the gizmos.. it ends up costing more for the Focus AND you're still not getting all the great stuff you get with the Prius. The standard Prius is more value for money over a fully kitted out Focus, and your maintainence is cheaper AND it won't depreciate so much and you're getting more features for your quids. Then to add to that you don't need to pay road tax, you pay less at the pump and you don't need to pay a sausage to Boris for the Congestion Charge. Prius > Focus If sensible car magazines, and buyers alike, start making these kind of comparisons then I see absolutely no reason at all for the Prius not to do very well over here.
Plus a Prius is bigger inside (especially in the back) and its automatic - which none of the so called "Eco" cars are. For me in the middle of London an auto box is a must. And those Eco cars just don't cut the mustard at 6pm on the Euston Rd, the Prius eats them for breakfast.
Yeah the space in the back is very very impressive. When I saw the pics of just how big it was I knew it truly was perfect. We often go camping up to Luss and fitting 4/5 of us in one car with all the stuff used to be a MAJOR hassle. But from the back seats, and looking at the boot, there is tonnes you can fit in there easily. Really looking forward to taking her up to the lodges at new year actually now
A quick look at the Ford website will tell you otherwise I think they threw their toys out of the pram when it was first announced, but since they realised how well the other manurfacturers were doing out of the scheme they seem to have joined in, and then some. Some of the mid sized cars have upto £4000 off rather than the standard £2k discounts! Interestingly enough Toyota have done exceptionally well out of the scheme so far and have managed to double their Market share in the cars registered as part of the government inititiave. As well as ordering my New Prius the other week, my mother caught the new car bug and last weekend we bought her a new Aygo with the £2k discount. Delivery on that is due late August so that gives you an idea of how busy it's become.
Woah thats pretty nice. My sis works for Evans Halshaw so I should ask her when they decided to jump back in the boat. Shame they didn't sell the new Prius or I would have been eligable for the the 20% family discount