Has anyone figured out how to change the auto-door locking mode from when going into gear, to at 12mph. I have tried every combination of key presses listed in the manual and none of them seem to work. The onlt thing I could do was turn it on or off, but not change the mode.
Im kind of amazed that the PriusTeam has not chimed in on this. Others have mentioned this problem. Someone at Toyota must know how to do this?
this is something that the dealer has to do. i had mine done along with the reverse beep and seat belt beeps.
According to the info at TIS, the dealer can turn on or off both the auto lock/unlock based on shifter position and driving speed. I had no luck trying to disable the shifter based settings and had the dealer do it.
I asked my dealer about having these things changed before I get the car, but they don't want to do it for some reason. He said, "You and I can do a little tweaking when you pick up the car. It should only take a minute or two." Can any of these actually be done by the owner?
The only customization change I was able to do myself is the SKS unlocking all doors when I touch the drivers door. Undoing auto lock/unlock--no go. I also had the following done by the dealer before delivery, which can't be done by the owner: --Wireless remote unlocking operation—customized setting of “all doors unlocked in 1-step†--Unlocking using a key—customized setting of “all doors unlocked in 1-step†--Reverse warning buzzer—customized setting of “beeps once†--Seat belt reminder—customized setting of “OFFâ€
My dealer told me they couldn't do a few of the things as well ... they didn't know any differently and didn't want to believe me.
I posted exactly how to change the auto door locking yourself in another thread. Do A search for my posts to find it. Its very easy, I changed mine to lock at 12mph, not when put into gear. in fact here, I will just paste the info again here... "OK, I have the auto door locking figured out. manual is wrong. You dont put the car to on you have to put it to ready. So you put the car to ready, push N or P (dont hold) then hold the driver door lock/unlock for 5 sec and let go. For the 5 sec count with the blinks of the : on the clock. If you did it right the doors will lock and unlock." The codes are correct at the end as far as if you push N or P and if you hold lock or unlock so follow what is says there. If you still cant get it to work please post and I will try to help more.
Your instructions are not specific enough. I need to know if I should push the lock or the unlock, and do I push the N or The P to change to 12mph. All if have been able to do is turn auto lock on or off, but cant change the mode. Please detail in steps the exact proceedure to change from Autolock upon entering gear to Autolock at 12mph. Thanks.
PM me your e-mails and I will send you the PDF. Print it and show it to your dealer. They can do it. It's a customisable feature.
OK, here goes... Shift position linked door locking function. In other words doors lock when shifted out of park. So to change this you start the car, press and let go of the P button, then hold the drivers door lock for 5 sec. This will toggle this function off, or doing this will also turn it back on if it is already off. Now start over. Speed linked locking function. AKA lock doors at 12mph. Start the car, press the shifter to N and let go, then hold drivers door lock for 5 sec. Every time you do this it will toggle it on if it was off, and off if it was on. After the 5 sec of holding the lock or unlock button and you let go, the car will respond with locking and unlocking the doors to let you know it worked.
When you say start the car you mean "ready" as in push the brake pedal and push start, or "on" as in push the start button twice?
Yes start the car. Push brake, push power= ready mode. You must be in ready mode to change these settings.
I think I found the problem I was having. I was not keeping my foot on the brake, so the P light would never go out when I pushed N. This time I kept my foot on the brake. pushed N and held the lock button and i got a double lock cycle.
Took the car to work today and the locks activated at 14mph. Yipee, I finally got it to work. The whole missing link was the brake pedal.
Awesome, glad you got it going. Now I have to take mine in to stop the backup beeping. Too bad my dealer is not even sure they know how to change the settings. AND I had to set a time to go in more then a week after I got the car.
Did I hear that right -- you can actually deactivate the no-seat belt on buzzer????? If so -- that's reason enough to buy the car right there! dave t.
Odd, I'm picking up my V tomorrow - the dealer is prepping and going over the customized settings now. Initially I kept the seat belt warning default - on. And wanted the doors to lock at 12MPH. Along with some other stuff. They just called and said the auto lock at 12mph defeats the seat belt warning - "Is that OK"? I said yep.