Until one of these lawyers shows up unexpectedly: Top 10 filers of 2005 federal ADA filings in California - The Price of Access - sacbee.com
Sorry. My GF calls me the Dream Killerâ„¢. :madgrin: I have been studying ADA code for a test I'm taking tomorrow. I have noticed that even newer buildings that were built with ADA code taken into effect will have minor violations. There is no way that a private residence would comply with access requirements unless lots of $ were spent to remodel it.
In regards to the original post and the fact that people are trying to sue... People who get significantly lower gas mileage than advertised frankly are bad drivers. Of course certain environmental conditions affect your mileage, but using proper driving techniques you won't have large problems. Doesn't matter if it is the Prius or any other car, if you're a good driver who doesn't have a lead food and who isn't wasting energy by flooring it to lights to have to slam on the breaks, then you should exceed the mileage on the sticker. The fact that there are people suing a car company because they don't know how to drive properly should get their asses to a driving school or head on over to CleanMPG.com and read the hypermiling guide on how to actually drive properly and not wasteful! Even if you don't want to hypermile, it sure as hell gives a damn good idea on how to be more efficient and from now on I'll be giving the same advice to my pupils as they learn to drive. But hay, its your wallet, up to you! Oh and if you're complaining about the number on the sticker, remember the EPA (or your own government authority if you're not American) was the agency who tested those numbers and rated it. Bitch at them, not Toyota.
Does anyone believe this would be an issue if Toyota didn't design the MFD to keep track or and constantly report your fuel economy? I wonder how many of the people who complain ever really tracked their fuel economy before? And I don't mean they just cherry-picked a measurement by doing it during a long-distance travel event, but kept track of their total-use fuel economy. I've done this for my cars ever since I drove my '77 VW, but I believe I'm a bit outside the norm on this one. . . . And no retorts to my last sentence!
Haha, nah I don't think you're outside of the norm on it, a lot of people I know keep track of how many miles they get to a tank rather than the exact MPG figures day to day or fillup-to-fillup. On my driving instruction car I have anywhere from 20 to 35 different people driving it a week, and learners are fairly heavy on the gas when pulling away when they're still learning their clutch control. The car is a Vauxhall (Opel) Corsa 1.4L 16V with MPG combined on the sticker of 43.5 yet i still manage to get on average about 48-53 mpg out of it. Personally I believe that if people don't keep track of their gas mileage and wasting their own money then they're being quite irresponsible. Pissing and moaning to Toyota because you fail to do a few basic things to BETTER your driving is quite pathetic. At least these people could try and get better mileage by trying a change to their driving before suing. Just my $0.02...
I haven't read all 7 pages of this thread, so forgive me if I repeat, but the one thing I've read about which SHOULD be the subject of a lawsuit is the wacky way the bladder can cut your gasoline capacity at fill-up to a couple of gallons. Toyota doesn't tell you that before you buy If they wanted to leave it that way, then in their sales literature, they should have listed capacity as 2.5 to 11.5 gallons depending on your luch and other circumstances. I haven't any evidence of that problem yet. But if I do, I fully intend to use the Lemon Laws to force the issue. Fix it permanently, or, buy the car back, and for that reason alone I'd consider buying a Gen 3 Prius, or possibly a Ford Fusion hybrid.
It's civil court . . . they're plaintiffs One of our own prominent CA class action shysters (whoops! I meant attorneys) was just disbarred. Seems he had a number of "plaintiffs" on the payroll. You see, the firm that throws enough plaintiffs together the fastest, often gets to be counsel for the class. So the courts found out he was paying kickbacks to the payola plaintiffs, and the next thing you know ... "YOUR OUTAHERE". That's gotta be embarrasing ... having your name plastered in the State bar newspaper like that. Aside from that . . . "your mileage may vary" . . . did they not know what that meant? HEY WAIT ... I'm not getting 60mpg either ... can I get a piece of that action from the other side? you see ... it's so infrequent that I get to the gas station, I forget where it is. I was COUNTING on only getting 60mpg ... but this damn car ... it won't go that low!
Glad to finally hear from a sane, normal CA attorney! Sorry about your MPG problem, hill. My car obviously was much better, because it only slipped over that 60 number 6 times. I wonder if that means I can't join the class?
Damn Dude, I am impressed.....how the hell do you get those numbers. I figure you drive a route designed by M.C. Escher. Always a downhill run. Here I was impressed with the 423 miles I got yesterday, my personal best, 46.3MPG, and exactly 8 gal to refill!!! I have a hill that drops my MPG .4 MPG every trip, every day. Of course in the morning I cruise downhill, 99.9 mpg......its going back up that's a bitch!!! NICE NUMBERS. I NEED SOME OF YOUR MOJO!!!
Pulse & glide my friend ... only a few times a year just to make sure I'm still in practice. Not my all time best, but within 2mpg of it. It was the quickest pic I had access to. There are P & G folks out there doing a tank full in the 80's and above, so you'll always be humble around here . There's a 4 mile gentle slope on the way to work ... but that means going home, I always kill a few mpg there.