I'm seriously considering doing it. The underside of the console lid has four screws that look like they hold on the fabric covered part. Maybe this weekend I will try removing the screws to see what happens.
I just ordered a tan leather cover from prius hoods on ebay. The reports from her customers on that site were all glowing and raved about the fabric and fit. She also makes them in black. Haven't gotten mine yet so I can't say any more...but try there and see what you think
Glad to be of help! Hm, I interpreted your post to mean you are considering re-upholstering the center console, but I think others interpreted it as you already had... If you haven't yet... http://wakeup.to/priusdisplayhood One of PriusChat's sponsers makes a center console cover as well as other accessories. I have not tried any of those accessories, but others seem to be happy with and and I think you should try center console out.
I found if you keep the hatch open for a long time, something will sort of dry up the hatch becomes hard to close. Spraying some silicone on the moving part of the two supports fixes it.
Bluetooth comes out of the tweater and woofer on my '09 and sounds perfect. By far the best of the dozen or so car bluetooths I've used. Did they change it at some point?
I bought the tan leather console cover from Prius Hoods. They were a quick ship and I really like it. Also bought the MFD hood and SK leather case on another order. Highly recommend....
The things that bother me the most are the large blind spots and the way the car shakes at a stop when the ICE shuts down. The first can be quite dangerous, and the second is just embarrassing when you have passengers.
I have a 2009 Touring with the gray interior. My first "complaint" is the absurdly low quality of the interior for the price point of the vehicle, even given the extra costs a hybrid system adds. For example, there are several different shades of gray in the interior. Getting diverse materials to all look the same color isn't a new issue for car mfgrs ... it's been there forever, and established brands have long-since built color consistency into the design / mfg process. Toyota has demonstrated its ability to do this in those of its other, less-expensive models I've looked into. But on the Prius, it cries out "cheap...cheap". I'm going to eventually do two things at minimum. First, recover the seats and armrests ... not sure which one, but I'll use a kit to do it. Katzkiin is one of the more costly but hi-quality options I've looked at. Then, second, I'm going to paint a few of the gray or interior surfaces to match the seat color, or, one of the other shades of gray in the interior. (I've gone through this in detail with an auto paint shop, and it's very much possible and can be long-lasting with proper prep for the paint. My second disappointment is the (from the factory) inability to run only on the battery for a time after start-up -- efficient for the drive to the bank or a near-by restaurant. These two frequent short trips, and other similar ones, shouldn't require the ICE to run unless the battery gets too low from prior useage. Yes, there's a work-around which we can purchase, but with a new car with only 2k miles on it, I'm very afraid of making that modification for fear that it will be used as an excuse to void warranty if something serious comes up ... maybe in ten or twenty thousand miles ... but not now. Lastly, and a big issue with me, is that the spare tire well will not hold a full-size spare, at least not for the Touring. I've been stranded before on a holiday weekend with a no-repair flat, and only the donut spare to use. That, plus the relative scarcity of our matching tires, is criminal. I'm probably going to tie-down a full size spare in the luggage area for any long trips I take, even though that makes it hard to use the extra storeage space below the floor to the trunk area. Still, I'm glad I bought it and am working at learning how to drive it most efficiently.
The package 6 is much better but still not as good as the Camry or Civic with leather. I almost bought the Camry hybrid but my wife said no. It was perfect! Have you pumped up those tires yet? I am at 44PSI and on smooth roads it is fine. Not for rough roads.
I did consider pkg 6, but that of course requires getting the navigation system. I'm going to get a nav system which I can switch back and forth between my two cars, so I hated to pay for the factory pkg. In truth, getting just one system will make it easier to operate vs having to learn commands etc for two systems and not get them confused. And, I can choose whatever system I think will work best for me out of the many available. Ahh..... Tire pressure. At this point, I'm establishing my base line by leaving psi at factory settings and tracking mpg on a spreadsheet. A little while down the road, I'll raise the psi a bit and find out what that does to mpg over a period of time, then push it up yet again ... I do have the Touring model, so it's possible I may suffer harshness on the roads more quickly than the std model does, and could therefore find I'll have to settle for a lower boost in psi. In any case, I'll post results when available. Of course, with the mpg the Prius gets, it takes forever to do this process >>ETP wrote: The package 6 is much better but still not as good as the Camry or Civic with leather. I almost bought the Camry hybrid but my wife said no. It was perfect! Have you pumped up those tires yet? I am at 44PSI and on smooth roads it is fine. Not for rough roads.<<
I wonder if there is a QC issue. My package #6 looks great! After application of Meguires leather conditioner, it looks stellar. My sister in law has the Camry with leather, and the Prius looks just as good. Actually, the best leather I saw in a reasonably priced car was the Ford Fusion Hybrid (very sturdy looking).