Not to step on toes, previous post - but to formalize a poll: How do you feel about the Blue Prius emblem? Answer above
I like it. I didn't vote for it to put on other Toyota hybrids because I think they can improve on it. The Lexus one looks a lot better. Granted, it is a Lexus after all but the blue can be toned down a tad and make it bluer rather than the blue-green it is now.
saw a blue and a silver? last night - the kids went nuts for the glowing emblem and were convinced it was electrically powered. they wanted to make sure my bliz prl had the same one when it comes in
It really does look nice against Blizzard. About the blue emblem - maybe the Japanese designer is a Dodgers fan. Or Mets. Or Cubs. sorry...
what you talking about?? i think it matches up... then again, i did get blue. well, actually the emblem does match the color of the door sills... which CAME TODAY!! hope to figure out the install and have it in Saturday
It is not really the blue that bothers me. If it was blue on a transparent background that let the car color through it would look a lot better. Up close, the background looks really cheap to me. Just one man's opinion I guess.
Dave, Please let us know (with pics, if possible) details about installing the door sills. I'm waiting on my Blue Prius, and want to put the sills on it as well.
There are better pictures elsewhere (and Dave will add even more), but here are a couple pics of mine: I need to get a couple of shots at twilight to really show it off better.
I feel the same way about the blue Toyota emblem as I do about the Gen III styling: It's different, not better, not worse, just different. * * * * * How come when people create these types of polls they frequently omit to have a middle category that expresses indifference, no strong feelings either way, like them about equally, etc.?
Here is a picture of those sills in the twilight. I think they look especially sharp on my Prius V in Blizzard. When I was handed the parts that were removed in lieu of the lighted sills, I am very glad at the quality of the materials. Worth every bit of the $359 I paid installed. If it were available, I would install the logo with Blue LED's as well. Jabber mentioned something about a luminescent sticker that could be used that would actually glow, and I would love to learn more about it... Anyone familiar with that? It is like the little flat nightlights that glow in my bathroom and basement. It generates no heat, yet glows softly on very little little electricity. If i remember the package when I bought it, they claimed that using all three nightlights for a year would not cost $.02 in electricity. Seemed to be a hard claim to make, but they worked like a charm. Does anyone know about this for a car?