My wife saw one of these on the road the other day on a SMART Car. They're apparently available here: It would be very, very wrong to add this to your Prius.
I like it! Of course, my old car (an '88 Chevy Sprint) had a sign on it saying that in the event it was lost to drop it in any mailbox. Return postage guaranteed. -->Adam
Next you're going to want a red clown nose, big hair, and oversized shoes. There must be a few parades in Spokane you could enter.
I'd like one for my chest ... next meeting I can walk in, "yes sir ... yes sir ... yes sir". Nah, they wouldn't get it. .
Great to see them back again! These started showing up back in the 70s and were real popular on VW Bugs. Good to see them back.
wow..thats crazy.. i think it looks best on the red car in his websites but i wouldnt dare drill holes in my Prius for this.. Possible leaks and corrosion.. and what if you decside you dont want it anymore?
Now they have them that attach to your license plate frame. I want one and then attach an electrical cord that hangs out the other side of a custom license plate frame that says "$5 A GALLON? YOU Have A Problem".
The OP hasn't been seen for 3-1/2 years. I disagree about it being "very very wrong" to add this to a Prius. If there's one thing that the Prius community DESPERATELY needs, it's stuff like this.