Just put the order in for my 2010 Prius - my first hybrid. Type IV with the Blue Ribbon Metallic color. I can't wait.
I second that! I ordered my (ours 'cause I've got to share with the husband darn it) Prius from a twin cities dealer on May 15th. A week or so later I had the pleasure of seeing the Blizzard Pearl V with Bisque in person (thanks to a post tip on PC) so I modified my order from a IV to a V with Misty Grey interior. A few days after my order was modified (like two days later) the dealer called with an estimated deliver of June 26th. Yesterday I found out a new estimated delivery date of June 15th. That more that rocked for me. Busy trying to get my current car sold. I only buy cars I love. Learned a long time ago not to settle for less (color or options) because I keep my cars for quite a while. I will be very sorry to see my VW Passat GLX go. We've been together for over 8 years but I think it's time we part ways. The good news is that my brother has a thing for my VW so at least I'll still get to see it. Ok enough sappy rambling about silly stuff. PS. Will miss my sunroof too but live in Minnesota so sun time is limited. Today it was around 49 degrees and at one point I could see my breath. What the heck is up with that?
Guess it's time for me to join the forums and say hello with my order story, too. I've been lusting after the 2010 Prius for quite a while, but was only able to put in an order for one last week (a III w/ Nav in Winter Gray and Dark Gray interior -- I had to get Winter Gray as it was obviously fated given my username). I was told it would probably be a couple of months before I got a car. Just yesterday the dealer called let me know that someone else had backed out of a deal in a matching car. Only difference is it already has a port-installed backup sensor. All things considered that didn't add too much to the price, so I snagged it. I should get my car in about 10 days. By the way, I'm sure you folks hear this all the time but PriusChat was an invaluable resource while I was researching the car. I clearly knew more about it than the dealer did thanks to all the excellent content on this site.
Let me know if you get a definite date. I have not been able to get any info from their 'crystal ball' as far as when they think mine will come in.
I totally understand!!! I've had my civic since 3rd year of college...before husband, before a house, before baby...so many good times. But my husband will use it for commuter car and I'll get A/C and solar roof cooling!!! Mine (#3 w/solar blue) should be in port FRIDAY and to me by 19th!!!:cheer2: Can't wait for pics!