I checked prices in the morning yesterday. They went up from the day before. In the afternoon they went up from the morning.
Me too. Smile as I pass the pump. In my case, it's an electron smile. I'll be driving the Prius to Canada this summer for hiking, but until then I'm burning hydro-electrons instead of gas.
National average is $2.53 today. I put gas in the motorcycle yesterday for about $2.45 here in Austin. Texas doesn't require odd blends for summer/winter, AFAIK. Supply and demand economics will be the major contributor to price fluctuation. There is some speculation in futures, and Saudi wanting to reduce production to get the price of a barrel to $80. Personally, I don't expect gas prices to go too much higher this summer, then they'll settle back down to around $2. A friend and I discussed prices recently. We're pretty lucky our prices are actually this low. Gas prices stayed very low from the late 80s / early 90s until a couple years ago. We speculated that if prices had followed inflation, $3/gal would be normal these days.
yep...not creeping anymore, its jumping. was $2.56 on Saturday when put gas in 2010. today gassed up SPM, its now $2.63
I honestly hope it goes up to beyond $3/gallon again real soon. Saw an donkey on the interstate today who had one of those wide-nice person pickup trucks, it was a Dodge but the only one I know the name of is the F-350 (it had the extra tires, wider bed etc). I'm not sure of the exact way to describe this, but basically, I think it was the muffler that he took, basically what he did was he had the muffler split into two, and go up the cabin of his truck, then bend off into diagonal planes, and he tried so hard every time he moved to emit big black clouds of smoke. I can't wait for shit like that to die down again.
I'm amazed at how it is increasing so fast! I know that the price of oil is approaching $70/barrel but there really is no definitive answer for the rise in price! At any rate, just this past evening I was driving around and in Staten Island (a boro of NYC) the prices for regular are ~2.75!!! I usually fill up in Jersey where it is ~$0.40 cheaper per gallon.
Average gas prices in Petersburg, VA as of today range from $2.28 to $2.50 per gallon (87 octane). It has been relatively stable for the past ten days.
Since you burn so much diesel, you should learn how to spell it. If you didn't burn so much diesel, perhaps your company could pay you more. But I'm sure you would rather burn more diesel instead. :madgrin:
Please don't feed the troll; especially trolls that can't spell. He probably writes spam emails when he's not trolling.
Apparently, you can get some sort of black box to plug into the diesel engine wiring harness, to do that ON COMMAND. Yes, it should be completely illegal, but is very popular with hillbilly redneck retards I figure the best way to handle this, is to run a pipe from the exhaust into their bedroom at night. Since these rednecks always claim the black smoke is "harmless" they shouldn't complain
$2.89 here for regular unleaded. Deisel, oops - I mean diesel, is over $3. If our friend will cooperate by burning more, it should climb even faster. :madgrin:
Please don't quote the trolls. It makes it harder to erase their garbage. Just use the report button and our super mods will banish them in 2 shakes of a lambs tail..
I have a bunch of them in my area. They always joke about pulling up next to someone they feel is gay, inferior, hippy, or whatever and belching black smoke into the other persons car. So keep an eye out...... I have not had a roadside fight in a couple years now but cancer or no cancer I will beat the living %$## out of one of these guys if they pull that stunt on me. Unfortunately I've seen them do it to others.