ok dont know if its a bug, or simply setup to work this way. the other day, i am driving home from picking up son from grandma's. notice that i am on a "non road" iow, crossing the map, but not on a road...now i am on a road that has been in existence for a minimum of 3-4 years... thought wow... this map is way out of date...my phone has it.... pic 1: then i was driving down road today, one that i know was on map and it was not there. map res....¼ mile per half inch (or so) pic 2:thought..."hmmm (was great sunny day, so that could be part thought, part humming) ... too strange. changed res to 700 ft and boom there is road... pic 3: sorry for blur and may not be able to see, but remember, the map lays a dot pattern in places you have been. i am backtracking about 45 minutes later and now here is road visible (current location) and road invisible...(draw line straight up following dot patterns)... so now why is this??? there is no change in the road, population density of the area, etc... any thoughts?
So you're asking why the road sometimes shows up and sometimes it doesn't? I don't see the road in the 3rd picture. I only see the cookie trail. Also, check your scale. It shows ¼ mile in the 1st and 3rd picture. When you zoom into the 700ft scale, not only does your road show up, all the other small roads show up as well (e.g. Fuller Lane SE and Highline Dr SE). You also get more details such as the two lakes. So IOW, it's the scale.
The third image is "upside down" since the map is set to show direction and not true North. So there's a little confusion on my part that I had to work through. But yeah, earlier models showed more details depending on zoom factor. Since the first and third images are at 1/4 mile, I would suspect that the road would not appear on them. In other words: I don't see a problem.
I couldn't see all streets until I zoomed to 700ft in my 2004 either. I leave it at 700ft unless I have reason to zoom out. If you come in tighter than 700ft, you start to get building overlays in large metro areas as well.
granted, crappy pic, but i see the road as plain as day. and your comment probably goes a long way towards illustrating the point i am trying to make ok, so then in the 3rd pic. why is the road visible in the lower part of the screen but not visible in the upper part?? would this be "split resolution?" well, in the neighborhood across the street that has been there at least 3-4 years (not sure but has been at least that long) the street does not show up even at 150 ft res
Ohhhhhhhhhhh... you're referring to the blue line? Well that means Navteq thinks that part of the road is a main road and the other isn't. Is the part in blue a wider residential road or is a two-lane divided road vs. the invisible section where it's narrower with no lane markings?
Well, the portion of Wiggins that is north of 40th shows up in a different colored region on Google Maps than the south (not sure if that denotes municipality or not). So reconciling with your pics, it seems Navteq only knows about the northern half of Wiggins, and hasn't charted the southern part (to Yelm) yet. As has been mentioned before, when you zoom into the map, minor streets become more visible.
yes the blue line that disappears just ahead of me on 3rd pic. and its not a change of the area that i am aware of. i should investigate other boundaries like zip codes, etc. it is definitely all Olympia ok, on google maps i must have different personal settings because i see no difference at all and if you are familiar with the area then you would know that Wiggins has been unaltered for DECADES. its a quiet country road that skirts around a few lakes and is a common route for people who know the area because it avoids a lot of very congested areas to be honest with ya, the Wiggins Road thing does not bother me since i can increase res (reduce amount of real estate shown) and it appears no prob. but across Yelm Hwy from me is Balustrade Blvd which has been there AT LEAST 5 years and it does not show up even at 150 feet. i have 2 other GPS programs including one published in 2005 that shows the street... so kinda weird. wondering is there anyway to add streets?
Hmm.. yes Google maps shows it as a main road from Yelm to 27th Ave. The difference is that Google Map is now using TeleAtlas 2009 maps. My TomTom with 2006 TeleAtlas maps looks identical to Google maps and has all the little courts and lanes and crescents on either side of Wiggins. It also shows Wiggins as a main road from 27th to Yelm. Guess Navteq isn't always good for NA cities as some proclaim
well i think the mystery is solved. on pic 3, i am on what google maps says is 27th street (signs on road say Wiggins so apparently a name change) but still listed as Wiggins on Pri Nav (as its been known around here for years) so name change might be reason for diff in rendering.
It still shouldn't change whether it's classified as a main road (blue line) or smaller residential street (thin black lines visible at 700ft or closer)
But when I look at the second picture, Yelms is clearly a thick blue line whereas Wiggins is a thin line. This indicates that the Prius NAV thinks Wiggins is a minor road.
Yelm Hwy is a major 4 lane cross county road. Wiggins is a narrow 2 lane country road but its used a lot because it provides one of the only two ways into the housing around Chambers Lake
Good call Tony. So Dave, you said that Wiggins doesn't change in width right? Time to log onto Navteq's site and report a map change.
some POI's dont show up either. in Shelton the other day we were getting something to eat and were looking for Denny's since i knew there was one around but we were coming into town from an unfamiliar direction, so we did the POI's for restaurants and it only showed 3 , but no Denny's. finally we googled the location and punched it in the Verizon Nav and got there. while sitting in parking lot, i enabled POI's and it still did not find Denny's, but at least it does give you the option to add it in
POIs are a hit and miss. Mine doesn't show the bank that I know is right by the house. Also, North America's biggest mall isn't on my TomTom!!