In other words, do vehicles only get trucked out of port on certain days and at certain hours, or can it be anytime (24/7)? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I honestly haven't a clue.
I'm trying to figure out the same thing. According to me dealer it takes 2-3 weeks to get the car from the Port to the dealer. That's insane!
We LA people have been a quiet bunch but it's pretty maddening that the cars have been sitting at the LA Harbor for a couple weeks now and still not at the dealers. How is that they're selling them in Chicago before LA? I know, I know, gotta get rid of the '09s via the "Sellathon". That's nice and all, but selling 2010 models still counts as a sale made. That said, I've been a week without my 2001 and starting to like biking
South Florida dealers get cars delivered 24/7. My package V arrived at the Jacksonville port 5/26 and was in the dealers yard in South Florida by 7:00AM 5/28.
Toyota is into the whole "Just In Time" thing. They try to make just enough product, just when it's needed, and just the ones people want now. The whole just in time thing requires speedy transportation. I can't picture one of the biggest docks in California only being open part time, and I can't picture Toyota leaving salable inventory sitting around on the dock if they don't have to.
Not sure that adequately explains why some regions chose to hold cars until about 6/1. AZ for whatever reason isn't seeing any until early next week.