I just put my order in for a pruis 4 w/sun.. I would like to everthing I can about the nav that I can before it get's here... Any links would help..Thank you Dan....
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis http://priuschat.com/forums/2010-toyota-prius/60386-2010-prius-navigation-explanation.html
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis . http://priuschat.com/forums/2010-to...-prius-navigation-system-really-horrible.html .
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis You know what they say about opinions... I'm not saying it's the best or the worst, but for an integrated setup its fine for me. I'd rather have it then a suction cup on my windshield.
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis In the interest of "full disclosure", I wanted to let the OP read what a 2010 owner has said. I think that my 2009 Nav system works fine. So hopefully the 2010 will be no worse for most users.
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis You might have a different opinion if you drove around the Lewiston/Clarkston Valley with me yesterday checking out its accuracy. :smash:
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis One thing that I will like is the 8" screen, easy to see for older folks. Those Garmin types seem like they'd be hard to read. Rich N.
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis As owner of: 1st Garmin Nuvi 360 2nd Gen Toyota NAV 2007 Prius Integrated 3rd Gen Toyota NAV 2010 Prius Integrated NAV in the 2010 Prius seems like an improvement over the 2007 from my casual observations, living with it for one week. I do not have the accuracy issues outlined in the "Horrible" thread and the Portland, OR metro area seems to be fairly well mapped. There is a feature to calibrate your location and that should help for the imediate area. With any GPS, if the map data is incomplete for your most frequently used area, it would have limited benefits. New Toyota NAV seems fine for Portland, OR metro so far. Traffic data though XM satellite is interresting, but I wish it had more taffic levels than Standard, Slow and Stop and Go. You can make setup sellections so when NAV is in use, voice announcments are made like "Slow traffic 1 mile ahead, 3 miles long." Then when I get into the slow traffic, and it becomes stop and go for a few minutes, it will announce "Stop and Go Traffic ahead" which makes me chuckle and say "You Think!". Since there is always a degree of slow traffic during commute times, it would be awsome it it could report the speed in 10 MPH icriments such as 40, 30, 20, Stop and Go or the like. It may have this ability, and be limited by the data being transmitted by local area system through XM satellite. There are sensors in all of our major highways so you can go on line and see the actual average vehicle speeds. Now, this thread inspires me to go to 2010 Prius Navigation explanation and perhaps even read through the 326 Toyota NAV manual. One major advantage of the Garmin products is their intuitive interface which is explained completely in like 25 small pages resembling a quick reference guide.
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis I first contacted Toyota Satisfaction several days ago (You can see my Navigation system experiences in another thread). I got a call from a, higher up the line, Toyota Representative day before yesterday. After looking into it for another day, he said that the next upgrade was going to be in November. I won't post what my cost is going to be, but let me just say it is Very good. I feel the Navteq Garmin maps blow the Toyota Denso maps out of the water. I have had 4 Garmins - a 360, 660, 265WT, and the 855. I have passed along a couple to my kids. I used a Garmin with my 2006 Prius (even through it had built in Nav) and now with the 2010 and am a happy camper. The Toyota Nav systems worked great in large metro areas but outside of those - not very well at all... You can check "Map Coverage" on the new Toyota navigation system and it shows about a third of Washington state is covered well - I live just across the South Eastern Washington border which is not well covered. Only Spokane in the NE, and a larger area around Seattle in the west.
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis The Garmins have generally gotten great reviews and the recent models get Free traffic info. But I'm probably still going to order a vehicle with a builtin albeit I going to fork over some $$$ but being less theft prone with a bigger screen (thats what you're paying for anyways) is a good tradeoff.
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis I wouldn't count on being less theft prone- we've had our navigation DVD stolen before, and I can only assume this practice will increase as word gets out you can sell the disc on eBay for $150 (Dealer replacement is $400!). I use a bean bag mount in my car and that seems to be the safest solution theftwise - and that's what my wife uses now in her car since she never was happy with the factory unit anyhow.
After using my Garmin for several years and having two cars -- one without factory nav and one with -- I would not buy a new car today without factory nav. I am currently trying to sell my non-nav equipped car in advance of buying my Prius on June 9 and can tell you that more than half of the people inquring about my sale car want to know if it has factory nav. It is a real turn off when you tell them that it does not. While factory nav systems are far from perfect, they are always there with you, you don't have to worry about hiding it and will help should you ever decide to sell your car.
Resellability is a great point for a factory Nav (giving that quasi-luxury feell to a car) given that a used vehicle with Nav would be a great buy since the original owner forked over big bucks for that depreciation . But you'll hear of many who would never buy a car with a built-in Nav and they would have a point 2.
Re: Nav on 2010 pruis I'm pretty sure the device has a defeat switch and is unuseable until overridden like current car stereos (dumb thieves cause great havoc). eBay also has cheap Garmins which are probably the booty from thefts. Its a toss up
Does anyone know if we are allowed to make/burn one backup copy for personal use? I know that we are technically allowed to do so or music CDs and many CD ROM software programs, etc. The restriction is usually that we may make one personal backup copy in case something happens to the original disc. I would assume, like all personal backup copies, that it would be against the law to resell it to anyone else. I also know that some discs are physically unable to copied, or at least on standard consumer DVD recorders.
I agree. It is really all about personal judgment and one can, and many have, made great points on both sides of the discussion. I hope that we have helped some decide to factory nav or not to factory nav.
To be honest, even though I have trashed the Toyota Nav system (and rightly so), and believe strongly that it isn't half as good as a Garmin (Esp. with the 2010 update), I would still want a built in navigation system in any new car I purchase. I feel that navigation systems are here to stay and will eventually be as common as the radio. I am just hoping that companies such as Toyota do a lot of research before committing to any contracts with companies which sell the map hardware and software. My greatest hope, right now, is that Toyotas November Update will be as good as the Navteq maps, and thus cover every square mile of the country - all in depth. I can today go into the mountains, on dirt roads not even found on regular maps, and they are showing up on the latest Garmin navteq release. I LOVE technology - it's just cool.