I know this has been beaten to death in other threads, but check out this YouTube video from Toyota: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyW8G-729fE]YouTube - 2010 Toyota Prius: Overview[/ame] About 37 seconds in, you can clearly see 15" alloy wheels (presumably the ones with those god-awful covers removed) and with cool center caps as well. IMO these look WAY better than with the covers on, and in fact are the best-looking factory alloy wheels I've seen on a prius. How/where can we get these?
Oh.. centre caps can be bought from any dealer's parts deparment. There shouldn't be too much variance between the cap sizes between models.
I feel the opposite. IMO, the 2010's 15" wheels with the covers removed are the ugliest alloy wheels I've ever seen. The video shows them at a flattering angle. Face on, they're awful. Not because of the twin-spoke design, but because the spoke ends and the outer rims are clearly unfinished and designed with the intent that they'd be covered up: Ouch! They're hurting my eyes. I've got to cover them up right now: Ahhh ... much better.
Yeah, they're hurting your eyes because they're out of focus. Find a shot that's as sharp as those ugly covers and we'll talk about whether the spoke ends and outer rims are finished or not (and I know there's a sharper pic somewhere on PC, just can't put my finger on it).
I agree that once you add the center caps, they are the best looking stock wheels ever offered on Prius. They resemble what I would look for if I were to buy wheels. I think it is wrong for Toyota to advertise Alloy Wheels in the specification if they are going to cover them with hidious looking plastic full wheel covers and not provide the center caps. Good news is that the center caps from a 2007 Prius (and probably other years as well) fit perfectly. Bad news it they are about $18 each from Toyota. Try to go E-Bay if you can. I am now a card carying (wheel displaying) member of the Wheels Look Better Without the Covers, but With the Center Caps club.
I just had an after thought. I wonder if Toyota would let you return brand new hidious plastic wheel covers for any credit in exchange for center caps
In focus, out of focus. Doesn't matter. You can still see the unfinished indented spoke ends and unfinished large double outer rims or lips -- but here's a better picture: Compare, for instance, the Scion TC 17" twin-spoke wheels: [imglink]http://www.importtire.com/robsimages/17scion_re92-1.jpg[/imglink]
No problem, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If a person doesn't like the ends of the spokes jutting out, that doesn't mean they are unfinished. They have the same finish as the rest of the wheel. I agree I would prefer a smoother rim that wasn't designed to accept the plastic hub caps, but oh well, I still like the over all look of the wheel. I have always admired the Scion TC wheels, but htey are the ones that cut a Prius' gas mileage by 4 or more MPG. Not sure what aspect of the design make the big difference in weight, well other than I assume the Scion rims are 17 inch.
In our visits to PriusChat, whether many times a day -- guilty as charged -- or less frequently, I suspect that most members forget that we represent something on the order of .001% of the Prius owners in the USofA. We are at least Prius enthusiasts, and more than a few of us are Prius fanatics; to whom everything Prius is either important, or at least worth commenting on. And what about the other .999% of the Prius owners? In my experience, they see their cars as highly reliable appliances, or maybe even sophisticated high mileage vehicles... maybe only a depreciating asset. Never in the 1.5 years that I have been driving Amapola around Ballamer have I seen another Prius with a single mod, enhancement, or accessory. Not a single MFD hood, not a single shark-fin antenna, and only a rare case of wheel ring/cover removal. My suspicion is that Toyota is far ahead of the game providing the rings and caps to minimize "curbing" damage for the vast majority of owners. Yeah, in my opinion plastic rings/covers are cheesy, but they serve a purpose. If they weren't OEM, I suspect there would be a huge hue- and-cry from the masses. In the case of the 2010 five spoke wheel, it is probably somewhat lighter overall to have a cast alloy wheel with the cover, than to cast a wheel in the shape of the cover. So, Toyota is really doing everyone a favor, what with lower rotational inertia and its small contribution to FE.
I hear you. It really is an individual thing. What I call the "unfinished" part -- severe indentation of the spoke ends, large double lips/outer rims -- also bothered me a lot with the Gen II 15" wheels. But I wonder why Toyota does that. I don't think there's any good reason to have such an unfinished or unsmooth look. For instance, the Gen II Touring Prius had full wheel covers, yet the underlying wheel looked smooth and complete. BTW, in your photos I think your new Prius looks great with the wheel covers off and center caps in.
Looks like the Scion wheels (and wheel covers?) would also fit a Prius. Maybe that's not a bad 'factory' option instead of being stuck with the dorkmobile 15" wheel covers or the naked alloys.
The tC wheels are heavy though. Because they were meant to be covered, that's why it looks like that. Besides, we're not the only ones. Look at the BMW 323i. It has the same 16" alloy design with the wheel spokes going in making it look like one size smaller. The new Lexus ISC with F Package has the same design making the 18" wheels look like 16 or 17" wheels. Those are a lot worse than the Prius ones imo.
I like the look of the wheels sans wheel covers. Hey Boo, I love the chrome wheelskins, where can I get me a set of them? Oh, hang on, I have them already.
Yo, Boo! I followed your chrome wheel cover pursuit with great interest. While chrome is not my cuppa' tea, I say good on ya' for making your personal statement -- ditto for patsparks. I've gone in a different direction: Powder coated rims. Oops, dirty car! On both the new 2010, 15" rims and the preceding Touring rims, the extreme sweep-back of spokes is to clear the brake caliper while moving the tire substantially inward. I know nothing about wheel design, but it seems radical to me. I suspect is has to do with low weight. I'd like to see Prii arrive at the dealer with no rings/covers whatsoever, and concurrently Toyota offering a no cost choice of either the factory rings/covers or smart looking "aero" discs -- not unlike the Honda Civic hybrid rims. What's available on the open market leaves much to be desired; the commercially produced "racing discs" either fall off at speed, or must be attached with screws tapped into the rim. Likewise, homemade versions made of corroplast -- think campaign sign material -- or aluminum/stainless steel pizza pans, have to my eye a distinctly bush-league appearance on an otherwise very classy chassy (sic: chassis). (Pre-emptive apology to TheForce: Nothing personal, of course. )
Hi Hybrid..., My take on all this, is the Prius is an aerodynamic body design. So why not make it look more like an aircraft. Check out: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/41338-aero-anticorrosion-mod-trim-rings.html
Tom, your wheel skins look great! I missed the thread where you tell how you did that. BTW: What is that hanging over the rear bumper? I've never seen that mod! Must be a New York traffic thing. Lee