We're going to end up with the Winter Gray, but overall we're disappointed in the color choices for the 2010. It could use one or two more mid-tone grays like Mercedes has. Mercedes always seems to have a couple colors that are sort of slate grays or taupe-influenced grays that look really sharp and hide the dirt, too. I would have been happy to give up one or two of the other primary colors in order to have more choices in that area.
I'm in picture 1. Almost all the people in those pictures are members here, well except Jill. (I think that's Jill)
I am not sure if these were posted before, but cnet has a gallery featuring mostly winter gray Prius pictures. 2010 Toyota Prius preview photos - CNET Reviews
Hopefully this color will be easier than black to take care. I tend to stress over visible swirl marks.
It'll be easier to take care of than black. * * * * * * * * * As much as I like the color (I have a Magnetic Gray), I'm a little surprised that a Diamondbacks fan would be considering Winter Gray. After all, weren't the Diamondbacks' first team colors something like "Aubergine and Teal"? ....There's no Aubergine in baseball!!!
LOL. There's no crying in baseball. But the way things are going, that's likely to change as well. Oh by the way, I'm having the interior recovered in teal leather. That would look striking. Don't you think?
My dealer called me yesterday and said he had two grey Prius IV's with the Nav package. Dark grey or misty grey interior. I took the misty grey. I like to two tone interior. I had a hard time deciding on the exterior color of the car. I think I went through almost all of them until deciding on the Winter Grey. I should have the car next week.
IMO, the Misty Gray interior is the only color interior to get (if you can get it ... it's not available for all exterior colors). I think the door panels on the Dark Gray and Bisque look a little cheesey, especially on the Dark Gray where the painted door handles really stand out in a bad way.
where are the soft classy gentle colors? I agree! Where's the GREEN!? Where's the lighter blue? And, pardon my indignation -- where are the classy pale colors?! The car's utterly cool, but needs softer color choices too. __________________________________________________
+1. except I don't agree with the silver vs. dark grey interior. It's the only thing breaking up the monotone interior. Granted, it looks more business-like but a bit more silver would be appreciated, Toyota.
Teal leather ... yes I think that'll look really sharp! You know, I still haven't forgiven you guys for 2001 ... you broke my heart. :hurt:
Indeed. Toyota only has one other black - Black Sand Pearl. It looks more metallic than pearly but looks great and better than the flat "Black". (I think Black is called Black Onyx for Lexus cars).
well my SO loved the gray, but lets face it, it simply does not go with the emblem or the entry lights which i wish i had
BMW has a nice metallic black called Black Sapphire Metallic in addition to the flat Jet black. I think dark colors really accentuate the new, sportier character lines of the G3.
Misty Gray doesn't seem to be very available in all regions either. At least, my dealer is having a hard time finding any of them. Maybe other customers have already snagged the available supply. Re: Winter Gray exterior. Nothing against it, other than that it is approximately the color of the Honda it is replacing. I want something different.
Like others have said, it's odd that the 2010 Prius does not come in any shade of green. I'm pretty fond of that Spruce Mica that the new Camry comes in: [imglink]http://www.toyota.com/img/vehicles/2010/camry/gallery/full/photo_6.jpg[/imglink]
IRL, it's a bit grayer - I saw the Lexus equivalent on an RX last week and said "That's a color I could do on my Prius".