I just put a deposit on a Pkg IV with the Solar Roof. Looks like it has Bisque Leather interior. It's on the Indiana Highway and is supposed to be here around June 20. I sure do hope it arrives sooner than that . . . . . . and if I'm reading it right, it looks like the Indiana Highway docked in LA yesterday afternoon!!! WhooooHooooo!
I totally wanted Barcelona Red on my 2009 but the only colour the dealer had in stock was Black Onyx, so that's what I went with. Ah maybe next time.
Not too dark, not too bright...just right. Plus, the popping metallic flakes look gorgeous in the sunlight.
There is only one reason why I ordered a blizzard pearl Prius which will take 3-4 months to get instead of getting a barcelona red prius that I can have in two weeks... it is too hard to maintain. It shows every swirl in the paint when you wash it and have to buff it out frequently. That is why I'm getting rid of my red 2008 Lexus ES350 with only 8k miles.
...and if a warning light goes on you can say "Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn!" No...you'd never do that. Luuuuccccyyy!!
Red cars do tend to fade more quickly if not kept under cover. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/6462/1002891zc3.jpg
hmmm...is it still an issue if it garage kept all the time and a nice wash once in a while ? I thought I settled on it....do not spoil the party at the last minute...
My wife called it lipstick red when she first saw it at the dealer. She went along with my choice of Barcelona Red with her choice of a Bisque interior. Deepness of the red changes based on the light. A good coat of Acrylic Wax should make it pop in any light:car:!
The red paint does *NOT* fade any more than any other color! That picture is of a dirty, neglected car. If you learn how to wash the car properly, you can avoid swirling the paint while maintaining the protective clear coat.
It's a shame you are selling your red Lexus due to swirls. I wash our Prius every 1-2 weeks (regular and rinseless) and have minimal swirls. Maybe you can look into which part of your wash technique is leading to swirls -- polish out the scratches and practice safe wash techniques from then on and save all that depreciation cost on selling a 1 yr old Lexus.
You should not get a lot of swirls in your paint if you are using the Two Bucket method of washing your cars. The rinse bucket is used to clear any dirt from your mit before dipping into the suds bucket. Also, it is best to stay away from car washes. Good luck! Detail Dan
I just talked to my dealer today about ordering a 2010 and he told me he has a silver Prius II coming in next week. The dealer was going to use this Prius as a test model but is willing to sell b/c he wants a higher package to use as a test car. My quandary is whether to take the Prius II in silver or to order a barcelona red (which could take 3 weeks). The current vehicle I have is silver. I only like the red with tinted windows otherwise the red looks too bright. Candy apple red is what I hope the car would look like with darker windows. Does anyone know if red fades out over time especially if parked outside? So... red or silver? This is my first Prius.
I have not heard of any clear coated red Toyota paint fading. Single stage reds that are not clear coated get oxidized and will appear faded unless the oxidation is polished away. There's also some mention of colored "clear" coats that when worn away change color of the underlying red. My suspicion is that when people say a color is faded, it actually means the clear coat is swirled/scratched/pitted to heck from improper care. Upon polishing, the color is restored because you are restoring the clear to the clear coat. For those with Barcelona Red (or any color, for that matter), my advice is to keep the paint looking perfect by practicing good wash technique, maintaining a wax or sealant protectant, and taking the car to a detailer when swirls build up to an unsatisfactory degree. Here is our two year old Barcelona Red that sits in the San Diego sun 6 days a week. Notice the door jamb color is exactly the same as the outside color...no fade.