What do you all think about Barcelona Red Metallic ? Easy to maintain? how about common belief that cops keep an extra eye on Red, is that true? Does it age faster than some other colors ? I am leaning towards this color with dark gray fabric...
The red is very sporty looking! I think someone just posted a picture of it. Don't know about the durability or ease of maintenance, but it sure looks good new! I think cops do stop red cars more often, and they are easy to spot these days, when most cars seem to be gray or black. Then again, they could probably pick my Spectra Blue Mica out of the crowd as well. Besides, if you're driving a Prius, you would be speeding anyway, would you?
I have a Barcelona Red IV w/Sunroof w/Bisque interior on order here in MA. This will be my first red car of any type. I could not get my first choice of Desert Sand with the options I wanted so I had to choose between Barcelon Red or Winter Grey. At first I thought if might look girly but then I tended to think it looked sporty from the pics I saw. It definitely stands out more than any color I think.
I Love my barcelona red with tan interior. I have the Solar roof that adds the black top which looks GREAT!
You'll have to change your handle to FredtheRed! My current car is red and I love it, but it's time for a change up. Red doesn't show the dirt too badly and the Barcelona is a very nice shade of red - not at all "girlie".
LOL! I had a Town Car that was red and I use to call it BIG RED. I've been trying to come up with a name for her but nothing has stuck. But FRED THE RED is pretty darn good! :smokin:
I'm waiting on a Red 2010. I've had a silver car for years and want something different. I really like the silver for the 2010, but the Red will be a nice change (if it ever gets here).
testing out the solar roof right now, here in Seattle its 70 degrees and I left the car with the fan on and it works great, same temperature outside as inside!!!
I'm envious. Please let us how loud the wind is when you have the moon roof open. And how your nav system handles Seattle's streets. And if you noticed the hill holder system while you were stopped on hills. And how easy was it to sync your garage door opener to the Homelink system. And And And....are you prepared to be treated like a rock star here on with all the attention? Congrats!