Heard on the radio today, Rush Limbaugh called the Prius a "Putt Putt", the SMART car a two seated lawnmower. He said it is a constitutional right to drive what ever kind of SUV he likes. He ridicules the new gas mileage proposal.
Well of course it is any ones right to drive what ever they want. You do not question that do you. If the only car we could drive was electric, then that is what we would all drive. Until then, the majority of drivers will still drive cars on gas or petrol. Right or wrong!
He does have every right and most Americans agree with him on that particular point, just as it's your right to choose to drive a fuel-efficient, lower-emission vehicle.
The term "rights" encompasses more than one concept. There are legal rights, which are whatever the law says, and the law, of course, was written by legislators, who in our country are mostly rich, white, lecherous, old, fat, tobacco-smoking men, and by lobbyists serving corporations. Legally, in the U.S., everyone who can afford it has the right to drive a gas-guzzler and burn the last drop of oil so that the next generation has no option but to revert to a stone-age culture and eat grass. Then there are moral rights, which are defined by each individual for himself, based on inclination or religious persuasion. Do people have the "right" to leave the world in worse shape than when they entered it? You are free to answer that question for yourself. Rush Limbaugh believes that he has the "right" to suck out every last drop of marrow from the bone that is the Earth, replacing nothing, restoring nothing, producing nothing, conserving nothing, and leaving nothing to the next generation. Many Americans disagree with him, as the last election shows.
I'm not a fan of Limbaugh, but I seriously doubt he actually said or implied anything remotely close to what you just said. Proove to me that your statement isn't pure conjecture. Yes, you are right that most Americans (including republicans) disagree with him. However, I don't see the connection to the election results. I didn't realize Rush Limbaugh was a candidate in the last election. 53% voted for Obama, versus 47% for McCain, thanks in large part to unprecedented media bias and support.
I suggest applying heat and pressure, and then measuring the resultant rendered components. Once the oxytocin is filtered out, there should be enough bio-diesel for a few hundred miles. Tom
Just the amount from his big butt would probably be a significant amount when rendered into biodiesel. Speaking of Rush and asses, I ran across this article earlier this morning: Rush Limbaugh's race to the bottom | Salon News
Rush is an entertainer. He is also a very proven commodity, they didn't give him a 8year, $38 million a year contract and $100 million sign on bonus because he fails to bring in the listeners. I take what he says just as it is, an opionion, and you know what they say about those.
Sure, he has every right to drive what he wants... but i also have every right not to breath smog-filled polluted air from his gas guzzler. Where do his rights end and mine begin? i would say at the end of his tailpipe, but that's just me.
He argument is that the new gas mileage requirement will kill the SUVs, that is like he cannot buy SUV no more and same as taking away his right to drive one.
And Rush Also Claims to support the troops!! So he supports them by helping to fund terrorism with petrol dollars... WAY TO GO RUSH!!