Congrats to all who have been picking up there '10. I too got my '09 back in September during the horrible waiting list times from John & Phil's one better of the ones around here. I am enjoying living here in Oregon, seams they are of the first to pick up their '10.
I am 6'3" and I too like to splay my legs out on long drives. I finally got a short test drive in a 2010 yesterday. Compared to test drives in the 09, there is enough room to completly straighten my left leg without the seat all the way back and the center console was far enough to the right that it did not bother me all. This is my first post. I have been reading and learning and now that I know I can fit comfortably all I have to decide is between a IV or V.
Did you let you legs go to the sides? I'm fairly short at 5'7" so length is never an issue for me But the room to the sides is important. I like to get my knees uncramped on long drives and with criuse it's easy to get the right leg moved over to the side. I'm just wondering if the console would prevent that? It looks tight in the pictures.
I only got to drive a couple of miles in town so I did not try cruise control and I did not think to just sit in the car and try to positon my legs as if cruise control was on. I will get another opportunity this weekend when a Blizzard Pearl (my color of choice) arrives at the dealer.
Check out the Garmin Nuvi 885T it's on sale on Amazon for $499 and it has the best speech recognition of any unit currently on the market. It has a remote you strap onto the steering wheel or anywhere close by. Just push the button and talk. It's supposed to be the best out there. I saw a demo on it and it looked great. Cost to upgrade the maps is $120 for the life of the unit. I'd hate to think how much the Nippon Denso units cost to upgrade.
Thanks, my car won't be available until about June 4-9 from what I'm hearing. I will have the only one the dealer is getting in stock as well. Too bad I can't take a 2010 for a test drive but that's the way it is. Lucky you getting yours so soon.
Look at the bright side, my car is already lived in, dirty outside and has 500 miles in 5 days, my giddiness is replaced with comfortable feelings. Yours is still brand new, clean and waiting for you, and you are still excited like a child at Christmas
Julie, I was wondering since you have you car already, What's next ??? It seemed like you devoted the last few months to get this car and now it's over. Are you sad the search has ended ?? 500 miles should give you a good feel for the car by now. Are their any disappointments with the 2010 ? Do you miss anything from your last Prius or wish something was carried over to the 2010 ?
Picked it up today at Toyota of Seattle!!!:cheer2: Averaged 53.6 mpg driving around town-half freeway at 65-75 mph. Looking towards a road trip to let her breathe!!! I LOVE THE COLOR!!!
getting my package 5 with all the extras next week. This will be my 4th prius. Have a 01,03,05. All staying in the family. All of them have about 100K on them
That's true, only I actually needed a car 2 weeks ago. my wife is working the opposite direction from me now so we need a second car pronto or one of us is going to lose our job. But yeah it will be covered with pollen in a day or so and have a few hundred miles on it. Can't wait! Blasted ship is still stuck in the Panama canal.
No, not sad. Happy I can have a life now, husband happy too Hmmm, I really love it. It feels like a luxury car. Doesnt have the sunglass case with the sunroof pkge but no biggie. The seats are amazing. No, I would say it is a huge improvement, nothing pops up that is a negative.