Hey everybody. I'm hoping somebody can help me. I purchased two replacement seatbelts for my back seat. The actual belts have been chewed in two by my adorable, yet chewy, labradoodles. Is there a quick way to install these or should I go to a mechanic?
"Quick" is a relative concept. However if you have metric sockets and a socket wrench, and can remove the interior trim, then it is pretty easy to replace the seatbelts. Start by pulling up the leading edge of the rear seat to remove the seat cushion. Then you'll need to remove the interior trim starting at the hatch and moving forward until the bolts securing the seat belt assemblies are uncovered. Good luck.
I have a labradoodle, too! They are cute as buttons, but destroyers at heart. My doodle has chewed up phones, shoes, sunglasses....but has always been to cute to get rid of. But, if I had to take my car to a mechanic to repair something he did.......it would not be good. Haha, Priuses and Labradoodles. We are so "chic." Trust me, I am a very simple small town girl, and to think that I would be anywhere even close to the "latest trends" is just amusing to me.
Hey OP, did you replace it yourself or take it to a mechanic? I have a Goldendoodle that chewed up my right rear seat belt today. I love him but treading on thin ice today, lol.
Just did this for both back seat belts in my 2005 Prius today (I have a chocolate lab that likes to chew and is now confined to a kennel when riding in back so I don't have to do this ever again). Like Patrick said, start with removing the back seat cushion by lifting up from the middle of each seat on the front edge. Once this is done, you can remove the side trim piece using a 12mm socket and lifting up. After that, you have access to the lower seat belt attachment bolt which is 14mm. The seat belt bolts are very tight and I had to use a breaker bar to get them loose for fear of stripping the bolt with an ordinary socket wrench. (probably not necessary) Next open the hatch and remove the phillips screw and 10mm bolt holding the lower side trim in place. You can then (gently) pull this piece back to reveal the upper seat belt attachment and assembly. I was then forced to remove the entire upper side trim piece surrounding the small back window to be able to get a socket wrench in there. This was done by gently pulling it away from vehicle starting in the back and moving forward. For the driver's side I was also forced to temporarily detach a small controller box above the seat belt bolt using a 10mm socket. Next I replaced the seat belts, re-assembled the Prius using the steps above in reverse and was good to go. Hope this helps.
Hello, Where did you get the replacement seat belts from? I want to get the all black Clazzio seat covers, but don't want mis matching seat belts. Thanks