Japanese plates are also the rectangular type similar to ours. Also keep in mind, it's supposed to imitate Superman who is American.
Vaguely related question: Does anyone else have difficulty with YouTube? Recently, it just loads and loads, and if the video does start to play, it plays for just a few seconds, then stops and loads some more. I have done all the requisite browser maintenance things one normally does.
i had issues a few weeks ago with several media options. i ended up rolling back the last internet explorer update (why i need it i dont know since i only use safari, chrome and FF) and that cleared it up. besides you tube, i also had issues displaying any macromedia and pix at certain websites awesome commercial
I caught a commercial last night (DH was watching it on one of those funny commercial sites)... don't know how old it is. Mother Nature
I've seen two so far. I HATE these commercials. It looks like Prius is for munchkins. They're childish, weird, and creepy.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7vI-L4Lfmc]YouTube - 2010 Toyota Prius "MPG" TV Commercial[/ame] Is this false advertising? I believe Toyota don't rate the Prius to tow anything let alone a whole star.
Interesting take on the Prius Ads. First, that the Prius commercials are being compared to the first-aired Insight's, as is the car itself. Second, building an interest in a new generation of buyers. Certainly the latter was an objective of Toyota's. And being released after Insight...that may have been brilliant, and fortunate, timing. ---------------------------------------------------- The new Prius 2010 hybrid is featured in a commercial which is brilliant. The Toyota Hybrid car ad not only captured the attention of drivers, but it is the next cool automobile to drive for teenagers. May 27, 2009 Toyota Prius 2010 Hybrid Promotes Harmony - Man, Nature and Machine In New CommercialI was visiting a Wal-Mart store yesterday to buy some new cables for my laptop, when I noticed the new Prius Hybrid TV ad. My arrival that very second was pure coincidence, but I noticed a group of teenagers pointing to one of the multiple television sets that were on display. Immediately, one teenager said, "Look, the new Insight commercial" and believe it or not, for the 30 second moment, I too thought of the Honda hybrid until it unveiled the real Toyota automobile near the end of the spot. The Toyota ad comes on with a white hybrid which resembles the Honda Insight. The vehicle was pulling the sun as it made its way on a road surrounded by tall grass, which waved praises to the hybrid car. It fooled us all, it was a TV ad for the new Toyota Prius. Not sure if the automaker intended to show off its product in this way, or if they knew it would attract attention. Now that Toyota caught the attention of potential next-generation hybrid drivers, I had to listen to their comments. The teenagers were talking in a slang, so I had to be careful during my interpretation, so I tried my best to decode their "cool" choice of words. I could tell that one of them was old enough to drive, but it was amazing to hear how excited they were about a car. "When I get my permit, that's what I'm getting," said one teenager, who trusted a hybrid car because it uses less gasoline, and the fact that teenagers don't earn a lot of money, unless their parents are willing to pay their bills. The advertisement captured them for a moment, sending a message of 50 MPG better fuel efficiency, and a car that was completely eco-friendly. The Toyota Prius might be a third-generation automobile, but the next-generation of drivers responded fast. It was brilliant.
Personally, I really liked the ad. However, I watch hgtv, planetgreen, and channels and programs of the sort. I look forward to a more technical snazzy commercial detailing the features of the car. I am glad they are doing it in this way, because this will reel in all the pre-existing adopters of hybrid technology and all the hippies like me. =D I suppose once we've got our cars, and they catch up on keeping stock on lots, that's most likely when they will roll out the mainstream commercials.
Glad you got the message I actually liked it, although as someone mentioned, there should be another ad complementing this one that pushes data on the specific whys about buying a prius. This ad is more an in your face ad that will be talked about a lot, and continue to push the brand name "prius" into the consumer's general awareness (as opposed to immediately selling it). So, you have two ads for two different purposes: 1. a WOW ad that gets the brand noticed 2. a DATA ad that tells you why you should buy it now that you've noticed the brand.
I'm thinking Toyota looks at tv as a way to impress the viewer visually and the web, specifically YouTube, as the means to provide detailed data. Rather than throw out numbers while trying to compete with the viewers thoughts of "Hey, maybe I should run to the bathroom now?", they present an ad that is visually stimulating and more prone to keep our (American) short attention spans. BTW, the official Toyota YouTube channel is very impressive. And there's even an app for that.