Congrats Julie! It looks fantastic. Curious, what is that OEM 15" tire brand and model? It looks like Avid something. At the previews of the car, they had on Bridgestone Ecopia EP20 tires, but we knew that the Ecopias weren't necessarily going to be the tires ultimately put on the car.
Thx! Tires are : Yokohama Avid S33 195/65R15 Treadwear 320, traction B, temperature B (no clue what this means)
Interesting. They were supposed to be closed yesterday but had a show close by at the fairgrounds so did the deal for me and one other person. The other person was buying a 2009 Prius. I didnt say a word
I am so Happy for yu enjoy now get off and go for a long trip to bond with her , Whats her/his name? blueberry? Blue bell? Baby Blu?
Thanks Julie. Haven't read reviews, but it looks like your typical middlin' OE tire, although I presume it has fairly good (low) rolling resistance: YOKOHAMA Tires
That's GREAT to hear, winebuff ... congrats are DEFINITELY in order! We're planning / hoping to "upgrade" from our 2008 as soon as possible but, due to some "points" issues, if we pay-off our loan earlier than August, 2010, we have to pay a pretty hefty penalty. PROBABLY no later than March of 2011 we'll be buying again ... and PROBABLY a Prius again; we're both so pleased with the one we have.
I opted for FUN (available), 2FUN or FUN CAR. Was kicking aroind MPG-XXL but my husband and the car dealer (guy) didnt like it. Hmmm, must be a guy thing. You guys tell me, what do u think of MPG-XXL? I wanted BQQBS (boobs with nipples) but since it is for work also and they pay for some of it, thought it might not be appropiate. Someone else should try and see if it goes through dmv As far as the name, hmmmm, any suggestions?
I'm sure this isn't very "original" ... but since it's the "Blue Ribbon" anyway, why not consider naming it "First Prize" ....
Although most of us guys no doubt like BQQBS.... how about BLU SKY? A bit more PC (Politically Correct...), and kind of girly. Or if you're a good Catholic wine salesgirl... BLU NUN. In the same vein, TRU BLU. I'm done.
Congrats!!!! Just curious, does the manual [FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]say the car needs 88 octane or 87 octane gas?[/FONT][/FONT]
LOL,I like the blue nun. tru blu is very good too. I opted for FUN since it wasnt taken. Now I am second guessing it
Says word for word quote: "Use unleaded gasoline (Octane 88[Research Octane 92] or higher) Hmmmm, what do you think?
Fun is a good name stick with it I wanted gypsy, but ended up with 0101001 as i am a mac nut, yours is easy and clean keep it blue streak is another good name