My 6 month old 2008 Prius! Most people hit a deer. I swear the deer hit me! On the way to work yesterday I spotted two deer in ront of me. I was doing about 50, got on the brakes in plenty of time. I could not have been going more than 20 when one ran into me on the drivers front fender/door area. This happened at 6:00 AM checked car, nothing leaking, fender not rubbing on tire. Proceeded to work. Called insurance to report at 7:00 AM(Liberty Mutual) Informed them where I was going to take the car, they arranged to have an appraiser come and look at my car at work. called my collision shop at 8:00 AM, arranged to stop there on the way home. 8:45 AM appraiser was looking at the car, made report, and wanted to hand me a check, actually was rather insistant on it. I said no, I'm at work, and don't have time to review the appraisal, I'll take it to my shop and see what they say, and I want them paid directly. Appraisal came in at $2287. Minus my $200 deductible. Later on I noticed they specified a "re-conditioned" headlight. According to my collision shop, that means a "used" headlight they clean up, could be off a car with many years and many miles, and not necessarily match what is essentially a "new" headlight. They also specified a re-conditioned front cover. this must be incorrect as there is no re-conditioned front covers available, but there is a replacement aftermarket cover that is $70 less expensive than the factory replacement. Not done yet with the negotiating on this. Got home and there was a message on my machine indicating they have put a check in the mail to cover my loss. Called them back and asked why they would be sending me a check when I requested payment to go directly to the collision shop. Seems they are "rushing" things. I also informed them, at the advice of my shop, I am dropping the car off tonight so they can assess for hidden damage. they assured me they will cover additional damages if needed. We will see what happens next.
I was hit by a deer also. It was a bit later in the year during the rut. He charged from the side of the road and hit my car - $5,000 in damages. A friend of mine was hit also. He pulled over on a residential street to watch a deer standing on it's rear legs eating apples out of a tree. Something spooked the deer and it turn and ran right into his car.
Just received this email: When it is time to turn in one's license!!!! An old man and woman were on the way to Greenville , NC and stopped at McDonalds in Farmville just off of 264 East bypass last Saturday and did not know that they hit this deer!! Someone in McDonalds had to tell them...the old man said he noticed that the car was starting to run a little hot the last few miles.
Getting hit by a deer is more common than you might think. It happens all the time around here. We attribute it to suicidal deer. Tom
Few years ago I got one comitting suicide in front of my Dodge Ram pickup. Literally laid down in front of me and I could feel the truck pushing it. Broke the dealer license frame..........nothing else. Last year got one with the right front of my wife's 98 subaru wagon. Fender was already wrinkled from a mail box (she delivers mail) If it wasn't for the fur, you wouldn't have noticed the difference. Knocked the license support bracket off as well. I just put it back on.................
Everyone knows, it's the economy, swine flu, etc etc etc. And, in addition, all those hunters buying up all the ammo, enough to make a deer suicidal.
Growing up in a large suburban area, I never really saw too many deer and never realized how dangerous they can be. Since then, I have moved to an area that has deer running across the road all the time. One night, during the summer, I saw a deer at the side of the road and slowed down. Really, I came to a stop about 10 feet away from it. At that point, my wife started screaming at me to get moving, something about how dangerous they can be, etc. I never gave it much thought. Of course, the deer was on her side of the car and we were in my convertible with the top down. After hearing about how much damage a deer can do with their antlers and hooves, I can understand why she was so upset with me. Everyone else can understand why I checked on her life insurance policy the next day too.
Wow, You should consider changing Insurance companies. I don't see any reason why you should be involved in any of the details unless you want to be, requesting your insurance company use a Toyota certified repair center eliminates the worry of having junk parts used on you car.(Toyota Certified Collision Centers) I was in a small fender bender last year in my 06 Tacoma. Called the Insurance company from the scene, the next day they had me drop the Truck off at Toyota Certified collision repair center where I also picked up a rental that was waiting for me. Truck was appraised, repaired and paid for with out me ever being involved. Dropped off the rental and picked up the truck a week later from the same place good as new. I love USAA Insurance!
Actually, 6 weeks ago I changed from Progressive to Liberty Mutual. Actually saved 40% on my policy for 4 vehicles! That's significant. As for a Toyota Certified shop........ I know the place I took it to. Small independant. He has done work for me before, collision, window glass, and paint work on 4 of my classic cars. He's painted Ferrarri's and Rolls, and happens to be a personal friend. Insurance companies hate independants. Insurance companies are trying to kill off all the independants. they only want to see their "approved" shops do work. "Approved" shops will cut corners to save the insurance companies money, it may be $20 here, $500 there, by using used and non-OEM parts. I'm involved because I choose to be. I'm a car guy, own way too many, and the dealers get lonely waiting for me to come for service. See, I have my own "hobby shop". Car lift, tire machine, spin balancer, etc. The Snap-On tool man stops at my house. so, it goes against my nature to not be involved, but do gripe a bit. Insurance companies, as do dealers figure the vehicle owner has no clue on the operation of a vehicle. Also figures the owner won't notice a part may not be OEM, or possibly inferior.
No offense taken, just explaining the situation better. Update....... All New OEM parts coming. My collision guy talked with them, that and my call to them, took care of it. I dropped car off last night, today he is pulling the damaged peices off to check for "hidden damage". He actually can't get to actual repairs until next week, but will have parts ready when he does. I could have driven it as is, but its not like I don't have something else to drive.
I can hear the late-night sales pitch now: Is your car losing horsepower (or deerpower)? Add just one bottle of ...
Got my Prius back last night. Wow, did I miss it! Drove my Ram pickup and the 98 Subaru for a week. Ram gets 17mpg, Subie gets 30. And with the cost of gas creeping upwards again, I sure felt it! My shop did an outstanding job............