Wanted: Subaru PZEV Badges -- Gasp!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by Rokeby, May 8, 2008.

  1. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    I have debadged the rear lift gate on my ''08.

    I'm still puzzling over what to do with the fender HybridSD badges due the
    holes underneath. I am resigned to the fact that something needs to go there.

    I see the car as a canvas which I can use to send a message. And one of he
    messages I want to send is VERY LOW EMISSIONS. I want to replace the
    HybridSD fender badges with a PZEV with a little leaf coming out of the V,
    and a connecting bar that spells out in small letters, "Partial Zero Emissions
    Vehicle," from Subaru.
    I've seen the badge on two rare occasions on Foresters.

    (Yes, I know there's a wimpy, just barely readable PZEV decal on the inside
    of the driver's side rear window. I want the message more "out front" and
    stated more clearly.

    My problem; I can't find a source for the PZEV badge -- I actually want two --
    anywhere on the web.

    Do any of you Subaru crossover folks know of a source? Even the Subaru
    parts sites I've found don't list/show it. (I am a rotten web-surfer -- Wipe Out!)
    I need a solid go-to-site, not a sort-of... maybe... site.

    BTW, if you want to make a bigger HybridSD statement, both the Camry and
    Highlander badges are about 25% larger in length and height than the Prius
    HybridSD fender badge.
  2. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog C'Mere Sheepie!

    Mar 12, 2008
    Sanford FLorida
    2008 Prius
    Re: Wanted: Subaru PHEV Badges -- Gasp!

    How about this for a statement on your bumper:

    "Back off- Gas Hole!"
  3. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    Re: Wanted: Subaru PHEV Badges -- Gasp!

    I'm still working on getting PZEV badges to replace the fender HybridSD ones.
    Although I have more information, I still cant find a source.

    I have discovered that Ford puts this badges on the Focus in CA:


    I like the text, but the "road and leaf" element definitely identifies it as a
    Ford transplant. Ford has used it back as far as 1989 on Ranger pick ups.

    Subaru does not state that there is any geographic limits on their use of
    their badge. It was implemented only in 2007, hence I suppose its rarity.
    It looks like this:


    I much prefer this style as it is not immediately identifiable as being from

    The guy at the Parts Dept. at my local Subaru dealer said:
    "Does Subaru use that badge in the United States?" He's checking it out.
    This could be a long, uphill pull.

    Any other approaches?

    Attached Files:

  4. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    The guy at one of my local Subaru dealers called me back.

    PZEV Subarus -- more models than just the Forester -- are sold only in
    states that more or less follow California's pollution standards. Closest to
    me would be Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and "New England ?,"
    Massachusetts for sure. Apparently, the badge can be the basis for
    entitlements in those states, such as HOV lane use, tax write offs/refunds,
    free parking, etc. The badge costs only $6.00 US.

    Difficulties immediately arise because the badges are stocked solely at
    Subaru USA, and they will only provide single badges to dealers who
    provide the VIN for a car that was originally sold with the badge.

    A call to a second dealer got the same story unprompted.

    So this project is going to be far more difficult that I thought. It looks like
    I may have to go hunting around in junk yards up in Pennsylvania.

    Rather than a long, up hill climb, this is looking like a long, near vertical
    climb with one hand tied behind my back and a boxing glove on the other.

    FWIW, here's a somewhat larger, clearer picture of the badge:


    Attached Files:

  5. MagneticGrayIndy

    MagneticGrayIndy 06Prius;94M Miata;65Rambler770

    May 22, 2008
    2006 Prius
    get into a subaru forum and see if you can locate someone with one of those cars who'd be willing to buy the badges for you if you pay them a little extra for their time.. Subaru folk tend be nice folk! I bet if you explained why and what it's for, they'd do it.
  6. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    That's pretty much what I have done. I'm working with some friendly
    Subaru folks I've found through their forums. I haven't asked them to lie to
    get the badges for me. That is too much to ask.

    I have gotten one set of badges that a fellow up in Manchester, NH had just
    removed. Definately "used but good" quality, but good enough.

    Very educational, I thought it was one piece. No, its five separate pieces. Low
    profile, thin plastic, had to be cut off with dental floss and WD-40.

    To mount them I'll first have to get 3M tape, attach the pieces, cut the tape
    to fit, then mount them on the car in the correct alignment so that they
    cover those irksome holes in the fender... it'll be a challenge.

    So, I'm halfway home. I've still got feelers out and am hopeful that I won't
    have to spend hot summer days prowling junk yards in Pennsylvania.
  7. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    A quick update for anyone thinking of getting PZEV badges from Subaru.

    I decided to go directly to Subaru of America to try to get the badges. I
    back-and-forthed e-mails for a week and despite my best efforts the result
    was a definite, and I suppose final, "Not only no, but hell no!" I certainly
    prefer new badges, but they seem to be beyond my powers of persuasion.

    So, I'm still looking for a second badge set at junk yards and prowling the internet.

    Below is the text of the last missive from Subaru:

    Hello Mr. xxxxxxx,

    Thank you for your response.

    While we can certainly appreciate your perseverance, Subaru will not
    provide you with these PZEV badges. They are made and intended to be
    used on Subaru vehicles only. We will not provide these badges for any
    vehicle other than a Subaru.

    I apologize that we are unable to offer you the response you are
    anticipating. Thank you again for the opportunity to be of service.

    Best wishes,
    Gina Holwell
    Subaru of America, Inc.
    Customer/Dealer Services
    [THREAD ID:1-1G42WH]
  8. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius

    It's funny I should just see your thread now, because for the last week or so I have also become aware of Subaru's "PZEV" badge & been trying to aquire a couple of them also. I first saw the badge on an Outback & it is also on the Forester (as you mentioned).

    I'm in Connecticut, by the way, but I don't know what state you are in. I was in shock when my local Subaru dealer told me he couldn't sell any to me. Why would he not want to make some money off a non-Subaru owner (my money is just as good). He then explained the same thing you have been told & his parts manager told me it won't do any good to contact Subaru of America because of the strict rules they have on the issuance of these badges. The manager did suggest that if I could find a Subaru owner with a car bearing this badge originally who was willing to share his VIN #, then with the VIN he could order one (or MAYBE 2, but no more than that) for me. I'll start looking around more diligently for these cars now to see if I can find a cooperative owner. Will let you know if I have any success.

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  9. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius

    Ain't this just a kick in the teeth?

    I'm guessing that somehow Subaru got in trouble for their badge showing up
    on a non-PZEV vehicle. I offered to drive to Cherry Hill, NJ, to pick up the
    badges and mount them under their scrutiny... No go! :frusty:

    To confirm the theory of the perverse universe, once or twice a week on my
    commute I see a white Forrester with the badge. Yesterday, it was directly
    in front of me for ~5 miles. Aargh!

    So far, I've shied away from finding a cooperative Subaru owner to try the
    VIN ruse. But over time, sour grapes can grow to become a powerful enough
    motivation to overcome quibbling moral objections.
  10. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius
    Hi again, Rokeby,

    You know, if it's going to be such an uphill battle to get the 5-piece Subaru badge, why don't we see about the Ford (?) one (the one pictured in the top-most link in your post #3). It looks like it is a single piece (easier to mount) & that square area (with the leaf on top of the roadway) would be more likely to cover your fender hole than anything in the Subaru one (especially if Subaru is going to be so pig-headed about this). Let's not give any more money to Japan.

    If Ford is willing to sell them to you (don't even ask about any restrictions on their sale of it & see what happens), then give your money to Ford instead (heaven knows they can use it now---my local Ford dealer just went out of business). A couple of years ago I was able to buy the square emblem (with the leaf & road) from the Ford Escape Hybrid. I chose to buy only the square emblem (about $25 I think) because the rest of the "Hybrid" emblem was all individual letters at similar prices (OUCH!!). I may go this route, if possible, rather than dealing with Subaru (now that we know how pig-headed Subaru is).

    I don't even have a hole to cover (mine is a 2005 model without the fender badges), but I just want my environmentalism to be displayed more prominently, like you, by this "PZEV" badge (rather than my little window sticker which the sun is causing to blister & peel). If there is no restiction from Ford & this will work for you, post back & let me know of your success. Meanwhile I'll have to look for another Ford dealer close enough to me & see what luck I have.

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  11. strieby

    strieby Priusman

    Sep 6, 2007
    Bakersfield, Ca
    2010 Prius
    I ordered the one from Ford. There is no charge. Ford gives them to the dealer free. The parts department just has to call their 800 number and they will ship the badge free of charge.
  12. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius
    To strieby,

    Even though I am in a Calif emissions state (CT), I don't believe Ford will just ship them here to my local dealer (at no cost) who will then turn around & give them to me free [not when I already had to pay $25 just for one square roadway & leaf emblem from the Escape Hybrid---and each of the 6 "Hybrid" letters would be about $10 to $15 apiece (so I passed on the individual letters)].

    To Rokeby,

    Do you have a part number for the single piece "pzev" emblem that you said is on the Ford Focus? Also, where is it placed on the car (hatch for the wagon? and trunk lid or body panel for the sedan?) to help the parts counter man to find it on his microfilm [as I'm sure he hasn't had any call for these emblems yet & may become suspicious about who may be buying these if you can't describe where on the car (which you don't actually own) they can be found]?

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  13. strieby

    strieby Priusman

    Sep 6, 2007
    Bakersfield, Ca
    2010 Prius
  14. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius

    The other 3 Ford dealers you tried didn't know what? (about how to order them for free & give them away for free or that these badges even exist?). Did the other 3 dealers try to charge you or were they at a loss as to how to get them for you? I'm just not clear about what you meant.

    The badge I asked for the part number of is the "pzev" one by Ford & it is indeed a one-piece badge for the Focus as in Rokeby's 1st link. The Subaru "pzev" badge in Rokeby's 2nd link is made up of 5 separate pieces [similar to the 7-piece Ford Escape "Hybrid" badge (made up of the square roadway & leaf & the 6 separate letters---none of them interconnected)]. My Ford dealer did say they were separate letters (as I personally witnessed on an Escape Hybrid), but maybe they all come together on a single piece of attachment paper to make the alignment & installation easier. And he did tell me that each letter was between $10 & $15 [I know that I had to pay $25 for the square roadway with the leaf (probably the most wasteful purchase I ever made)].

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  15. strieby

    strieby Priusman

    Sep 6, 2007
    Bakersfield, Ca
    2010 Prius
  16. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius

    Wow, I guess I really got ripped off for $25 by my local Ford dealer. I just don't understand why Ford would give anything away free, especially where it has already been suggested that nobody is allowed to walk in off the street & buy one from Subaru (apparently because of them possibly being linked to receiving some sort of entitlemnet like HOV lane use, tax rebate, free park'g, etc) as suggested by Rokeby in his post #4. And just owning a Subaru of the same model as they sometimes come on, won't get you one of the emblems either. They have to veryify by your VIN # that you have a Subaru that originally came with one because it has a "pzev" compliant engine/system.

    Looks like a trip to the Ford dealer for a freebie. I'll have to check back in here later to let you know how I made out, but 1st I have to find another Ford dealer [our local one just went out of business---maybe because they were giving away too many emblems for free (but not to me)].

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  17. strieby

    strieby Priusman

    Sep 6, 2007
    Bakersfield, Ca
    2010 Prius
    Ken you can try calling Lithia Ford Of Fresno @ 559-435-8400 and ask for the parts dept. I don't remember the parts guy's name who got it for me but hopefully they can give you the necessary contact information so you can get a local dealer to get it. Good Luck!
  18. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    Ct. Ken V, strieby,

    I find Subaru's intransigence, and absolute refusal to sell their PZEV badges
    to non-Subaru PZEV vehicle owners wholly incomprehensible. The badges
    retail value is just under $6US. I'd pay $12, or even $18 for one. But no,
    somehow my request is a threat to the continued existence of Western
    civilization, or to the future worldwide hegemony of the Japanese auto
    industry; no, No, NO, a thousand times NO!

    I too have seen the "road and leaf" badge on a Ford Escape Hybrid. In
    addition to the ready connection of the badge to Ford -- it was first used on
    the flex-fuel Ranger pickup some years ago -- two factors argue against its
    use in my intended position on the front fenders: First, the letters are two
    narrow to fully cover the holes from the HybridSD badge pins. Second, while
    in the badge's current incarnation the PZEV letters are quite thin, the road
    and leaf emblem is at least 1/4 in. thick. To my eye, it is quite clunky
    looking. While I can see it on the lift gate, I can't on the front fenders. It is
    possible that the badge used on Focuses in CA are less lavish. If so, I might
    reconsider. I never pursued getting this badge to the point of digging up a
    part number.

    (Coincidentally, it was the first sighting of the plain road and leaf badge on
    the fenders and tail gate of a old Ranger that got me started on this quest.
    That badge was only about 1/16 thick, and it stood alone, no PZEV letters.)

    One way out of this conundrum would be to get the individual P-Z-E-V letters
    from one of the EBay Auto vendors. I looked into this some while back, I
    don't remember if they have lower case letters. As long as the letters are >
    3/4 inch tall. you could adjust the spacing to cover the two holes. If I were
    to go this way, I would probably pull out all the stops and get the letters for
    AT-PZEV. The weakness of this approach is that you don't have the bar
    below the letters with the explanatory text, "Partial Zero Emissions vehicle,"
    which both the Subaru and Ford badge sets have.

    All this said, I'm still doggedly working on finding a second, used Subaru
    PZEV badge set. I can be just as stubborn as Subaru. In time I will find it. At
    that point, I think an email with pix to Subaru will be in order to
    demonstrate the ultimate futility of their corporate boneheadedness.

    (N.B. FWIW, the line of the HybridSD badge is parallel to, but not the same
    as the line through the lower edge of the door handles. The holes in the
    fenders, at least on my 2008, are about 1/8 inch in diameter. Horizontally
    the centers of the two holes are 2-11/16 inches apart. The two holes are not
    in a line relative to the botom edge of the badge. For the driver's side, the
    forward most hole is behind the connetor at the botom of the B and R
    letters. The after hole is on the D, just below a line extending the upper
    edge of the HYBRID lettering. The center of the aft hole is 1/2 inch above
    the forward hole. I haven't looked under the passenger side badge, so I don't
    know if the holes there have the same forward-aft orientation.)
  19. MAC89

    MAC89 New Member

    May 10, 2009
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I saw the link to this thread posted on one of the Subaru boards. As someone on here mentioned, start asking around on Subaru forums. The Subaru's that come with PZEV badges are all non-turbo 2.5L 4 cylinder Legacy, Outback and Foresters, which are sold in the states requiring California Emissions. The list your dealer gave you is correct. By New England he means the entire region is required to sell PZEV vehicles, along with New York. I would help you out, but I drive a Legacy Spec.B and have the 2.5L Turbo engine, therefore I am not PZEV.

    A few sites to check: well it wont let me post a list of links because I do not have five posts. Message me for a list of good Subaru forums.
  20. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    It would be nice to find an AT-PZEV badge for the California cars. :)