Not a clue.. To quote of Joe Dirt's dad: "Hey, how exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does the sun set? How exactly does the posi-trac rear end on a Plymouth work!?It just does. It just does."
Well, rainbows are formed when light is refracted in water droplets, like a zillion tiny prisms.....And the sun doesn't really 'set', you know - it's us that's moving. :nerd: Well, OK, I guess 'I don't know' will have to do for now.
Yeah, I'd have to look that one up. The microinfobot sent in search of that memory fragment could be gone for days.
Don't worry my friend. Some things; and Just don't make any sense and should not be pondered by mere mortals.....
What's that? The sum total of energy in the universe is equal to the inverse of the tachyon quanta...oh, tomorrow. I have to go contemplate the speed of dark.
:focus: I use a RMR-C430, Rocky Mtn Radar passive scrambler/detector. I try not to speed and set the cruise at @ 5mph of the limit > or <. It saves my butt when I don't notice quick speed limit changes. It's pretty easy to get "zoned-out" to a certain speed sometimes especially when you've been driving it for a while. It's pretty useful up to @ 150-200 ft., and if you can't see the cop at that range, you deserve a ticket! Looks like a regular radar detector in every way...AND they can't tell you're using it.:rockon:
You might want to make sure its actually doing something. See the reviews at Customer Reviews: Rocky Mountain Radar RMR-C435 Radar and Laser Jammer Detector with Fully Integrated Radar and Laser Scrambler (Black) But like they say, could be cops posting the reviews!
I don't have one. It's either 5 mph over or wait for someone going faster and tail them. There are very few times I deliberately speed. One of those was written about here. Wildow
Oh here is a stunning review.... RMR is a company that is no one can sue because they are technically not violating anything. Their "detectors" (i hope it detects anything) absolutely do not jam radar, nor jam laser! First of all, Radar is illegal to jam throughout the united states. The fine for this is a 10,000 dollar fine and some jail time. When they say that the wave is transformed into a chirp.. blah blah blah, they are just making things up on the spot. 2. This unit does NOT jam laser. Laser is possible to jam using a device like "blinder jammer". Like I said, this company is not sued by anyone because the cops benefit from this company's products . Why? Well, you have a poor guy who threw out money just to buy this piece of junk is driving on the highway going 110 mph, when the speed limit is 60. When the cop stops him... it is jail time! Just to be clear... the police are NOT affiliated with this junk company. For more independant tests with detectors and other information, i suggest visiting: Radar Detector Jammer Forum
Would pieces of aluminium foil glued to the radiator do anything useful? Could your excuse be "Gee, officer, the guy in front of me must have run over a sandwich wrapper?"
Oh you need to up the anty, CHAFF DISPENSERS. Just think of it, your rolling down the Freeway, Tollway, or what ever the Hell Highway you rolling along on, and your detector detects that elusive Ka Band lock on attempt, the system automatically fires off several canisters of Chaff. The Highway Patrol system cannot achieve Radar lock and you zoom onward, by the time Mr. HP figures it out, your gone! Of course the ticket you might get for littering could be a bitch, but hey, "Nothing ventured, Nothing gained!"
Danial, it's even 'easier' than that! Even if you're going less than 5mph over the limit ... you won't get a ticket 99% of the time. But for most ... it's a hard habit to break. I broke the fast habbit after we got our 1st hybrid. Segwy here. Now, I'll see how many I can get a chuckle out of: Since buying our Prius in 2004, I'm proud to say I've been pulled over TWICE for "speed" issues . . . SLOW speed It's not as pathetic as it sounds. Since I drive to work at 4am, the roads are nearly empty ... just me & the fuzz. When you're driving on a 60mph 3 lane road ... and YOU are only traveling at 40mph or 30mph ... it MUST be because you're drunk, right? That's what the cop said anyway. But I've come to expect it now ... I suspect it'll happen about once every other year, during the times I practice pulse & glides. During regular hours, I DO drive w/ the flow, so as not to get folks panties in a bunch ... so don't yell at me for that. End of segway. Does anyone remember (one of) the first microwave names? Amana "radar" range? Radar wave modulation, at high enough power, "heats" ... ergo, the newest form of cooking is born. And how do you jam (non-laser type) radar? The same way you jam any other radio wave ... using more power than the other guy. The trick is to not burn yourself. High power radio waves can heat & burn. Think micro wave. That's one good reason hand held transmitters (phones/radios) put out less than 6 watts ... many even justa fraction of a watt. Would you really want a few hundred watts radiating right next to you? When you transmit high power through an antenna on the steel roof of a car, it shields you. All that to say there are safety considerations when you key up power that can hurt you ... and safety aspects are why the FCC requires many radio operaters to take tests. Laser has it's own safety issues ... that's why they make warning signs of varrying types: But the one below is my all time favorite: We use a lot of radio and laser equipment where I work, so we have lots of warning signs. be safe ... leave for your destination a few minutes early ... and the drive will be more relaxing!
Or it might be a shill for the company posting the 5-star review, claiming it works, and accusing the negative reviewers of being cops. A company that would sell an empty box would not hesitate to have a few shills post positive reviews.
I have already made several adhesive backed copies of your sign. I work with Fiber Optic installs weekly, and I still have knuckleheads that I work with who think it's "OK" to look int the end of an uncapped LC or SC connector, to see "Is there any light coming out?".... These are going to go over BIG!!!!!
Thanks for all the info. Im returning the Cobra to Costco. I endured hundreds of false alarms until I finally encountered 2 real radar guns and the thing was totally silent . Luckily I wasnt speeding. I'll get one of the devices in this thread . Also I heard about a gps device that warns of known speed traps which are reported by members.
I recently got a ticket in the NY area for doing 71 in a 50 zone. That's 6 points - more than for reckless driving. And yet the average speed on this road is about 70. I now realize that the speed limit is kept at 50 solely to be able to give people bigger fines and generate more revenue. Radar traps really have nothing to do with traffic safety. They are revenue generators - a form of taxation. I now set the cc at around 55 on this road and stay out of the left lane. I won't bother with radar detectors since I could not stand the false alarms. These tickets are totally bogus. I have driven 35 years and never so much as scratched a car. By the way, the idea of a cop stopping you in NY and just giving a warning - in your dreams.