Does anyone know if the remote starter option will allow you to start the A/C on a Prius without the solar-roof package? I am really looking forward to getting a Prius with the advance technology package and the remote starter option. I am hoping it will activate the a/c prior to entering the vehicle.
Hmm, good question. I would think it will work like any other car in that you turn the car off with the AC left on at a set temp and if you remote start it it'll start with the a/c running... It'll cost you MPG's but it would be a way to get it cool for those of us who couldn't get the roof option.
Hmmm - the owners manual doesn't state that there is a dependency. In fact the manual uses the phrase "Efficiency can be increased by using the system in conjunction with the solar ventilation system." However, the Prius brochure shows a one line item entry for the "Solar Roof Package which includes Power tilt/slide moonroof with Solar Powered Ventilation System and Remote Air Conditioning System." [..oh yeah, and Navigation...] Sounds like this may be a marketing packaging decision.
I don't think he means using the a/c with the solar roof option though. I thought he was talking about getting the remote starter option that is now available for the 2010. Here's the accessories available, you'll notice the remote engine start accessory: Oh, and the way the solar roof panels increase efficiency when used is that the car doesn't have to work as hard to cool the cabin since it is kept cool by the solar panels running the fan and then the a/c being ran up to 3 minutes off the battery pack if you press the a/c button on the remote. Again, that's only for vehicles with the solar/moonroof option.
How does the remote start work in cold weather start ups ? By this I mean with the Prius when you start the car only the electric motor comes on. How can the engine warm up ?
Remote start turns the car on (including engine start) remotely. This would activate the heater if the climate control was left on and set at a temperature higher than interior ambient.
Sorry for asking a bit "off-topic" question, but, where did you get the owner's manual? is it downloadable somewhere? I'll love to take a look on it
You can download a bunch of stuff if you pay for a day membership at but I remember someone saying only US credit cards work... Here's the thread about the manual in the US:
Yes, I was aware of the techinfo site, but unfortunately I can't apply because I'm not US resident. And the europe site doesn't have owner's manuals... too bad Anyway, thank you!
Does anyone know if the remote start will work from the regular fob on the IV package? My mom got a Honda Accord and the factory remote was separate from the factory remote start which is stupid
I understand that the interior will heat up but how does the actual engine oil heat up if only the electric motor comes on ?
The same fob will be used. I believe you hold down either lock or unlock for 3 seconds to activate. Remote start puts the car into "Ready" mode, but keeps the doors locked. Ready mode will start the gasoline engine. There is no "starting" electric motors as the drive motor (MG2) isn't doing much of anything at all unless the car is moving. The motor generator spun by the engine (MG1) only spins when the gasoline engine is running. This is different in functionality from the remote A/C which *only* turns on air conditioning for cooling and not the engine.
I signed up for a day at the site and downloaded the pdf files from there. For $10 [now $15] it was a good investment and kept going on this hype cycle! [sorry to see that you're not eligible - see if you can ask the owner of the european site to get a copy available - no idea who that would be - thought I'd put it out there. lol]
Sweet... This means that I will be able to get the Prius V with Adv Technology, and 'Pre-cooling', albeit without the Sunroof Package. HTML, Have you confirmed the single key fob thing based on documents you have seen, or a well reasoned guess? How does the remote starter work on current Prius or Toyotas?
copied directly from Enjoy the luxury of having your vehicle ready and waiting with a comfortable interior temperature on cold winter mornings or hot summer afternoons, courtesy of the VIP Remote Engine Starter. This clever accessory allows you to start the engine - and to activate the air conditioner, heater, defroster and defogger functions - before entering your vehicle. It's fully integrated into your factory security/keyless entry system, so there’s no need for an additional remote.
$529 MSRP is installed at the port. Dealer MSRP will vary, and will likely be slightly higher due to their hourly rates.