Well, this is a rough spot right now, but you *will* get over it. So will the cat, who in time will love you again. Just like mine do I know I'm lucky with my cats. I can easily trim their claws, have only minor complaints about bath day, no problems cleaning ears, and pills are trivial
Oh! You have posted pictures of your gorgeous cats again. I love those pictures. You should try and see how many forums you can post them to. My own cat Sox is quite sick at the moment, (Old) and he is so skinny, when I see pictures of your cats I realise what he should look like.
They both look great but the floppy cat on the bottom looks like she's a real doll. Fay is really nervous about me but after hiding in her most expensive toy, a brown paper bag from Publix (Paper or Plastic? It's paper now for the cat), she actually crawled in as far as she could and hid from me. This from a cat that normally crawls up puts her paws around my neck and nuzzles my face. It's hard to piss her off but I have. No hugs for me tonight. I'm hoping she does have a really short memory and when the 10 days are up we're done with the pills and I can get the sweetest cat in the world back.
I'm sorry to hear that. The only downside to having a pet is knowing when to say goodbye. It's a tough choice to make
Actually the orange cat Doc is the outgoing friendly one, the Black/white BooBoo can be pretty shy. They are both males BooBoo is 22 lbs and - barely - fits in his basket
Gawd you're hard to please! Here is BooBoo in the dryer. He likes the heat from the drum after I empty the clothes. Yes, I do check to make sure he is out before slamming the door shut Here he is waiting for his morning coffee And here is Doc after his bath
I believe that is an opossum [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opossum]Opossum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] A couple of years ago, I had a pair of Pine Martens around the house at the hobby farm. [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Marten]American Marten - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] They are shy creatures and I never could get a good photo of them. They ruthlessly murdered all of my squirrels, for that alone I didn't mind cleaning up the bountiful pine marten poop For some reason, the pine martens moved on. Maybe I should have fed them to encourage them to hang around. I hate squirrels, they get into everything and make a big mess
I'm sure after the last pill is down the hatch, she will soon forget about the ordeal Could be worse. You could be giving meds to a horse
I don't like the look of that opossum, but BooBoo and Doc are just tooooooo cute. Are they just the most spoilt cats or what!
Maybe they ran out of squirrels? Too bad the omnivorous little critters would only eat the same fruit the squirrels do now, or I'd get some.