Well, overall cats are highly intelligent and expert at avoiding what *they* think is something bad. They won't avoid eating a mouse and getting worms, or running outside and getting a flea/earmite infestation, oh noooooooo. But if we try to help them, they can fight it. Even something as simple as trimming claws, *must* be done from the kitten stage, or it will be impossible later on It really is in your best interest to train a kitten to like Pill Pockets empty, because sooner or later you will have to give them meds. My older fat cat absolutely loves Pill Pockets, especially the salmon flavor, so I give him one as a treat once a day THe younger orange one, he refuses to eat Pill Pockets. However, oddly enough, I have zero problems throwing a pill down the hatch. Once a month I dose with Pfizer Revolution to ensure no roundworms, hookworms, heartworms, fleas, or earmites. About twice a year, I dose with Bayer Drontal to eradicate tapeworms The Drontal has an *extremely* bitter taste to it. I actually did touch a Drontal to my tongue once, it's *nasty* One time, my older cat tried chewing on the Pill Pocket instead of swallowing it whole like he usually does. Naturally, that Pill Pocket had the Drontal hidden inside. Within 10 seconds he was foaming at the mouth and drinking a *lot* of water. I know this seems impossible right now, but trust me, you *will* get through it. Just remember patience. At least the cat doesn't fight you with the needle-sharp fangs. My folks had a German Shepherd and that nasty bitch would *bite* you if you tried trimming claws or giving pills
I guess between getting Pfizer Revolution on my fingertips, and tasting Bayer Drontal, I should have zero heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, pinworms, tapeworms, fleas, or earmites
My cats liked the Greenies pill pockets. Nope, wrong word. Worshiped is more like it. They'd follow me around getting between my legs for a full fifteen minutes before they gave up. Last thing I want to do is get them used to it. Just as bad to do - taking a cat's temperature. Easier with an Anal Thermometer, two adults, and a Nilon Sock or a stretchy sock. Place sock over cat's head, it triggers a reflex to stay put (usually).
Yes, you actually *do* want them to get used to Pill Pockets as a treat. You'll eventually need to give them meds, and the Pill Pockets makes the process 10 times easier
I contacted the sheep. Naturally, she was pretty upset over it, but once treated with a topical paracitide, all was well. Baaaaaaaaa
I tried feeding her Liver Pate, white albacore tuna in spring water and American cheese when I got in tonight. I forgot to get the veal baby food (no jokes about rotessire babies please). I held back on the urge to try cavier. She won't eat any of them. She just loves her dry food. I've never seen a cat like that. There's nothing I can sneak a pill into. It'll be another traumatic event tonight but at least I can eat the foods she rejected this time. Though the Liver Pate does look and smell like cat food to me.
Even when I ate meat (up until 41 years ago) I never liked liver. And yet some folks love it. Which proves that there's no hope for the human race.
Well, maybe with fava beans there'd be hope for the human race, but I doubt it. Even with black-eyed peas, I doubt there's hope for us.
That's all our cat will eat. She loves her dry food. One brand, one flavor - forget anything else. I have even dropped pieces of cooked chicken into her bowl and she will eat around them. Strange animal. Tom
Cats have changed since the last time I had one. We used to be able to call them with the sound of the electric can openner.
Tonight all technique went out the window after an amazing display of squirming from her and I fell back on grab her neck and sqeeze. She meowed, the pill went in. It worked but isn't helping our relationship. I need to review that video again. There has to be away to get out of this more easily.
Reminds me of my 22 lb cat, BooBoo. He will turn his plump nose up at anything but Friskies Salmon Dinner Pate. Even then, there is one ingredient he doesn't like As he eats, he will pause and PTOOO spit out the offending ingredient. The smaller orange cat, Doc, is much more versatile. To him, food is food. He'll even eat whatever BooBoo pukes up, hairball and all