I can't find the original Wee Pri thread. If someone can point the way, I will cross post this there. Anyhow . . . I went through Liberty, NY on my way to the Green Grand Prix, and stopped at the local Ace Hardware and Trading Post, where they always seem to have stuff that I have never seen anywhere else. In their die-cast model cars rack was a Wee Prius that was squashed, like it came from South Park or something like that. What inspired it (there were VW Beetles, and some other similarly squashed cars) I have no idea. Of course I had to have one.
Yes, I think I first saw those on eBay where they were described as a "cartoon Prius". Then when I went to the NY Auto Show, a vendor was selling them and I picked one up too. I mainly bought it because the vendor had one in bright yellow:
Yes, I did. Unfortunately, all the results for the Priora had to be thrown out, because they tried to calculate MPG from the gas used between two fillups. Given the elasticity of the Prius fuel bladder, the resulting numbers were meaningless. I clocked 58.8 MPG on my MFD on the 80 mile run, mostly 55 MPH roads, taking about 2 hours including a required 10 minute rest stop. My calculated MPG was 46.3 from the fillup. I used a new technique learned from Hobbit of monitoring injector timing, which he says is the closest thing there is to a "sweet spot" meter on the Prius. He has a thread on it on CleanMPG. It seemed to make a big difference, since that is the best I have done at that speed of driving.
A few friends from ecomodder.com also told me about the Prius tank monitoring problems at the rally. Awful long way to drive to have your results canned...but I'm sure you saw some good things at the GGP anyway. Is the Hobbit method using IGN on SGII? I've been using that method alot lately (14 IGN seems to be the magic number). I have a 700 mile commute this weekend and will be trying P&G then trying to settle on 14 IGN for as long as I can hold it.
This is the one I'll be trying during highway travel this weekend...got it from another cleanmpg thread... Dan 04-17-2009, 10:28 PM Started a new Super Highway Mode Revisited thread where I think I have the mystery solved...A few years ago Wayne tipped me off to some really nice behavior on the Prius at low RPM. We've been able to replicated fairly regularly with the following recipe and SG gauges (TPS, IGN, SOC, RPM): Do highspeed P&G with Warp Stealth until SOC is 61% or higher. Ensure that block temp is over 165 degF (70 c). Switch to CONSUMPTION on the MFD (castle display) to watch the instant MPG bar. Get up to a speed of about 62-65 mph. Now slowly ease off the gas pedal until you can hold a reading of 14 on IGN and 18 on TPS. You should see your MPG bar at something between 75-85 MPG. Hold this pedal position for 7 seconds and you should see TPS drop from 18 to 17. Once TPS drops you should see the MPG bar jump to 85-95 mpg range. Hold this "SHM" glide for a long as you can, then go back to step 4.
They're tiny chrome Wheel Skins, just like the big guys: [IMGLINK]http://www.suburbanwheelcover.com/public/images/Gallery/IMP-324X.gif[/IMGLINK] Did you get yours yet? If so, post your review and pics in that Chrome Wheel Skins thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/60560-chrome-wheel-skins-3.html
I've GOTTA have one! I have one of the tiny (appears to be N-gauge) Prius in blue that I found at a local antique mall of all places. They have dealers with Hot Wheels and other toy cars. I know they make that one in silver, so I need to find it to match my car. Now, where to find the "squashed" Prius! Hmmm.....
Sometimes you can find the Kinsmart 1/34 scale Prius at Rite Aid for $4, $5 or $6. That's where Doc Willie and I completed our sets (they come in 6 colors). For the other die cast and even radio controlled models, eBay seems to have the most comprehensive selection; but of course, oftentimes the low eBay price is offset by shipping costs: prius toy, Toys Hobbies, eBay Motors items on eBay.com
Yep, this is what I used. I used to use the IGN=14, but it doesn't really help that much at higher speeds. The inj=5.0-6.1 seems to be more useful. When one does that it seems much easier to get MPG>MPH. The IGN will vary considerably while doing this. i n j . It's the new I G N .
Yes. Parameters are on the previously mentioned CleanMPG thread. Be sure to read a ways into it, as one of them was corrected to make it more accurate (the last number is 0001 instead of 0000).
BTW, I figured out what happened here. According to the theory of relativity, things shorten as you approach the speed of light (similar to to Doppler effect with sound). Thus, as we engage the warp drive . . .
You People !! You're a bad influence on me . . . I really don't have time to be doing this nonsence, but . . . what the heck How 'bout that ... squashed Prius AND solar lighthouse ... for the ultimate in optical illusions. Anybody else buy one of these remote control little guys while in Detroit?
Just make sure you don't hit the reverse button on the remote. That Prius would be over the edge before you know it.