Does anyone have any recommendations for particularly good Toyota dealerships in the Central Florida area (branching out from Lakeland) who are reasonably fair, and deal well with Prius sales particularly. I am planning to purchase the 2010 V with advanced electronics package. I also wouldn't mind cautionary tales regarding dealerships that I would best avoid . . . Thanks for any help you can give.
From what I've heard, I'd avoid all SE Toyota dealers! At least consider looking outside your region as they seem to be some of the worst about forced add-ons. I hope someone chimes in with a reliable dealer in your area, but the stories from there are notoriously bad.
Oh Oh. I live 20 miles outside of Orlando. Been here 3 years, and haven't bought a new car down here yet, and my first visit Toyota dealers here (2) was a few weeks ago. I have a $500 ref deposit at my local dealer (#4 on the list) and on the list with no deposit (they don't take any) at another larger dealer 40 miles away. During my look-around at both dealers I saw most cars had added "options". I didn't want to broach the topic at either store.. yet. The rep (with my deposit) gave me one of the first brochures the store received 2 weeks ago - nice of him... I'm very serious to purchase a '10 by July. If the dealers here play serious games I'm out of here (SouthEast Toyota region) and purchase elsewhere. It's the principle of being 'taken'... Very willing to fly and drive back. I have had a couple Dealer reps outside of Cent FL email me here offering to help and I appreciate that. I've seen several mentions of SE Regional dealer issues on this site, and becoming concerned. Does anyone have experience / input as to experiences with Central Florida Toyota dealers?
I'm quite pleased with Deland Toyota. I had a nasty problem with my nav system that they worked very hard to get resolved for me. I'm told by everyone who has ever been there to STAY AWAY from David Maus.
I appreciate all of your comments so far, and look forward to more. They are all very helpful. Though I live in Virginia (due to being stationed here; military), I am a Florida resident, and would like to continue to do all vehicle purchases in Florida if possible. But haven't shopped for cars there lately (12 years), so all of your experiences are very helpful for me.
re: David Maus Toyota - of course!!!... that's the dealer I referred to in my post - I'm on their list but no deposit (phew...) As you may know Maus owns quite a few different dealerships around Orl area and does extensive advertising TV/Radio/Paper. More than any other dealer I've ever seen. So I expected that his margins would need to be high - and every new Toyota I looked at in his showroom was loaded to the gills with dealer options. Another discerning matter - as I pulled into their customer parking right in front of the showroom, there were about 12 sales reps hanging around out front. As I'm walking to the door I felt as if I was being "sized up" - every head was lurking. One sales guy walked up and in we went. Long story short - he knew NOTHING about the '10 Prius - this was about 3 weeks ago. He mentioned he took a Toyota online course on the '10 and in his words "hates doing those things because it takes him off the floor and that's where I make money". Enough said as to attitude. But I put my name on their list anyway - can't hurt. Thanks for the heads up on them....and the thumbs up on Deland.
I will never buy from David Maus was treated awful by them....and the new VW store they bought they are clueless.
I am also looking for a good Toyota dealer in Central Florida. Both to purchase a Prius from and for future maintenance needs. While doing an Internet search I came across Earl Stewart Toyota of North Palm Beach, FL. While he is several hours drive from Orlando, he does get good reviews and he promises not to charge a dealer fee. Anyone know anything about this dealer?