So Eddie if I understood you right... your copies work perfect with the exception of making overide work consistently. And the speed sensor switch works too as long as you put in your destination quickly?, or is that a dud?
Windstrings, yes, to your question. All of my exact copies seem to work fine. i.e. copies of Gen. 4, Ver 4.1 working, and Gen. 4, Ver 8.1 working. Had the files on my computer for Gen. 5. Ver. 8.1, and had moved around, switching the loading.kwi several times, before knowing what I know now, and then put back the loaing.kwi that was originally in those files, I think, and burned some copies of this, and mailed back to daughter, where they came from, for husband to try, which he did, and it did not work. So, guessing I moved files one time to many, and/or lost track of which is which, concerning the Gen. 5, Ver. 8.1. Will see them this weekend and maybe get copy again. But back to why my modified copy worked for over a day, and then stopped, I've now learned from another Toytoa form that this loading.kwi does a whole lot more than first realized. Did not save link, but read from a college guy, who really got into making this a school project, that loading.kwi also "flashes" the DVD drive ROM. Once you upgrade to higher version, there is no going back. You can open Nav box, disconnect ribbon cord from power circuit board, that holds the 3-volt battery, and clear BIOS settings on the mother board. But the DVD's ROM is fixed. Even the manufacture does not offer support here. Once you update, say from 4.1, to 8.1, like I did, you've changed settings in the DVD drive itself (the moving parts inside the Nav box) that affect the way it reads discs. When my haybrid disc was working (Gen. 4, Ver. 8.1, with loading.kwi from Ver 4.1) I was still burning copies, and made one of the 8.1, unchanged, and stuck that in to see if it would work? It did, and, now I see, it also killed the hybrid one from working. Wish I was as smart back then as I am now. If anyone is still running their older versions, and they make a hybrid from 8.1, I'm pretty sure it will work, so long as they do not put in the full unchanged 8.1. Not sure why I can go back to unchanged 4.1 copy? I have to disconnect 3-volt circuit board. It works. And would seem to contradict the DVD ROM flash. But this explains why my hybrid disc stopped working. Yes, gave up, finally, and using switch to disconnect speed sensor, and hurry up and enter new POI's and addresses. If I can be of any help, or someone wants one of my hybrid discs.... [email protected]
I have an 05 and it comes with 4.2 maps on it. If I upgrade to 7.2 or 8.2, will the only difference be added locations? I think the maps look really outdated in terms of GUI and colors, will that be updated in the 7.2 or 8.2 discs, or is it simply added locations? Also, is there much of a difference between 7.2 or 8.2? Is 8.2 a waste of money compared to 7.2? Thank you!
Tom, the "looks" will probably be the same, since your 05 is the same as my 05, that being the "analog" MFD. In 06, and newer, it is a "digital" display, like flat screen LED TV's. The picture is clearer. Your 05 is called Navigation Generation 4. The digital screens are called Generation 5. When you order an upgrade DVD, you will be specifying what year yours is, so that you'll get the analog disc. As for infomation on it, that is a personal choice. My version 4.2 did not show the old country road I lived on, and there has been a lot of 4-lane highways put in, at places I travel to. Many times I had the car symbol moving through blank nothing. Took one look at daughter's new (digital) Nav map, and saw it had the road I lived on, and just went wild to get the new version for myself. At first, I thought I'd be doing some DVD burning, and have it. But, so little did I know. Ended up buying one for $275. Lost my override feature in the process. See my earlier posts on all I learned. Still do not understand why I can make backup copies that work fine, but cannot switch around files, and get that override to work in the new version 8.1. Hope this helps. If you'd like more details on everything I tried you can email me [email protected]
You might wnat to check ebay for the upgrades. I was able to get a factory cd for $200.00 gen 4 ver. 8.1. I do have have a copy of ver. 6.1 that works great.
I am confused about the state of knowledge on the "I Agree" button. I have a Gen 5 system (2007 model year) that came with version 6.1 of the DVD. I would very much like the "I Agree" button to go away--even if it takes 5 seconds--without having to go to the trouble of installing a Lockpick or some other hardware. Can someone confirm that version 8.1 of the DVD on a Gen 5 system has the "five seconds and goes away" version of the warning? Thanks much. In version 6.1 on a Gen 5 system, at least, pressing the Map button twice doesn't do anything when you are at the "I Agree" screen.
Wow, thank you for your response, just what I was looking for. In regards to the override, you are saying that the volume override to allow for inputing while driving does not work when upgrading the maps? If so, thats a real bummer. Would the lockpick work with this new software say, version 7 or 8? damn, thats shelling out a lot of dough for updated maps...
Do yo still have NAV system upgrade DVD? I have 2008 Prius, #6 Touring model. Looking for upgrade to NAV. Shipping to Canada?
Thanks. I ordered the disc from Jesse. He is no longer able to offer a discount, but it's less hassle than spending the time to go to my local dealer.
Hmmm? I'm resolved to using my Toyota Gen. 4, analog, Ver. 8.1 (with the very simple switch cut into the speed sensor wire at the large electrical plug at the DVD box under the driver's seat, easy as can be.) But, my "I Agree" does not go away, at all, till I press it. Nice to know Gen. 5 goes away. Wonder why the difference? I even went so far as to take my Gen.4 Ver 4.2 files, and only replace the 3-files that make up the maps and destinations. Still, the keyboard would not come up. Everything else as advertised. Just that Keyboard not working. But here's the thing to keep in mind: The manufacturer of that DVD Nav box has a lot of geniuses working there. And they've been making these things for a lot of years, and for a lot of cars. Toyota, and Lexus and so on, is well aware of the hidden override everyone was using. So when they tell the manufacturer to come up with a way to stop very smart car owners from figuring out how to access this, those geniuses did it! So, how can I stand a chance of outsmarting them? Logic says I cannot, but will-power keeps me trying. The best answer as to what happens was from the college kid who made it into a project, explaining that new versions also flash new firmware into the chip that controls the DVD drive. Once flashed to a newer version, there is no way to undo this and go back to an earlier version. For instance, when my first hybrid disc worked, using the loading.kwi from 4.2 overwrote into the new ver. 8.1 files, I should have stopped, and been happy. But after a day and a half, curosity got to me and I put in the unmodified regular Toyota disc Ver. 8.2 to see how it looked and worked. At that point, the new disc flashed the DVD chip with new Firmware. Of course, at the time, I did not know this. But it explains why going back to my earlier working hybrid disc never worked again. Only solution is to find a DVD drive that has never been updated. Like I said earlier, at this point, the speed snsor switch is great. ha ha.
So cutting that speed sensor wire does not effect anything whatsoever except allowing you to input data while driving? I'd imagine that the GPS would use the speed in determining trip times etc.
Tom, sorry taking so long to get back. Was out of town last weekend, and to busy to use laptop much. ....busy enjoying new Nav version. Went to area that had been to before, but with old Nav. version, not showing many new housing areas. New showed them, and got me to many places I'd never been. Was great. Once the switch is flipped back, everything went back to normal, including miles left to destination. Cutting speed sensor wire to Nav. box under seat does not affect MPG reading, does not affect trip milage readings, or anything like that. ....just the Nav. program. But once it flipped back, it straightens itself out. Actually, did not even notice anything, at all, because of being on the screens for entering information. Did notice one starnge thing, however: Would flip the switch, and the grayed out boxes would become active. Then started entering information using the keyboard. And, after 25 to 30 seconds, the keyboard grayed out. Could not enter anything. I'd flip the switch again, allowing speed sensor input to Nav, for a half a minute or so, and then back again, and the keyboard became active again. Seemed like this was sort of random. Sometimes, I could go through whole process and it would not gray out. But sometimes I had to flip the switch on and off a couple of times before I could get everything in. Wife and I joked about the female voice, that I've nicknamed as wife name "Number 2" (because both tell me what to do! ha ha) as being smart and knowing I flipped switch. But, overall, it worked great, and was able to enter a lot of destinations while driving. I've still got several copies of those hybrid, modified loading.kwi discs if anyone interested in seeing if it'll work for them. [email protected]
I don't think I've tried one of those disk but anything you think would work, I'm game. Me and my wife have joked about how a trucker should wright a song about the Navigator lady that keeps him company on those cold lonely nights! LOL! And do you know if the sensor switch works well on the later gen Nav's like mine? or even later?
Allan, the "Eddie27970" is the same as "Carl" that you have already telephoned, and also emailed many times. I'm am both, the same. Ok, offically it is Carl E. (last name), Jr. The Jr. resulted in me growing up with the nickname Eddie. So, to my friends and family, and in some places on the Internet, it is Eddie. To the bank, tax records, insurance, car titles and so forth, it is Carl E. .... Just sent you email about switch, working fine, with no side effects. My disks, that work, are for analog, Gen. 4. Still working on getting a working backup copy of Gen. 5, Ver 8.1 from daughter's and son-in-law's new 09 Prius. Was supposed to meet up with them last weekend, but they couldn't make it. Now, maybe see them this coming weekend. Or, get copy sent to me. Then maybe can help you.
What are we downloading free of charge?.. I can't tell you your responding to. If your talking about the update, it never seems to be that simple as the right disks and burner seems to be critical along with all the right settings. I've never seen a simple download, burn, and run solution on these as they have hidden files that don't transfer with a simple drag and paste technique. It would have to be an .iso file or similar that was burn't with all the right settings with instructions on how to burn I would think.
I currently have 2000 Version 1 on my 2001 Prius navigation (came straight from factory). Can I load Gen 5 version 8.1 on this? If not, what is the version/generation I am suppose to use on my 2001 Prius nav? How much does Toyota charge for the Upgrade DVD disc. TIA! Is there a problem with upgrading the maps because I read earlier about some I agree glitch?
You should be able to get an 8.1 disc but make sure to specify the year of your Prius. The disc will be different for your navigation generation than, say, someone with a Gen 5 (2006+) navigation that wants to upgrade to Disc 8.1
where is the nav cd tray located in an 01 prius? I checked under driver seat and didnt find it unless I didnt look hard