You gotta compare apples to apples. The sidewall height is not going to have a huge affect in snow or other "bad weather" conditions since you should not be driving agressively anyway. The tread design, depth and materials will however. You also cannot realistically compare two completely different cars either. My 2000 Trans Am handled like a pig compared to my 2000 Corvette yet both had similar sized rims and the exact same tires.
You're right, and I'll grant you that. But just go to tirerack, and do a search on P215/45 R17's.... For all Season tires, they are pitiful.... Then look at each of their ratings in snow.... Terrible. Then do the same search on the 15's. You have worlds better all season options for snow and bad weather....
I can't argue with you there... Except these guys (Nokian) offer plenty of great snow/winter tires in that exact size and most people on here who run them seem to be very happy with the Nokian product. I run the i3s when I run my 15" wheels and I love the tire despite it being rather cheap. So for someone who truely does need a better tire in the snow either don't upgrade to a 17" rim when you live in Barrow, Alaska or buy a cheap set of stock wheel and run snow tires on them for the winter and swap back to the 17"s in summer. Or learn to train Malamutes to pull your Prius around during the winter and save all kinda of fuel. lol Eat your heart out Wayne! I know what you mean though. I'm just having fun giving you crap.
I certainly like your kill em with kindness attitude.... I think we agree more than we disagree. If you live in the Mojave, go with 17's. If you live in that small slice of country between California and Florida..... called America.... than go with 15's.....