From the Car-Salesman-in-Chief via The New York Times: "I don't want to be -- I'm not an auto engineer. I don't know how to create a -- affordable, well-designed, plug-in hybrid, but I know that if the Japanese can design a -- affordable, well-designed hybrid then, doggone it, the American people should be able to do the same." So much for the Chevy Volt.
not very reassuring. The volt will probably come out, tooth or nail. and the new Camaro will become a collectors item by 2011.
We did and they are called: Ford Escape Hybrid - on sale for over two years and I've test driven one (good vehicle) Ford Fusion Hybrid - should be in the show rooms this summer As for the Chevy Volt (the renamed Precept), well it seems to have a little trouble getting to the show room floor. But GM did manage to sell a hundred or so Tahoe two-modes. Understand I'm not great fan of GM as Wagner and Lutz (along with the board of directors) successfully ran their company into the ditch. Bob Wilson
I don't understand....why not GM just reincarnate its proven EV1 by using today's much improved Battery Technology (Cheaper + Lighter). Then they can have an instance seller for now, until they can make the VOLT a lot more affordable and reliable to fight the Japs offering. Dumping money into other non-market-mover products or Executive bonus won't going to help this car empire.
General Motors: "We're Not Quite Done For Yet!" "Clearly, someone at GM is not happy about the president's remarks last night regarding hybrids".