except 1) I can't identify breeds at all. 2) I don't have one. The owner has been identified. She doesn't live whith Peg the three legged cat to the south of she lives 2 houses north of me in a house with 3 other cats. I saw here sitting on the big brick entryway outside so I stopped and asked. And she's a 'Ragdoll' not a Turkish Angora. A retired champion show cat. Looks close to me Ragdolls (as their name implies) are extremely "laid-back," docile, non-aggressive cats. They tend to relax when held. They are said to possess a non-fighting instinct, which means that if attacked, they do not defend themselves. They are very "people" oriented and love to be around others, which often finds them greeting guests and/or following their owners around in a fashion similar to a puppy. They are often quite an attraction in a show ring because of their docile dispositions and acceptance of the judge placing them on their backs, holding them like a baby, etc. In general, Ragdolls are not extremely vocal, but they do voice their opinions concerning certain things (such as at mealtime!). Ragdolls are generally placid cats, but they do love to play with all types of toys and like to be involved in whatever "action" is going on.
Complications. The neighbor just came buy with Faye on his shoulder and offered me posession. Said she's been peeing around the house and trying to get out all the time. I said no 'casue I'm gone 10 - 11 hours a day and she'd go crazy alone after living with 2 other cats. But, could I swing a 2 cat deal with two seperate neighbors at once? If I could get 'Peg' the 3 legged cat that psycho bitch keeps outside then Faye would have her buddy indoors with her. I bet I could beat the cat pee issue. She didn't pee in my house, as far as I know. She definitely did leave some deposits in the litter box. Also, she was in my house for 30 hrs and wouldn't eat. It turns out she's finiky. Refuses to eat even tuna. She only eats dry food with a little water. Strange cat.
I'm not really interested in one that just sorta lays around, quietly waiting for meal time. I don't mind a bit of noise, and I much prefer some genuine enthusiasm....oh, dang....you said cats...never mind.
Cats are extremely finicky eaters. I had to go through numerous brands of cat food (dry, canned, pouch) before I found the one my cat would eat on a daily basis. Two cats from two different neighbors sounds doable if the cats get along. It's hard to predict unless you actually have Peg and Faye meet one another. Any chance for a "test drive" with both cats before you commit?
Sounds like you will just be getting a heap of trouble to me. Why don't you go to your local animal rescue centre and choose a cat(s) from there. They will match you with a cat that suits you and your lifestyle.
Tell me about it. Twenty years now, and she still asks me what's for dinner when I get home. An animal rescue society sounds like a great idea. Do they take trades? Damn, now I have that song running through my head again. Just a friendly little cat... (Sorry, Bev. Pat can explain.)
Pats good at explaining. It would be good if we could trade in our pets (and others) when we wanted a change wouldn't it. Mind you some people do.
They get along. Faye went over there to visit Peg Monday night. That's why I thought she lived there. They were rubbing heads when I got there so the advantage of pulling this off is I'd get two compatible cats. Peg's family still isn't around and her food bowl was empty. I have a feeling her visiting friend ate some of her supplies. So I went out and got some dry food and was at thier door filling Peg's bowl at 10:45 at night. A brave thing to do with the gun and castle laws in Florida. Three legged Peg is still shy, moves towards me meowing then stops, then hobbles away if I move closer but when she heard me fill the bowl she waited and went over to chow down as soon as I stepped away from the bowl. I know I'd have a flea battle and a ton of vet bills, possible FIV from outdoor cats, but for two compatible sweet cats and none of the hassles of the adoption process: applications, home inspections, cat viewing by appointment only, it could be the best approach. I have a feeling the other neighbor is about to dump Faye the show cat. They just got rid of a dog that barked too much. Not that I miss the barking.
A cat peeing around the house can be due to its litter box not being cleaned. I've known people who seem to never clean the cat box. It's always overflowing with shit. I always cleaned Leonardo's box twice a day, and never had any trouble. And people were surprised that there was no cat shit smell in the house. Again, people who never clean the cat box are going to have a stink. Clean the box regularly and no problem. Sounds to me like you won't mind doing that.
Don't worry, the cat won't hold it against you for not knowing its breed type. I think that saving the neighborhood cats is commendable, but remember, there are a lot of cats looking for homes. Besides the SPCA, there are usually local independent shelters that have cats for adoption. They may cut you a special deal if you adopt two kitties that have grown up together.
Many cat people say you need one litter box per cat if you have multiple cats. They'll use them interchangeably, but somehow psychologically it makes them feel better. Worked for us....
I do number of demons, ere I mean cats, plus 1. Don't know why that works, but it's what seems to be necessary to keep the pride calm and prevent them from trying to use the couch or other furniture as an alternate litter box.....
If you have dogs, you can count on them to keep the litter box tootsie roll free, in case you forget to scoop. :madgrin:
Well, it's a bit confusing to follow what has morphed into 3 separate threads. So if I can offer general comments: Sibling kittens work the best, especially if they are fixed. As far as I'm concerned, *all* pets should be fixed, unless they are for breeding purposes Cats that naturally get along, eg as "buddies", also work well. You never know until you put them together. Immediate growling/hissing is probably a bad sign Litter boxes *must* be scooped twice a day. I've never had problems by doing so, and also provide several convenient locations for litter boxes so the cat won't have to go too far. The more convenient and clean the box, the less likely chance of an "accident" Dogs must never be allowed to go sniffing around the litter box for tootsie rolls. That can really upset the cat, and it may resort to taking a dump anywhere in the house With the neglected cats, it's nice on your part to take them in. Be prepared for huge initial vet bills, from the sounds of it
That's what I thought and all my coworkers have the same idea. She didn't pee in my house. She used the litter box. Being a prissy ex-show cat she probably needs her own personal litter box.
I couldn't very well leave kitties and chainsaws in the same thread, thanks for following them all and your input. This did all start with the cat approaching me while I was using the chainsaw.