Souless Demon Spawns? No it does not depress me. We know they are out there, but so too is the opposite, which is what we need to focus on.
But should we allow soulless demon spawn to run for political office? If we got rid of them, would there be anyone left to vote for?
Can I try? Anyone remember, once upon a time (1970's or '80's), the name of a NJ US-senator, former basketball player for Princton U., Rhodes scholar (ugh, ok, so was Clinton), & possible Pres. candidate (Dem), who finally said he's getting out of the nasty world of politics? Are there such grammatical problems as 'run-on questions?
So not ONE Angel in politics? Could they have been well intentioned before they went into politics, or do only Evil people go into politics? Or does the position of power make them Evil?