Hi- I found a site that has acc cabin filters. This seems to be an unreal price for one and I am asking if some of you guys who know more about this than I do would check this out. It's a lot under the $19.99 or so that has been mentioned before.. I just bought my Prius (09) in Nov. and it just has 5000 and first oil change, so no acc cabin filter change as of yet. They had 3 diff. manufacturers and even the highest one was like 14.99 (denso). Auto Parts and Discount Truck Parts at Car Parts Wholesale.com Details-- my car--Toy.Pri. '09, base and they had some great prices. Also, if I replaced the filter myself, would it affect my warranty? I always before just let the dealer do everything, but for this much diff. in price (dealer $49.ish) (From everything, I've read----I haven't check my dealer, personally yet. I could be wrong on that price---I hope I am, then I would just let them do it, with everything else. :car:
i got cabin AND engine air filters, paid shipping and it was still like $35 for the pair **edit** umm, ya.. forgot something http://www.metrotpn.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=133&SearchText=air+filter+for+Prius
Sorry, I thought I'd put it in the care and Maintenance forum--- So---would you' all give me a little more info on my post? I would appreciate. I had several questions there.
Yes, the going price at Toyota dealers that offer discounted prices over the Internet is $13 for the engine air filter and $15 for the cabin air filter. If you order several of each you can leverage the shipping charge. Metrotpn is popular with East Coast owners; I buy my Toyota-branded parts from a Houston, TX dealer: Champion ToyotaWorld If you replace the filters yourself there's no adverse impact to your warranty, just keep the receipts and note the date/odometer reading when you replace them.
What did I forget? Your site price is $15.00 for the acc cabin filter. The price I found is a lot better, if it is the same item. Like I said, this is new to me and I'm "just a girl" so tell me if it is not the right item.........just for my own info. :lalala:
Looked good until I saw this for 1 engine air filter and 1 cabin filter: Subtotal:$15.94Shipping:$19.76Handling:$4.74Estimated Tax:$0.00Order Total:$40.44
Just went to Metrotpn.com 1 eng air filter 1 cab air filter delivered $35.25. Still the better deal. Buy more save even more shipping!