I will purchase a silver package IV with misty grey interior and NO navigation package (which means I will have to forgo the solar sunroof option, which is the only other option I want. :-| )
I am totally with you on wanting the solar roof but not wanting nav. I rarely drive in unfamiliar territory and I think the dash looks better without it. Since I don't need to trade right away, I may wait a few months to see if they change the packages for the fall. I will probably go for Barcelona Red. Roy
I forgot to add that I will be waiting until the fall of 2010 (which will allow me to see the features of the 2011 and then decide between the two). My current car (a '98 Saab 900 Turbo, purchased new at the end of '97) has not yet hit 90K miles, though I'm getting close! So it's not like I *have* to purchase anything. I can easily wait and continue to save my $$.
It doesn't matter!!!! Everything is pine pollen yellow! ... Except for those with red, weeping eyes! Bob Wilson
Silver Prius IV w/ Dark Leather and sunroof for me. I actually wanted to get a different color - either magnetic grey ar barcelona red. We chose silver - don't hate me for this - because we both think the headlights are REALLY ugly looking - very Japanime/Tokyo Drift looking. Silver is the color that best hides this design nuance. Before I get a (bit)torrent of flame back, keep in mind that I think most cars are really ugly. IMO, I think the *least* ugly cars on the road are usually made by Porsche - the 911 Carrera/4 usually comes to mind. In silver
I'm completely with Tom... black is "it". I can't believe I even considered any other color on our Touring "08... it isn't too hot w/the proper window UV tinting (including undetectable windshield tint - hehehe) and of course, with the new solar roof option, even less of a concern... and yes, it does show dirt more, which only means I have to behave and wash it as often as I should. It looks so sleek... yep, black it is for the next one.
I will purchase Prius III in classic silver or Blizzard Pearl. It would be better if I could buy the 17" wheels alone.
If New Jersey didn't have ridiculous tint laws then I would definitely get my windows tinted to help block the sun
For those waffling on Blue vs. Winter Gray, the Winter Gray is very "muted" color compared to the Blue Ribbon Metalic.
I love the decision maker. Yes, can I borrow it please? Sooooo, grey or blue. You say the grey is muted so now my decision is do I go with vanilla (grey) or go for the spumoni (blue). Can you 'overnight" your decision maker please? Why dont you guys decide for me, winter grey (vanilla) or blue metallic (spumoni). HELP!!!!
Does Toyota plan to charge a premium for blizzard pearl exterior or the misty grey leather interior? I own a black car and a blue car now, and I'm ready to get something that shows less dirt. It will be white or silver for me. Probably silver, because the white looks a bit too "government." I definitely want that misty grey interior, though.
I'll email it to you, of course a coin you might have in your pocket will work as well. Go blue, it is such a hot colour and my second choice behind the blizzard pearl.
Yes, Blizzard Pearl is an extra $220. Cheap compared to many other car companies pearl coats. Misty Grey is no extra charge. Just keep in mind that you'll be cleaning that misty grey quite often, as it is very light, to me when I sat in in in February it was almost white! But it does look beautiful. I got the blizzard pearl but went with dark grey as I feel dark interiors go with light exteriors and vice verse for dark exteriors with light interiors. Unless you live in Vegas or the like, light interiors are the way to go! lol
Having a tough time deciding b/t Black and Blizzard Pearl ... I almost ALWAYS get black and I feel it makes a car like the Prius look about as sporty as it can look, but with the slightly bolder re-design I think the Blizzard Pearl might look alright. Either way the windows will be HEAVILY tinted. I have a black '08 Touring right now and I like how the dark color makes the taillamps stand out more ... when it's a white car (Blizzard Pearl) there's not as much differential for a viewing standpoint. I am really torn though ... I'm getting older (34) so white is starting to seem like a better choice Either way I'm getting the Mistry Gray interior ... glad they are offering a lighter gray option!!! Package V for me ... hoping we don't see ALL the Vs come with Tech package b/c I just want a V with Nav. I was thinking I'd wait a while, but now I'm chomping at the bit. I still will try and hold off 'till inventories are up a bit and maybe even wait till next year (yeah, right).